Battle Info  2003-04-29 Division 3 - Week 5 (8)

griffin's tappra gossar 2 - 0 EuthanasiA

DM3 - The Abandoned Base


[23:18] [griffin^^] ass? dom f?rlora mot 2 eq lollers, en 4on4 noob och en hpw - by griffin's tappra gossar

They got the first rl, shaft, quad and ring, while we got the penta.. so it was pretty even in the start, then we did some good work in the beginning of the game to get those quads from gtg, and I could continue taking quad for some while, and clearing out importent areas. as the game went on I think we got the 2nd and 3rd penta. but we could never get any control of the whole map.. riwzo had a hard time playing vs this guys, but we know he did his best, and for the next season he will be ready to compete with the big boys. After a while gtg manage to stop my quadruns, and they started doing there runs instead, gaing our on our lead.. then they got the very imporent last penta and with that they manage to get in the lead.. when it was around 2 minutes left, they started camping ra with 4 players.. and we tried to attack, as best we could with quad attacks, but we where easy targets for them. well played gtg /hix - by EuthanasiA



DM2 - Claustrophobopolis


[23:19] [ul] 200/mega safe - by griffin's tappra gossar

we knew from the start that we needed to win this one, but when you need it as the most, all bad things happens.. whatever we tried to do, everything got messed up. GTG played as a team, controlling water/quad/tele and doing quadruns to lower.. and we tried to get a rl and do one man shows at water vs 3 enemy rl's.. After awhile, we started to attack water/tele more and more with bs and after another while it finally paid off.. but by this time, gtg had over a 120 frag lead, and we had about 8 mins to recover that, it was fragging against time. and we all know how that is, we forget to play by the tactics and everyone tries to do one man shows again.. atleast I tried with quad attacks at lower, and from the start I did pretty good, but after awhile they started stacking up rl's at mega/200a.. and it was like the dm3 game again.. but this time it was our fault, we did poor attacks, and played very bad. I think I bored with quad 3-4 times in the last 3-4 minutes :) - by EuthanasiA


stal - 2003-04-29 23:41:43
Good luck in div2 GTG! Nice score on dm3 Hixen :p
dak - 2003-04-29 23:43:07
Not in the mode to write a report so I stole some irc quotes :/
[E] Hixen - 2003-04-30 00:43:04
stal, I took all riwzo's frags, he was so kind to wear them down and letting me bs them :)
Hagge - 2003-04-30 01:24:25
hehe.. nice game.. gtg in div2 now.. nice ;) nice report as well :P gg!
stal - 2003-04-30 03:33:45
btw, check the player rankings page hix, we're neighbours :p
R2D2 - 2003-04-30 12:52:22
Wouldn't matter how good we played. We were extremely unlucky. "[23:18] [griffin^^] ass? dom f?rlora mot 2 eq lollers, en 4on4 noob och en hpw - by griffin's tappra gossar" Well, you won over an QW newbie, 2 mostly inactive players and Hixen. GOOD WORK! Feel the pride!
dak - 2003-04-30 13:09:20
Haha, a classic r2. You should get those whines named after you, you deserve it. T'was a fucking joke man, chill.
m0lle - 2003-04-30 15:56:19
gw! .. :) .. r2d2 ?r juh nr1
R2D2 - 2003-04-30 17:11:53
Dammit dak, you now I have to whine, what else can you do after a loss? :(
dak - 2003-04-30 18:10:09
Eat cookies? :/
Vortex - 2003-05-01 16:00:13
There is no spoon! :/
panic - 2003-05-01 18:19:38
vafan ?r inte vi i div2 nu ? :-)
ermac - 2003-05-02 13:50:10
?gd ola
arjay - 2003-05-02 14:56:25
LOL :) nj

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