Battle Info  2004-02-09 Division 2 - Week 1 (2)

MNY 1 - 2 Team Freedom

DM3 - The Abandoned Base


what can i say.. superstar wallu who was formed by me and valla in BLISTERS owned us BAD! - by Team Freedom



DM3 - The Abandoned Base


was it gg - by MNY

superstar wallu did his best again but with those teammates he couldnt do much! blisters-reunion with all superstars maybe? striker? champ? reverend?... and wallu superstar! - by Team Freedom



DM3 - The Abandoned Base


gg itwas - by MNY

mny should really thank superstar wallu for the fragdifferent for being as low as it was, he played a fantastic game, blisters-standard actually (which means top quality!) .. we salute u wallu! u allways have a place in our hearts! maybe some day we'll get to play together again! gl hf! /znappe - by Team Freedom


sweeper ( 2004-02-09 04:10:48
2ez4freedom 8<
oIVa ( 2004-02-09 04:30:54
3x dm3 ez?
Hagge ( 2004-02-09 09:13:45
omg impressive of freedom taking down the mighty mny with their new starplayer jukka! :< gg! 3x dm3 ownz
jukka ( 2004-02-09 11:04:11
lol hagge i suck :<
flinty ( 2004-02-09 11:17:06
i kept ra on the last game hence my litte frags :E *embarrased*
panic ( 2004-02-09 12:03:34
wtf walluy!=!?! :?((
tyrone ( 2004-02-09 12:04:01
no adler, no glory
pai ( 2004-02-09 13:15:00
no e3m7 no changes to achieve victories @ this high
sweeper ( 2004-02-09 13:56:00
Janozh ( 2004-02-09 14:14:09
Somebody has to do the dirty work, flinta! And its very important!
znappe ( 2004-02-10 01:05:27
gg guys, would have been 2-0 with me tho hehe ;)
Hagge ( 2004-02-11 11:48:42
no ur the best jukka :()
racersnigeln ( 2004-02-11 13:04:02
aina wallu.. plz
znappe ( 2004-02-13 05:06:05
blis|wallu keeps going strong
wallu ( 2004-02-25 16:33:44

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