Battle Info 2008-03-04 |
Gold Cup - Week 8 (4)
E1M2 - The Castle of the Damned

DM3 - The Abandoned Base

DM2 - Claustrophobopolis

Comments |
soma - omg.hai.2.u |
080304 @ 11:17:47 |
Gee I don't remember being that nervous in an official game. Playing
Fragomatic, etc is just so much easier because we got absolutely
nothing to
lose. Clans like Malice or NoPasaran however - those are the clans we
really want to try and beat. So when Malice got mapcontrol on e1m2 I
shaking and couldn't focus. Nothing worked. The same for me on dm3, so
I just
tried not to get fragged and kinda "stayed out of the way". :D
dm2 we
got a wonderful start and things went well, so that was a real relief.
win, yay! \o/
Hats off to Moltas' performance on e1m2, just
couldn't kill
the fucker, no matter how hard we tried. |
kip - 88.115.21.*** |
080304 @ 11:20:53 |
ye your first and last win |
Zepp - 212.33.22.*** |
080304 @ 18:48:27 |
Nice battle between our competitors.
I wish more victories for
Dies Ater,
but not over NoPasaran :) (i hope) |
pattah - 82.198.223.*** |
080304 @ 20:12:16 |
*whine detected* kip
Nice and convincing win DA, well done! |
niomic - 62.78.219.*** |
080304 @ 20:25:35 |
Prior to this game, we pracced a2k on e1m2 as well, barely winning the
after a comeback in the end. That didn't really worry me as I know I'm
more motivated for good NQR battles, but I also recognized that e1m2
probably be the hardest challenge vs Malice.
e1m2 - went
decently for the first 14-15min with us gaining a ~30 frag lead. The
real turn
came at YA. I managed to kill rlkip as he came jumping from gl and
things looked
good - we were ~all at YA. But seconds later equad came bunnying from
the spikes
and killed us all if I remember correctly :) At this point we made the
mistake of thinking about sauna too early and not committing to it.
They managed
to hunt and split us enough to get frags going and even with quite a
few rl's
we got, we simply gave away the latter quads and Malice made some good
enough to get a 10-15 lead right before the end.
dm3 - I was
our performance to be stronger, even though I knew especially moltas
can be a
pain on this map if he's given enough stuff. Don't remember that much
from the
round except that I got really worried at 10min+ when moltas took over
RA and
Malice took the lead for a moment. A little bird told me that we
dropped 27
rl's vs Malice's 7. I know we had quite a few rlbores on purpose to
mates, but
gotta kolla på demos and verify, because that's a big number :) I know
I did
one classic giveaway at ya vs armored ssg guy coming into
dm2 -
Didn't really know what to expect from Malice here as they have three
solid dm2
players in kip, moltas and gor (dunno about rwx dm2 track record). But
knowing how we'd done there before it just seemed to roll through
nicely, just
not being able to lock low-rl down until the end. Or maybe could have
but for
once I wanted to play it safe and come back to guard quad/tele even
when I was
fat at ramega, because of help / replace messages.
this was
one of the more anticipated games for us in this Gold Cup as it was in
our minds
a must win and we knew it could be really close either way. Just
noticed that
for once avg ping was naturally just spot on, 25ms for both teams
without any
routing etc :) |
molgrum - 85.24.184.*** |
080304 @ 22:55:50 |
"gotta kolla på demos"! <3 |
kip - 88.115.21.*** |
080305 @ 03:42:24 |
*whine detected* kip by pattah
well it's whine when i'm just a
first and last map win for us if we can't make
vs NO! and take a map. not two.
really looking forward this
season. tonight
we will face koff and what a match it will be!
if we can score
total 100
during whole match i'm glad. just 2bad they don't give extra points
ps. nio: "I did one classic giveaway at ya vs armored ssg
coming into yabox. " Just way2ez. ei käyny mielessäkään et kiertäisin
kautta ku puskisin entryst sisään? lol. |
pattah - 92.196.26.*** |
080305 @ 04:50:07 |
Well yes, it's both, realistic and whine. We get schooled in our games
too but
it's okay as long as we can laugh about it on Ventrilo.
Anyway, I
wish you (and your team) good luck in your upcoming games. :) |
mushi - 194.65.103.*** |
080306 @ 03:53:53 |
congrats to DIES ATER \o/
cheers! |