Current Week: 12

2008-05-09 |
Quakeklan.b vs. Lizards  |
3-0 |
details |
2008-05-08 |
KOFF vs. the Viper Squad  |
1-3 |
details |
2008-05-08 |
nafianna vs. Quakeklan  |
3-2 |
details |
2008-05-05 |
Suddendeath vs. Star Alliance  |
0-3 |
details |
2008-05-05 |
sega gubbar vs. Oblivion  |
3-0 |
details |
2008-05-05 |
nafianna.b vs. Comfortably Numb  |
3-1 |
details |
2008-05-04 |
Bear Beer Balalaika vs. Chosen  |
3-2 |
details |
2008-04-28 |
Bear Beer Balalaika vs. sega gubbar  |
3-1 |
details |
2008-04-28 |
nafianna vs. SmackThatAss  |
3-0 |
details |
2008-04-27 |
Suddendeath vs. KOFF  |
0-3 |
details |
RSS feed 080304
Thanks to XantoM, NQR now has RSS feed for both News and Results.
News feed: http://nqr.nu/nqr11/rss.php
Results feed: http://nqr.nu/rss.php
You may have also noticed the little scheduling/betting box in the top-right of the menu. Maybe a reminder to you clans to make use of these wonderful features.
//NQR staff
Arnette interview 080303
Ever since clan Naim played their first game about 2 weeks ago, hardly any of the players in NQR11 have been talked about as much as Arnette. Those who have been around longer than just the last 2-3 years should remember him, but the newer faces are wondering who this guy is at all. Regardless of old or new, we thought it would be interesting to find out more about this guy and his clan.
Click here to read the interview and remember that commenting in columns/interviews is disabled. So if you want to leave feedback, leave it below this news post.
Schedule your games and let us know about them! 080228
It's always nice when people can enjoy the nice side-effects of not playing themselves. Among others, those would be spectating the hot games as well as betting money on Goldrush.
Therefore we kindly ask you to let us know as soon as you scheduled a game. It gives us the time to possibly arrange Qizmo cams and people can place bets on your games. So if you know you're gonna play, please add the game to the qwdrama schedule and let us know about it on #nqr.
//NQR staff
Hemlig drops from Storviks Hjaltar 080226
Hemlig has decided to quit from the clan upon discovering that he was too good for the rookie division. He had played some years back and when playing in rookies he pretty much owned the opponents. Anyway, we hope that more players could act like this when discovering they are way to good for their current group. You are welcome to try and join a clan in a higher group and we think that the whole qw scene would appreciate such conduct from more players than hemlig.
We have recieved a lot of complaints about clans and players being either too good or too bad for certain groups. Well ther will always be errors and we cannot start kicking people when we let them play in the first place. So, if you are very good in your current group try joining a higher division unless it means making your old team idle because of lack of members.
/The crew
Silver tier preview 080223
I have written an article on this season's silver tier.
Read all about it HERE
Mooseman interview 080219
Looking at the signed clans and players I was trying to find someone who isn't exactly Mr.Spotlight, hasn't been interviewed before and might have some interesting stuff to talk about. I went through the forest of QuakeWorld players, sought out my prey, and found: Mooseman!
Having started playing QuakeWorld in late 1996 or early 1997, this friendly chap from Sweden has been through every chapter of QuakeWorld, from a grand start with legendary Swedish Chefs, through inactivity and back to NQR11.
Click HERE to find out more about this guy. As usual, comments are disabled in columns/interviews, so please leave your feedback below this news post.
Bronze cup overview / predictions 080219
Thanks to Kryddturken we now have predictions for Bronze Cup too. You can read them by clicking HERE. Please keep in mind that commenting has been disabled for the columns, so if you want to give us/him some feedback (which, by the way, we would very much appreciate), please reply to THIS news post.
With predictions now up for Gold Cup, Bronze Cup and the Rookie tier, we are only missing predictions for Silver Cup. Please let us know if you can help.
//NQR staff
Points system changed 080216
Poll results:
In favour of change: 56 = 77.8%
Against change: 10 = 13.9%
Total votes: 72
Just in time for the weekend games, everything should be updated now. If you see anything that looks wrong or find something we may have overlooked, please let us know asap.
//NQR staff
Rookie tier preview / predictions 080216
pleuraXeraphim was kind enough to help us with the coverage. He wrote a nice review of the rookie tier. Take a look HERE.
Commenting has been disabled for the columns, but we'd be happy to see your feedback below this news post.
Maybe time to revise the points system? 080215
VVD made a nice suggestion yesterday by pointing out that large (diverse) groups and a constant threat of inactivity should perhaps give birth to a new point system.
As you all know, the current system is:
2-0 win = 3 points
2-1 win = 3 points
1-2 loss = 1 point
0-2 loss = 0 points
The suggestion for a new point system is as follows:
2-0 win = 4 points
2-1 win = 4 points
1-2 loss = 2 points
0-2 loss = 1 point
So basically it would be nothing more than +1 point to both teams for playing the game, a simple "activity award". If all teams were to play all games, this would have zero effect on anything. (You can calculate as much as you want. Take a look at Division 2B of NQR7 for example, but keep in mind that "Undisputed Paranoic Sensations" got a 1 point deduction that season)
The reason for this change is quite obvious. First of all it might just motivate teams to play their games since they will get at least 1 point from it. Secondly, one can just take a clan such as my own (Dies Ater) and picture the following scenario: We are losing almost all games, have 4 points, a frag difference of -500 and still need to play someone like The Viper Squad. Now obviously we'd have no chance of winning, so why bother? We're still only going to have 4 points afterwards and it would even fuck up our map/frag difference. Playing them would actually just minimise our (already very minimal) chances of reaching playoffs. Although this would be pretty lame, giving WO would just be "smarter". A new point system would change that.
In order to have more valuable data, I have applied the new point system to several final tables of previous NQR seasons, with the biggest impact I found being Division 2 of NQR8 (link). Clans placed 1st & 2nd were automatically qualified for the semi-final of the playoffs, clans placed 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th came into a qualification round (This was before my time, I guess it was 3rd vs 6th and 4th vs 5th).
The clans that made it to the playoffs automatically or could qualify for them were:
1) Suddendeath (8 games played, 22 points)
2) 4Honor (9 games played, 17 points)
3) Death Team (5 games played, 15 points)
4) MNY (8 games played, 14 points)
5) Veni Vidi Vici (8 games played, 14 points)
6) Satanic Slaughter Clan (10 games played, 14 points)
No possibility to qualify:
7) Hyvät, Pahat ja Rumat (5 games played, 13 points)
8) Oblivion (9 games played, 13 points)
After applying the new point system, the tables changed quite drastically as there were only 2 points between 3rd and 8th place, with Satanic Slaughter Clan having played 10 games and Oblivion having played 9:
1) Suddendeath (8 games played, 30 points)
2) 4Honor (9 games played, 26 points)
3) Satanic Slaughter Clan (10 games played, 24 points)
4) MNY (8 games played, 22 points)
5) Veni Vidi Vici (8 games played, 22 points)
6) Oblivion (9 games played, 22 points)
No longer qualified:
7) Death Team (5 games played, 20 points)
I am very fond of the idea as I think awarding activity might be a key to keep the league more lively. However, we admins eventually only try to please the community, so before we change anything, we could really, really use some feedback. Neither do we want to introduce something that nobody would be happy with, nor do we want to miss out on a (possibly) great opportunity. Shoot!
//NQR staff
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