Battle Info   Division 3 - Week 4 ()

Edge V-V Ax3

This is a voided battle.
shaft ( 2004-03-06 14:36:40
wo :(
ax3|fluff ( 2004-03-08 12:34:11
never see you never talk with you and now wo pretty lame but if you like it...
fortune ( 2004-03-08 13:55:01
i was in your channel for 2 weak and nobody answered to me.... ax3 you didnt play 3 weaks ago, .... gg comment...
ax3|fluff ( 2004-03-08 15:45:35
srry i forgot you nick is shortcut "im from edge and we want play nqr"... we didnt play becouse we have reason to not play and there is trick on irc called private message or topic... but nevermind it was yours decision and you have right to do that... im only surprised becouse with all others we talk and noone else take wo
fortune ( 2004-03-08 18:28:08
i was in your channel and i said that im from edge and we want nqr but none of you were in the channel ?! you have 2 weak to play this fuckin game...
spokz ( 2004-03-09 10:54:21
fortune lameness
fortune ( 2004-03-09 16:11:36
spokz:D why are you in nqr if you didnt play? weh

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