Battle Info  2004-03-18 Division 4 - Week 5 (6)

Team [MP] 2 - 0 Gods of Hellfire

W.O. - Walkover





W.O. - Walkover




wtf? ( 2004-03-18 23:17:06
wtf? :<
Eppe ( 2004-03-18 23:46:46
Thought we wouldn't need wo's in div4
Hagge ( 2004-03-18 23:58:46
zulu ( 2004-03-19 07:31:57
One does not think that wo?s should be needed, thats true. And [MP] is normally not a wo collecting team. But when goh?s last offer was a 2 vs 4 2x5 min, we really didn?t se any other option. We have been trying to schedule this game over and over, but there is a limit to our patience with ignorance and lame attitudes.
stefan ( 2004-03-19 09:34:28
det ?r r?tt zulu. n?gon m?tta f?r det vara...
BrandonWalsh ( 2004-03-19 12:21:56
I've spent 4 hours a day in the #goh channel trying to get the match going. They are always 2 or 3, one is sick and can't play and the other guy just goes afk. We had the game scheduled for Sunday, or so we thought, but they had only 2-3 people there at the moment so we said ok, let's play it tomorrow. I enter #goh at monday, merrily awaiting a NQR game. They have four people in topic but EVERYONE is AFK 90% of the evening and then they're only 3 again. Tuesday, Jjonez is sick and can't play. They have 2. Wednesday actually looks like the game is going to happen but it doesn't. Thursday they are four in the channel, at one point five, they have three in topic and one player in channel that wants to play. One of the three in topic that was signed up for the game can't play and goes AFK. Clox suggests we set a date, we get the respone "Yes, set the date and we'll see if we have four then." One of their players sets a vote in the topic on which date they should play us. No one responds to it. This game is already one week over-due as it is. Our enery ran out.
BrandonWalsh ( 2004-03-19 12:23:37
Yes, W.O sucks but a voided game sucks even more when we have spent all our energy on actually getting this game to happen. If your clan can't play 2 games a week then your clan shouldn't be in NQR. Play AD or some other league if your clan is not capable of following a schedule that consists of 2 games a week.
Slavik ( 2004-03-19 20:16:21
we said to u at 18.00 that we wouldnt have a team that evening, if u decide to spend the whole evening spamming on our channel than thats your choice, and that 2x2 5 mins was a JOKE doed... :) bunch of babies...
Slavik ( 2004-03-19 20:17:37
End of Story, you got a 2-0 win, lets move on with our lives now shall we...
Prakka ( 2004-03-19 23:01:24
chill for a moment pls take the damn w.o ... did we complain ? like we care...we all work and dont have time to 'stay 4 hours' a day (get a life!) in a channel...
GaYa ( 2004-03-20 00:29:40
I think Brandon was more explaining to the others why we decided to go with the wo even tho we hate it, not trying to bash you. So lets all chill.
Hagge ( 2004-03-20 13:34:13
kinda childish behaviour by goh butbut :(
BrandonWalsh ( 2004-03-20 13:46:55
Well, if you can't play 2 games a week maybe you should not be in NQR. Our game was already overdue and we don't want to risk it being voided just becuase you have "real lives." A lot of people have real lives and manage to play 2 games a weel.
Jjonez ( 2004-03-20 14:30:19
we played 9 games so far, you 12. not all that many more. if you hadnt been whining in our channel continuously, but rather make some constructive suggestion instead (like schedule in advance maybe), i might have been tempted to try and arrange something. whats childish about not having 4 people available for 4 consecutive days?
Pretorian ( 2004-03-20 16:08:15
Jjonez, the only answers we got to our sugestions about when to play the game was "we don't know" or "ok, that day and time, and we will see if we have 4". And if you say need to be tempted to set up a game then dont join the league if playing isnt enough to tempt you.
Jjonez ( 2004-03-20 16:35:33
no, your only suggestion ever was: PLAY NQR NOW?!?!? or, in the best case PLAY IN ONE HOUR? repeated every other minute, of course. theres nothing tempting about playing games against annoying people.
zulu ( 2004-03-20 17:37:34
well, finally Jjonez got it right: "theres nothing tempting about playing games against annoying people" - It seems that we all agree on that one ^^
GaYa ( 2004-03-21 00:57:25
Jjonez, you are just plain wrong. I have asked more than once when your clan could play against us, and it was allways those answers. Maybe you werent there to see it, but that doesnt make it so.
Pretorian ( 2004-03-21 00:58:35
I cant understand why you suddenly seem to care about this match.
Hagge ( 2004-03-21 12:27:03
yes I think it was kinda childish not to take mp's tries to play the game serious or whatever u were doing.. but the most childish thing must?ve been prakka's pathetic comment :>
BrandonWalsh ( 2004-03-21 17:46:48
That's the thing. GOH showed NO interest in playing this game or even scheduling it. They barely acknowledged our presence in the channel - now when we get a W.O we are lame and pathetic etc... All we ask is that we play our games. We do not like WO, in fact we hate WO. But we hate voided games even more!
Slavik ( 2004-03-21 22:27:57
Yes, Team MP is right, we are wrong (look we are even pragmatic, now isnt that a real mature attitude?), now lets move on with our lives, some people of us have more important things to think about that one silly WO in a QWleague he :)
Skywolf ( 2004-03-24 16:52:28
BTW: "This game is already one week over-due as it is." * vs GOH: Game week 2004-03-08 => WO @ 2004-03-18 = 4 days late * vs J?tte Busiga R?var: Game week 2004-02-02 => PLAYED @ 2004-02-23 = 15 days late GG Brandon!
BrandonWalsh ( 2004-03-28 09:47:12
GG SkyWolf. I would suggest pulling your head out of your ass before replying. JBR actually showed interest in playing the game! When we joined their channel we did not face a bunch of apathic people that was oblivious to the game. We had tried getting the game played WEEKS earlier but one of their guys had a connection problem at that time so we postponed it. You see, that is possible with clans that actually want to play games. Clans that go "Uhm, we don't know.. we can set a date and SEE IF WE HAVE FOUR THEN" (lol) does not get that kind of treatment. H?rs aldrig mer.

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