Battle Info  2004-02-26 Division 5 - Week 4 (4)

Oblivion 2 - 0 The Big Losers

CMT4 - Andromeda 9


superbly crafted screenies; thnx heaps nakoz, xhrl. - by NQR Admin



DM2 - Claustrophobopolis


why 3v3? btw, another screenie that is easy on the eyes:) -xhrl. - by NQR Admin


score ( 2004-02-26 01:55:54
exit had to leave so we decided to play 3vs3
Hagge ( 2004-02-26 10:23:39
how lame.. should just have taken the wo..
nakoz ( 2004-02-26 12:07:39
we wanted to play, and they wanted to play, so the 3on3 was decited before we even started the first map... gg tbl for being a good sport.
koi ( 2004-02-26 13:55:45
rather a gameon (3v3) than wo..
mogv ( 2004-02-26 19:12:52
never listen to hagge, he is just mad cause he doesnt have div1 skill (anymore?)
Pyta ( 2004-02-26 20:43:45
Ah let falki play :/

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