Battle Info  2004-10-18 3B - Week 2 (3)

The Damned 2 - 1 Assassins

E1M2 - Castle of the Damned





DM2 - Claustrophobopolis





DM3 - The Abandoned Base




FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-18 03:05:51
drunkard - 83.29.238.*** 2004-10-18 05:08:42
Right, that was good and close game. I think both teams can won it. This time we have enought luck. GG Assasins!
gyd||||| - 213.113.121.*** 2004-10-18 05:50:44
caban - 212.76.39.*** 2004-10-18 07:24:12
iron owns now in damn - gg!
tyrone - 82.74.45.*** 2004-10-18 09:02:21
iron is back! iron to gej!
kat - 83.27.130.*** 2004-10-18 09:10:40
nah iron aint gay he's an uk native speaker :{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
iron - 217.113.225.*** 2004-10-18 10:07:05
hehe pusy pusy pusy
record - 62.179.0.*** 2004-10-18 11:36:43
impressive by damn :<
tiAll - 194.29.137.*** 2004-10-18 12:03:04
ja ja div1 iron and flame in div 3. They lost e1m2 specially to distract attention :<>
flm - 83.30.96.*** 2004-10-18 12:22:24
We are div3/4 now, really.
fausto - 83.24.44.*** 2004-10-18 13:22:42
RECORDock^holmes - 62.179.0.*** 2004-10-18 13:34:27
dlaczego nie pojdziecie do div2 z takim skladem tak jak to zrobili D2 po dojsciu macieja kacieja? :E przeciez macie dwoch graczy div1 :O
daan - 212.247.56.*** 2004-10-18 15:43:07
no two-letter combos with c and z allowed.
Good game damned.
IroN - 217.113.225.*** 2004-10-18 15:58:44
Mi tam to rybka :) lepsza ogolona cipka :) OOOO
panic - 213.65.124.*** 2004-10-18 16:12:09
wtf iron div0 player @ div3 !?!?
Hagge - 217.210.145.*** 2004-10-18 17:28:34
wtf iron in div3??? guess he will lead damneds really far in this div! go hgcboys :E
maku - 82.143.156.*** 2004-10-18 18:05:10
if kat would join to d2 after league started, we would be still in div3 :}
flm - 83.30.75.*** 2004-10-18 20:14:12
plz check scores e1m2 and dm3 - we are div3. Stupid whine lamas. We sometimes played vs poff,klatch,os etc and what? We always lost all map. Yes iron, riki is div2 players, but! two years ago. No now! Link and znappe are div1 and what? They are div3a. Whine, whine, whine.

A ty record nie p?kaj ziomku. Zreszt? gdzie ty do jasnej cholery widzisz u nas graczy z div1?
drunkard - 83.29.230.*** 2004-10-18 20:34:09
do you remember last iron clan? it was hp... they are playing div3 with players like: caban, flepser, iron... that was ok, right? so why after year of irons inactiviti he should be div0?! stop whining plz
panic - 217.210.241.*** 2004-10-18 22:01:45
flame it was a fucking joke :)) division sucks imho.
drunkard - 83.29.230.*** 2004-10-18 22:23:38
panic, many people take serious that joke and now they have "strong" arrgument in your person to whining... ehh for me eot
record - 62.179.0.*** 2004-10-18 23:12:46
flame porowujac siebie i ciebie to ty powinienes byc div1 a gramy w tej samej div :E

nie pENkam :<
flm - 83.30.67.*** 2004-10-19 08:12:31
Ty nie porownoj kazdego z osobna, tylko team jak gra. Czy Wy qr.. nie widzicie po screenach jakie s? wyniki. Czy my ich zniszczyli?my do 0? Przeciez z ledwoscia wygralismy dm3, ju? nie wspomne o e1m2. Poprostu Wy kierujecie si? tym co by?o kiedy?. Natomiast Panic to winuj?ca ciota, kt?ra sama gra w div3, a jest z div1. Normalne. Zagrali?my jeden mecz a ASS kt?ry z ledwoscia wygralismy a Wy juz pretensje, ludzie poczekajcie az zagramy na przeciw os,poff klatch wtedy zobaczycie. Tak tak wiem najlepiei jakbysmy przegrali wtedy byloby ok. Nietety w Polsce jest tak (chodz widze po innych postach), ze lepiej pilnowac swojej dypy (czy te? klanu) niz zyczyc komus innemu GL. Z mojej strony EOT, whinujcie sobie dalej cioty.

skoro tak narzekasz record, to moze nie my jestesmy div2, moze to WY jestescie div4? Ja
Iron - 217.113.225.*** 2004-10-19 09:40:40
Pozabijajcie sie :) hiehiehie
Fajnie tak poczytac comment: OOOO
ps. Flame co znaczy EOT?:)
flm - 83.30.67.*** 2004-10-19 09:53:39
End Of Topic :P
Hagge - 217.210.145.*** 2004-10-19 11:05:19
we love you flame.. calm down! :)
daan - 212.247.56.*** 2004-10-19 13:00:57
ban polski polski czzcjz!
Caban - 212.76.39.*** 2004-10-20 12:21:41
wtf drunkard?!
Everybody knows that hp was a div2 clan, we owned everybody in div4 in nqr 5 where were 7 divisions! :<
record - 83.144.91.*** 2004-10-21 00:08:41
ja to na pewo jestem div4 hehe. gramy 3 tygodnie w tym skladzie wiec looz :>
daan - 213.67.6.*** 2004-10-21 16:16:39
I blame this loss on the world of telemarketing

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