This was their map. It was a very close game with control shifting between the teams throughout the match. Rocketz was MVP for us doing a good job at RA. - by EnemyQuad
Our map. We have met In a blaze in prac on dm2 so we knew not to play that map against them. It proved a wise decision. It was in my mind a closer game than first glance at scores show but we only took the top three spots late in the game when we got some kind of control over YA/GL/QUAD. Rocketz was our anchor keeping us firmly in the lead with some nice runs and defensive work almost never losing his RL. - by EnemyQuad
quinn - 84.248.159.***
070304 @ 22:46:45
localghost - 130.240.203.***
070304 @ 22:53:44
rAge - 195.148.36.***
070305 @ 09:27:06
hmm, another gg! Rocketz was way 2 hot 4 us.. gl in upcoming matches!