Battle Info  2003-04-22 Division 4 - Week 5 (6)

Unidentified Quake Entity 2 - 0 aut Vincere aut Mori

W.O. - Walkover





W.O. - Walkover




Apollyon - 2003-04-22 17:27:18
How can a team, that was not able to play two days ago on a scheduled date/time claim walkover now?
FlePser - 2003-04-22 18:30:40
why does someone like you arrange wo for a clan which you are not in? And why does someone like you put your nose in our bussiness, get lost fuck.
Apollyon - 2003-04-22 20:11:40
you suck and it is fun to annoy you and if a team comes to my place for two days to play some official clanwars from here and one of the opponents leaves with a lame excuse and in an even lamer way even after the date/time were arranged and fixed before then it is my damn business
nielz - 2003-04-22 22:27:57
i believe apo's real issue is that he's still a virgin and this is his way of blowing of some steam!..just let him,and his left hand, be flepser!
Apollyon - 2003-04-22 22:31:48
yveZ - 2003-04-22 22:38:55
apo, even if the clan LIVES in ur freaking house, it STIL AINT none of ur business, and for your information, we left 12 minutes passed the time we were due, we have log to show you if u want it.......but whatever, ur life is probally so boring that you need to meddle in other peoples business, just to feel important
draGon - 2003-04-22 22:45:46
nielz - 2003-04-22 22:50:34
and on another note, apo could we plz come for our next war to your place asswell? that would be just swell! We'll bring peace candles with us, a couple of wooden shoes, and a R E A L woman from the red light district to take care of "that problem of yours" noted in my mssg above! And all of this just because we know how much you love and appreciate the dutch! U ROCK BUDDY!
Link - 2003-04-23 00:11:49
Too much dope here? :)
Apollyon - 2003-04-23 00:33:37
No Link, too many kids here. First things first. I am content with the woman i have, no need to buy one for me. That is wasted money (i wouldnt accept this generous gift anyway). No, you cannot come to my place. You are not welcome here. You did not wait for 12 minutes and yes we have logs to prove that. Match was scheduled to 19:00 cet. One hour before that we discovered a problem with the network here which needed to be fixed. Thus we went offline. However Goliath and Segg were still on IRC and informed you that we will be there in time. We got everything up and running again and Tuna got into IRC at 19:02 and you just left for your party or whatever important real life event you had. If you havent noticed yet i am a friend of the Dybbuk guys and they even recruited me to play in their last game(s). I might have played against you as well but you wisely decided otherwise. That, and the fact that i invited Dybbuk to play here for two days together with me makes it my business. We could have all had done other things during this weekend but that DYB-UQE match was scheduled for sunday 19cet, Dybbuk made a lot of effort to get it played, yet you are enormously impatient and leave us there with empty hands. This is what i call lack of respect. For you it was just saying "uh oh, we are going to a party now, bye" for us it was a wasted afternoon. Just one question. If we had managed to be back online 2 (or 12 as you claim) minutes earlier, would the match have taken place? I suspect that you never wanted to play this game and just did not care about the efforts your opponents have to take in order to get it played. Giving a walkover and claiming one two days later seems a but ridiculous to me. TO ADMINS: A "15 minutes of grace" section should be added to the rules. Also, idle teams need to be punished more drastically. For example teams should loose a point for every walkover they produce. Ah yeah sure i hate dutch people soooo much.
yveZ - 2003-04-23 02:21:34
Because you had a right to claim a WO against us, does that mean we dont have a right to claim a wo if we are entitled to one? We also put in A LOT of effort to get the game against VM going, but never did it happen. So just because we fucked up once with a war, does that auomatically mean we are never entitled to any walkover? We fucked up ONE evening, does that mean we are not able to play the next? And NO ONE in uqe is saying you didnt deserve the WO. And yes, we are sorry for your effort, but we were waiting 20 minutes (we were 10 minutes early or something) and we indeed looked at the party thingie which we preferred, but we waited, after 20 minutes of waiting (10 minutes overtime on our part in our log in our time) was too much because we never figured you'd get back to us. So, you deserve the wo, but STFU about other games which have NOTHING to do with you (like this one) . Ok?
tyrone - 2003-04-23 08:25:07
Link, want a beer and popcorn? Damn, this surely is cool to spec! /Spectator 1 /Connect Battle Info ?2003-04-22 Division 4 - Week 5 (6) Unidentified Quake Entity 2 - 0 aut Vincere aut Mori
Oz-RipTide - 2003-04-23 12:27:04
Hey how the fuck do I sign up for this shit? can someone help me and e mail me at
Apollyon - 2003-04-23 13:38:40
I just doubt that you are an active team after this weekends "performance".
Hagge - 2003-04-23 22:45:09
uqe has never been active? ;)
Link - 2003-04-24 06:15:50
Sad to see that ppl can't get to schedule a game, when they got 7 weeks to do it. Why bother play in NQR? :|
yveZ - 2003-04-24 14:15:03
you are such a hypocryt. We are equally active as clan disorder (7 games played within same amount of time). We actually tried to get matches scheduled, unlike clan DYBB (although they did actually schedule with us) and all of a sudden, a clan who hasnt played for at least a couple of weeks, claims 4 walk overs??? And then u start nagging towards us??? 4 Walk Overs in one night is not a "little" strange??? Well i think so! :|
Hagge - 2003-04-24 16:11:41
about my uqe has never been active I based my facts on that u only played 1 game in cmt which is the only tournament I?ve seen u play in.. and I?ve not seen u prac that much either..
Fox - 2003-04-24 16:23:29
there was only one (!) clan (of 10!) which tried to schedule a game with us. all other games had to be scheduled by ourself. and i don't remember YOU coming to our channel and trying to schedule a game. it was tuna himself who tried to get you playing (a few times) the last weekend. btw, two hours later (or so) even one of YOUR members said we earn that WO due to your behavior. strange?
FlePser - 2003-04-24 23:02:46
after we played our first 4 matches we didn't have any day any time 4 members available, but everytime we did we couldn't find an opponent to play us. I've been in #dybbuk several time but got told they didn't have 4 , just like other channels, when we finally agreed upon a time and date we failed to field 4. And had to give a deserved WO. We've been trying to arrange a game vs numeric - VM - Gauntlet several times but they never got 4, i say NEVER. And then 2-b who are so kind to gives us time for schedules cause when they can, we can't and when we can they can't .... how sux0r that is.
Hagge - 2003-04-25 00:22:43
more members needed @ uQe
Vandal - 2003-04-25 08:41:56
lets moved on folks ... in the end we all just want a WO-free next season
Burn[vM] - 2003-04-25 08:48:14
Lol?...,. I've just read all above... UQE? WTF? Wanna demo with vm def. uqe more then 100 frags? I've got one.. After that you were disconnected from the server and now we are lost by wo. LOL?
yveZ - 2003-04-25 11:06:25
that was a prac vs 2 uqe and 2 non uqe (a mix so to speak) because you only had time for one map because of ur 19:00gmt limit ffs
Burn - 2003-04-25 13:39:11
Really? Or maybe because your teammates late more than one hour from the scheduled time?
kc - 2003-04-29 06:58:31
u had 3 teamaters. the 4-rd wasn't at 18 gmt. we can play 3 games between 18 and 19 gmt. but the game was begun at 18.40 cause u was so late. and after this WO 4 us??? may be 4 u???

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