Battle Info  2003-11-04 Division 1 - Week 6 (5)

Qandrane 0 - 2 Slackers

DM3 - The Abandoned Base


we didn't have anything to wait for from this match. SR is pascahelpoc u know, but without vana we didn't want to make para cry. well dm3, sr got rl and we got q ring pent and second rl, which was given to sr in ra few secs later. Had some difficulties in the beginnen while sr controlled ra and took our ya's also. Then our mighty fragger ville pille pwned almost everybody like a madman. few rl's were taken down by him, and some weren't. sr had only 1 rl occasianly, but they managed to keep their guys in ra. pents were even i think, but quads went to sr. few minutes before the end we took over whole map and minute after that gamer pwned ville pille with his rl. last quad was taken by fix, he took his own pack from ra, 'cos 3 sr guys missed it. fragged some extra in the end with it. so if we would wanted, it would have been 500-0 to us and some fragrank rising! - by Qandrane



E3M7 - The Haunted Halls


Ok, we got first pent and rl from rl/pent side. few frags gained. after 3min or something goljat came with quad, took rl/pent side under control and that was it. few quads rl's gained but the rest 17min was just fragrank by sr. Henri pwned hib in last seconds with pine so 120frags is just a calm voice in hibs head. BGSR Para don't cry, its only a game, everybody can't have 100frags. - by Qandrane


Horatio ( 2003-10-03 16:52:24
melody ( 2003-11-04 19:29:40
yes, altho it doesn't look like it in the shot, the dm3 was quite close. SR only managed to get some lucky kills here and there, which basically cost us(qand) the map. Could've easily turned out both ways, bad luck to us this time.
fix ( 2003-11-04 19:41:36
nice performance by our rookie player quinn! clearly man of the big games
mooniz ( 2003-11-04 19:52:11
haha so sr, e3m7
Hagge ( 2003-11-04 20:00:48
ye quinn impresses.. also nice tactial move by sr choosing e3m7 fearing fix skills on other maps.. apparently they didn?t know henri and fortu had secret e3m7 skills but it wasn?t enough to win against the srspawns :( bg
buggy ( 2003-11-04 20:54:19
omg plz? sr taking this idiot map vs qand? zzzz i say.. feel sorry for spectators.. and qand ofcoz . Must have been really exciting 20 mins.. for both teams that is :< wouldn't u agree max "other hand in mouse, the other in pants" rebo?:D:D
Max Rebo ( 2003-11-04 21:38:47
Hey, great map SR, fudoh salutes you! *wank*
Link ( 2003-11-04 23:59:48
Actually, I think Qand's best chance vs SR is e3m7. Too bad they didnt know the map, coz they spawned Penta/RL :>
Hagge ( 2003-11-05 00:49:17
yeah to spawn penta/rl and not win the map is a sign that you don?t know it :/ go watch some pusling demos!
rAGE ( 2003-11-05 08:12:37
gg henri ;e
jinx ( 2003-11-05 08:55:29
Takeovers on e3m7 is very fun and possible :)
fix ( 2003-11-05 10:15:16
not when you are basicly a teleporting flipperball...
Empezar ( 2003-11-05 11:37:47
12 ping and 8 frags on e3m7? Give me a break :D
rep ( 2003-11-05 13:01:12
too much ez for div1
nikke ( 2003-11-05 14:23:52
maybe he killed quad 8 times? =|
Nosfer4tu ( 2003-11-05 15:02:31
Why doesn?t xalibur play anymore? Sr tactic or something else? Bah!
Gamer ( 2003-11-05 15:48:36
Xali doesn't have much time for qw nowadays.
w ( 2003-11-05 17:07:40
menth0l ( 2003-11-05 17:17:11
haha w you're such a kidder. Everyone knows that Dag has more sex appeal than any other player in the history of online gaming.
Link ( 2003-11-05 23:42:53
Rofl, you havent seen Firehoppir and Locktar, they are the SEX BOMBS! :DD
xhrl ( 2003-11-07 06:04:22
then again there is always me.... xhrl_who_oozes_the_sexi_vibes_with_the_ladies :) boom! i never liked e3m7.....but i don't sr winning here was due to luck; i think it had a lot to do with turbo_skills. I still don't care for the map nonetheless. i found the dm3 game much more enjoyable and interesting; though watching fix on e3m7 did have some humorous moments:P

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