
  • Introduction
  • League system
  • Your team
  • Cheating
  • Fullbrights
  • Match settings
  • Record demo
  • Approved maps
  • Scheduling matches
  • Inactivity
  • Server issue
  • Proxies and clients
  • Reporting a game

  •   Introduction ^^  

    Nations Quake Rank isn't about money, it's about having fun playing this god given game, QuakeWorld. To be sure all the teams can play each other in a fair environment, we need to have these rules/requirements.

      League system ^^  

    Nations Quake Rank uses a "3-1-0" points system, split over a number of divisions. The divisions are skill-based and so, in theory, the better clans will be in Division 1 and the lesser-skilled clans in the lower divisions.
    Each division is split into two groups, called "conferences". These conferences are named A & B; therefore Division 1 is split into 1A and 1B. The clans in these conferences are of equal skill.
    Each clan will play every other clan in their conference once, and only once (during the regular season).

    The points system works as follows:

    You win a game that ends: 2-0 = 3 Point(s)
    You win a game that ends: 2-1 = 3 Point(s)
    You loose a game that ends: 1-2 = 1 Point(s)
    You loose a game that ends: 0-2 = 0 Point(s)

    If teams are even on points in the table, the following will seperate the clans (in this order): The map difference, The game between the two clans decides, number of maps won and finally the frag difference.

    Each division will have its own playoff competition following the end of the regular season. The top four clans from each conference will go into the Divisional Playoff competition. The bracket structure will work like this (example given is for Division 1):

    QF1: Clan placed 1st in Div 1A vs Clan placed 4th in Div 1B
    QF2: Clan placed 1st in Div 1B vs Clan placed 4th in Div 1A
    QF3: Clan placed 2nd in Div1A vs Clan placed 3rd in Div 1B
    QF4: Clan placed 2nd in Div1B vs Clan placed 3rd in Div 1A

    SF1: Winner of QF1 vs Winner of QF4
    SF2: Winner of QF2 vs Winner of QF3

    FINAL: Winner of SF1 vs Winner of SF2

    No playoff/relegation games will be fought this season in the lower divisions.

      Your team ^^  

    Your team needs to have a working homepage with updated info about all active clanmembers. There are no limit to the number of players in one team. Teams not fulfilling theese requirements can be forbidden to enter the Nations Quake Rank.

    When the season is underway, the following rules apply to changing your team lineup:
    1. Players can be removed at any time, without limit.
    2. Players can be added to your team freely before the day of the first week of play. After this, you are allowed to make a maximum of 2 additions to your playerlist during the regular season (subject to approval by the admin team) The admin team reserves the right to deny any player transfer, the crew's decision is final. We will not allow a player transfers that compromise the 'level-ness' of a division. Once of the playoffs have started, no player additions are allowed (except in very exceptional circumstances and only if the admin team approve).

    All teams are expected to behave properly and treat the opponents and admins with respect. Teams can be removed from the league for repeated offences and teams with a known history of trouble can be denied participation.

      Cheating ^^  

    Things that are considered as as cheating:

    Changed models of any kind! Your proxy must report clean set of models to an f_modified check, without exception.

    Hacked clients! Recompiled quake-executables or edited clients will not be tolerated.

    Speedcheating! Achieving a speed percent of over 99.99% is considered as cheating. Since this can happen by accident people who are caught with a higher value will only be asked to reboot and reconnect.

    Fakenicking! No fakenicking/aliasing will be tolerated. Please respect the league and the other participants by using your respective nicks. If we see this: FIRST time we will give you a warning. Second time, the player in question will be a subject to recieving harsh penalties such as a timed kick/ban or a permanent kick/ban from the NQR League. If a player on the scoreboard is not listed in the members list his frags will ofcourse not be counted. Don't ask admins to add scores of players in your team that were using fakenick during games.

    Teams playing from the same location with two players or more (LAN) are required to notify the admin. The admin can impose restrictions on spectators of that team (to prevent them from relaying the enemys position). Teams having players communicating through other means then in game features or team messages (message mode 2) are required to notify the admin. This includes the use of the voice communication capabilities of Qizmo or a similar or other methods. Only the players currently playing the game are allowed in the voice channel (Qizmo)! The admin can impose restrictions on spectators of that team.

    No coaching whatsoever from inside the game is allowed, such as; timing quad, relaying enemy postions. This can lead to the player and/or the clan reciving harsh penalties such as a timed kick/ban or a permant kick/ban from the NQR League.

    Other offences

    Intentionally dropping from server! Having one or several players intentionally drop from server during a game without replacing them in no more than one minutes time can be deemed an offence by the preciding admin (depending on circumstances).

    Pausing the game is NOT allowed no matter what the reason's behind it. Any way of interfering with the connection of the opposing team (e.g. by any type of flooding or crashing servers) is obviously prohibited. We reserve the right to treat any behaviour that is deemed to be unsporting as an offence and will be dealt with appropriately, at the discression of the admins.

    Please remember what the game is about, having a good time. Quake is a gentlemans sport you know!

      Fullbrights ^^  

    Is not considered a cheat any longer. Due to the reason that almost everyone's got them, and it has been approved during leagues for years.

      Match settings ^^  

    Team: 4on4 (This is the prefered nr of players, 3-4 works but should be avoided if possible. The other clan has the choice to either play 4-3 or 3-3.)
    Timelimit: 20 minutes
    Overtime: 5 minutes if match is a draw (Should allways be set before game start)
    Deathmatch mode: 1
    Team play mode: 2
    Spawn model: Kteam, KteamPro or Normal QW
    Powerups: ON
    Discharge: ON
    FPS: 77

      Record demo ^^  

    Since NQR doesn't require an admin to be present at every game, it's very important that you ALWAYS record a demo when your clan plays a game. If there should be any disputes between the clans or anything else concerning the game, you need to show a demo to prove your point.

      Approved maps ^^  

    [CMT4 DM2 DM3 E1M2 E2M2TDM]
    Best of 3:
    If the result is 1-1 after two maps have been played, a decider map will be required. If the same map has been played both first maps the decider will be that map as well. Else a map will be agreed upon between the teams, or selected by the throw away system (a team is chosen randomly to throw first map). Example: team1 picks CMT4, teams2 picks DM3 - a decider map will be picked from DM2 E1M2 E2M2TDM. Team1 is chosen randomly to throw away first map. Team1 throws away DM2, team2 throws away E1M2, E2M2TDM will be played as decider.

      Scheduling matches ^^  

    The Nations Quake Rank Crew will pre-schedule all matches. You're clan will typically have 2 scheduled games each week. Matches will not be scheduled on a certain day or time, just a certain week, so within this week you must play your 2 scheduled matches. The exact date and time of the match must be agreed between the two clans involved. However you are allowed to play more games per week if you can, we encourage clans to play more games per week!

    To cater for exceptional cirumstances where teams are for some reason unable to play 2 games per week, a week of contigency is allowed. This means that a game can be delayed by (a maximum of) one week. However, if a game has still not been reported after this additional week, it will be locked out and it will be impossible to report the game.

    Obviously we don't like to see Walkover or Void games, so at the end of the regular season there will be a single week of "catch-up" games where the reporting system will be opened in order to allow any games that could not be played to be completed. However, please note the following important rules:

    1. No Walkover results can be submitted during this week.
    2. Don't rely on this week! You are obliged to play your games during the period that they are reportable. If Clan A wants to play Clan B in the alloted timeframe, Clan B cannot refuse and assume that they can play the game in this final "catch-up" week - Clan A will be within their rights to report a Walkover win! The "catch-up" week is for games that *both* clans failed to arrange.

    Additionally, the NQR admin team will consider moving fixtures to another week provided that the clan(s) have a good reason and that they give plenty of notice! This will be done entirely at the admin teams' discretion.

    About Walkover Games

    Teams that submit a walkover should be able to provide some kind of proof that they actively attempted to arrange the game. Walkovers are used as a *last resort only*! Clans must use the entire 2-week period to attempt to schedule a game. If the first attempt fails, try and reschedule before considering a Walkover result.

      Inactivity ^^  

    Inactivity will not be tolerated. NQR is for active clans, not idlers. The NQR admin team reserves the right to remove any team from the league that they consider to be idling. You have been warned!

      Server issue ^^  

    The matchserver is decided by both teams. A server giving approximately equal connection conditions should be found. In principle, all maps are played on the same server. However, if both teams agree then a match can be split across more than one server. If teams cannot agree on a server then an NQR Admin should be asked to settle the conflict. The NQR Admin's decision is final!

      Proxies and clients ^^  

    The only proxys/clients allowed in NQR are Mqwcl 0.96 and the latest official release versions of FuhQuake. The Qizmo proxy version 2.91 is also allowed as it can help with routing. Standard QWCL clients are no longer allowed. During regulear season the NQR Crew will often NOT be on a server to check for cheat's etc. So it is up to YOU players to check eachothers settings. We press on this issue to be done before any game, and after each map. NQR Crew will allways attend during NQR Playoffs, and will then peform the checks needed to be done. But as stated below, if argument should happen between 2 clans, then contact an admin to settle the conflict, what the admins says and decides is not negitionable.

    Concerning FuhQuake/Mqwcl f_checks

    FuhQuake is required to have -ruleset smackdown cmd line parameter added.

    To check for cheats, such as fake clients, modified models and sound, you need to check 2 things. First you have to determin, wether or not the clients on the server are genuine, ie. not modified. Next you can check for modified models. The procedure is explained in detail as follows:

    1. Checking for client authentication:
    For Mqwcl you need to do an f_version, then a xxx to check if the replying Mqwcl clients are genuine.
    For FuhQuake you need to do an f_version, then a validate_clients, to check if the replying FuhQuake clients are genuine.

    2. Checking for modified models, sounds etc..
    f_modified will reply if players have modified anything. All players must reply all models ok.

    If a player drops after a f_check, the player must be rechecked when he returns to the server. If an argument should occur between the clans, then the clans should go to #NQR on IRC and get an admin to come to the server and settle the conflict. Any player/clan that shows some bad models or other bad settings must change them at once, failing to do so and an admin may impose restrictions upon this player/clan, such as giving the other clan a WO or banning the clan/player from NQR.

    NOTE: There is a bug when routing via Qizmo proxies. It will post "modified player/eyes model" when you enter a server. Don't mind this, as long as f_version shows an original authenticated client, and f_modified shows all ok.

      Reporting a game ^^  

    As soon as a game have been played, the winning team should report the result to NQR. To report a game you simply login on the NQR site and choose the necessary option.

    NOTE: If you report a game that weren't played the same day you MUST notify the NQR Crew about that.

    If by some reason this don't work you can send an e-mail to containing:

    1. The Name of the clans that were playing.
    2. What maps that were played and the result for each clan.
    3. Attach screenshots in 320x200 pixels GIF or JPG format for each map.
    4. The Date the game was played.

    If you have any problems reporting games, just contact the admins on #nqr and we will help you out.

    Please note that NQR reserves the right to alter these rules without no prior notice. The changes made by the NQR Crew is final and not up for discussion.


    These rules are based on the Smackdown league's rules-section and much have been taken directly from their rules page and some has been edited to fit the Nations Quake Rank rules section. Many thanks to Smackdown and it's staff for authorizing us to use these rules.


    League Coverage
     - News
     - Played games
     - Map Stats
     - Interviews

     - Division 1
     - Division 2
     - Division 3
     - Division 4
     - Division 5
     - Division 6
     - Division 7
     - Playoffs

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    League Info
     - Rules
     - Hall of fame
     - The crew

        © Nations Quake Rank 2002