Battle Info  2003-10-07 Division 6 - Week 1 (2)

osams 2 - 0 Egentillverkade Gigantiska Dammsugare

DM2 - Claustrophobopolis


We got the better start on DM2 and managed to secure the map early in the game. EGD made some good attempts to take the map back and almost succeeded for a while when they broke through and manged to kill a couple of our RL guys. However, we managed to pretty quick recapture the level and in the end it was a lot of spawn raping. - by osams



DM3 - The Abandoned Base


In traditional OSAMS style we completely forgot the pent a couple of times but never the less we had most quads and actually managed to stay alive with our RL's. EGD made some attempts but never managed to gain control. GG's by a mix of old and new-school OS and EGD! - by osams


Mortlin ( 2003-10-03 16:08:55
Link ( 2003-10-08 00:16:18
Sluta suga Jonas :)
kryddz0r ( 2003-10-08 08:42:25
gg's, f?rsta g?ngen jag gick + p? dm3 n?gonsin.
Hagge ( 2003-10-08 10:16:12
nice to see mr cs-softis finally found out what game that is the best! :) and gg to osams!
WarHammer ( 2003-10-12 20:03:04
Ah men tjena! :D K?nns inte som om man kan g?ra b?ttre ?n Kryddz0r sj?lv ;)

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