
2004-06-09 Kala vs. Fired 0-3 Silver playoff - final details
2004-06-06 Slackers vs. Lege Artis 3-1 Gold playoff - final details
2004-05-20 Slackers vs. Firing Squad 3-0 Gold playoff - semi-finals details
2004-05-17 OLw vs. HoLY 3-1 Bronze playoff - final details
2004-05-17 Satanic Slaughter Clan vs. El?intarha 3-0 Silver playoff - 3rd-place match details
2004-05-17 Batida Swing vs. Apocalypse 2000 3-2 Bronze playoff - 3rd-placed match details
2004-05-11 El?intarha vs. Fired 1-3 Silver playoff - semi-finals details
  ParadokS steps down.  040224  

As a result of my inability to be 100% impartial and handling sollutions with wisdom and grace, I have decided to step down from the NQR admin crew. I have come to terms with the fact that my involvement in the league from a participating players pov, with the history I have, can have an effect on my judgement trying to be a 100% active and impartial admin in NQR. I will still be around helping Kryten with the last touch and technicalities regarding the playoffs, but for the remaining of this season I will be stepping down - so I ask you not to contact me with any issues you or your clan may have in relation to NQR6.

I wish luck to the rest of the admin crew and I'm confident that they will have no problems taking care of any issues that may arise. I can only encourage clans and players to do their part. Play your games, report with JPG shots only. So far I must say that I am very pleased. Only 4-5 reports with pcx shots and lots of games played are some of the things that makes it worthwhile piecing a league like this together.

See you in playoffs!

// ParadokS


akke ( 040224 @ 22:12:49
dag ( 040224 @ 22:13:56
mmm you touch my tralala
znappe ( 040224 @ 22:14:36
mem ( 040224 @ 22:15:05
clawfinger ( 040224 @ 22:15:34
ZkilfinG ( 040224 @ 22:15:55
thanks for the time you've put
into nqr, and good luck with
whatever other projects you
tyrone ( 040224 @ 22:16:10
a fucking joke, i tell you
Hagge ( 040224 @ 22:16:27
the end of an era? :(
xorcist ( 040224 @ 22:18:54
omg, no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
killis ( 040224 @ 22:22:36
ohh ah just a little bit, ohh
ah a little bit more
-era- ( 040224 @ 22:24:52
lol end of era hagge plz stfu
or ill fkn newbz rpe u
cara ( 040224 @ 22:26:19
you did your best in the crew
and i let it be unsaid what i
think about your decission.
thanks for you time and
Caban ( 040224 @ 22:37:28
GL in future ParadokS and thx
for all what you did for nqr!
b13 ( 040224 @ 22:39:55
there goes the neighbourhood
thom ( 040224 @ 22:42:30
sad to see :((
riker ( 040224 @ 22:52:26
troma byxe in i ft nu, enso
0.7 TE plz
galen ( 040224 @ 23:03:55
Good work Para for making it
happen always. But i think
the very first demand for
being an Admin is not to play
in a clan yourself, since some
decisions might seem akward
white ( 040224 @ 23:05:06
hur hamna jag h?r??? :<
Kai Budde ( 040224 @ 23:13:01
clox ( 040224 @ 23:14:16
agree with cara
bUn ( 040224 @ 23:14:50
you touch my tralala ? you
touch my talalla ffs
Icce ( 040224 @ 23:16:49
Thx for all your time and good
work here in crew Para..too
bad it ended up like this.
Legio! ( 040224 @ 23:21:46
Para you have helped us
develop the league, and your
efforts is recognized by me
and the crew. I wish you the
best of luck in whatever
ventures you head out to
Paradoks, take care buddy!
FlePser ( 040224 @ 23:54:06
gg para :(
Horatio ( 040224 @ 23:56:19
GL & Goodnight
Purity ( 040224 @ 23:58:12
aaaah... I guess everybody
feels so bad about this :)
Adler ( 040225 @ 00:08:41
Yeah, sure, me and wallu are
crying right now :<<<
kippo ( 040225 @ 00:24:10
adler. :< but hey
paradoks, gl!
snake ( 040225 @ 00:39:49
d? kanske vi kan bygga in en
funktion f?r no_]SR[spawn :(
erKa ( 040225 @ 00:48:24
andy ( 040225 @ 00:55:51
A decision that deserves some
xhrl ( 040225 @ 01:06:01
fausto ( 040225 @ 01:11:01
who will take Para`s place?
GJ anyway, ParadokS
Link ( 040225 @ 02:02:11
Im suprised...but yeah:
appoligies accepted David.
Fausto: I heard that riker
will take over.
Ez ( 040225 @ 02:05:07
Well done on making the right
decision, though it must have
been a hard one. I?m sure it
took much soul searching to
realise your limitations and
accept them with dignity. Your
dedication to the QW scene is
appreciated by many (even if
they do not fully realise it)
and I?m sure that enthusiasm
and energy will be applauded
in other areas.
moris ( 040225 @ 02:16:02
surprise and respect for the
decision. gj done on the past
nqr seasons.
ParadokS ( 040225 @ 02:28:35
Just for the record. My
actions as serveradmin,
striking down on abuse on a
public server was not
something i regret and I
strongly advice players not
try and pull that off in the
future either =) The decision
was based on more complicated
issues which culminated in the
aftermatch of this unfortunate
incident. I would like the
above newspost to stand as the
official statement, however I
wanted still to mention that
abusing a priviledge to play
on public servers will not be
tolerated. Not now, not ever.
error ( 040225 @ 03:17:19
ummm, you touch my tounge
Diki ( 040225 @ 03:34:55
Hehehe, now mrlame can kick
who ever he wants. Good luck!
Maybe we will see a team
called bgsr-bgsr in next nqr
Goljat ( 040225 @ 03:45:22
plz nqr crew take link,mrlame
and riker to admin crew. They
never make mistakes and they
are always right.
znappe ( 040225 @ 04:46:12
take mongoljat in.. do us all
a favour!
mrlame ( 040225 @ 04:56:10
i never asked to be admin crew
either goljat i know im lame
Link ( 040225 @ 05:01:39
Thanks for the compliment
panic ( 040225 @ 07:39:01
yeah let me nqr admin crew ffs
8( I can judge all games fair
and with no lameness
whatsoever.... 8)
razor ( 040225 @ 10:27:39
ive never seen para been
unobjective.. but i guess he
decides himself if he wanna be
admin or not :)
wallu ( 040225 @ 10:57:40
i can replace paradoks im
snake ( 040225 @ 12:00:06
its just a matter of how small
dicks we have in real life,
and how big we want them to
look :~( rullstoljat for
admin!!! :(
Apollyon ( 040225 @ 12:39:46
Ok, and who becomes most hated
admin now?
Strife ( 040225 @ 12:53:20
This is a shame, Paradoks has
done mostly everything right
in my opinion.
vickers ( 040225 @ 13:24:37
this whole shit looks like
turning into politics by now.
fausto ( 040225 @ 13:46:41
"there can be only one!" :E
riker ( 040225 @ 14:25:04
who the fuck said i wanted to
be an admin? just think it's
wierd a div1 player can be
admin and ban people whenever
he wants. (in div1 too).
sounds like a fuckup imo
Goljat ( 040225 @ 14:27:16
yes we want more admins that
allow fakenicking in other
snake ( 040225 @ 14:36:53
a player from a top clan could
easilly be admin, if he
represented the players. I
dont know if para really
represented the quake scene,
or if he just pleased him
self. But there should be an
admin that can represent the
player too. The admins doesnt
always knows whats the best?
Thats just my opinion once
again. pedofiljat for admin
andy ( 040225 @ 15:40:29
I agree with Riker, an admin
shouldn't be responsible for
the division he and his clan
plays in. In Smackdown we had
the rule that an admin must
not admin any games in the
group his own clan is
participating in. OK, this
rule wasn't too strictly
enforced, I know, but in
theory, it existed ;)
whimp ( 040225 @ 16:14:53
Sad to hear, but a wise
decision. David plz ignore the
stupid remarks from morons,
who wouldn?t lift a finger for
the community even though they
have played the game for
years. They do not care for
the community and fail to see
the coherence between the
community and the love for the
game it self. There is no
denying that you handled the
?adminsituation? the wrongly
and for that mistake some ppl
will feast for years,
forgetting the work you put in
pleasing and servicing the
community. I for one will not
forget the work you put in and up until now in the
NQR. Ppl will probably call me
a kissazz and other lame
stuff, but I couldn?t care
less, I love the game and the
community around it, and
anyone who makes an effort to
improve or help out the
community is a hero in my book
GG Para. Finally I cannot
understand the purpose with
some of the above remarks. Plz
respect Paradoks decision and
if nothing clever or
constructive springs to your
mind please shut the fuck up.
I think it is easy to see that
he loves the scene and that
the decision must have been
blu ( 040225 @ 16:19:55
Probably the right decicion,
but surely a hard one and one
that deserves respect.
Empezar ( 040225 @ 16:21:08
I understand why Link hates
swedes so much
laxer ( 040225 @ 16:37:18
me 2.. im ashamed (is that
word spelled right?) of being
a swede.
lib ( 040225 @ 17:09:04
sad to see para step down.
although he might not be the
ideal admin due to his short
fuse (i've been at the
recieving end of some of his
less thought-through remarks)
he's done remakable work for
the community. and to those
retards who keep getting
personal with their
para-flaming, seriously ...
grow the fuck up
seni ( 040225 @ 17:13:04
i like swedes (blonde girls!)
mate ( 040225 @ 17:34:13
See you in playoffs! -antiquad
BerSerK ( 040225 @ 17:35:55
Start sounding more like a
mmorpg nag post ive read
somewere... Well if more then
1 person start thing player_b
is annoying they surely build
a group of people that start
thing player_b is annoying and
in the end they just want him
gone ? i thought quake was
open for everyone and in that
point that if we now have Para
as admin in a nqr tournament
and someone violate the rules
or whatever he have taken full
responsible to make sure that
will not happen.... And for
that he get shit over credit ?
i would think if their would
been someone else above in the
div1 like for example someone
famous in the admin ring would
he gotten shit over credit to
? or is just that you think
you would done it much better
yourself if youve been in same
shoes ? and you arent ... so
how would you know ... i just
wonder it seem very poor
coming clanking down on
someone when you havent been
there , done that ,
experienced that.... Just my 2
Link ( 040225 @ 18:10:56
Emp and lax: lol. Riker: i was
kidding? :) For me personally,
all ParadokS had to do was to
say "I fucked up, I am sorry",
and that would be enough for
me, coz everyone makes
mistakes. Isnt that correct
Riker? He didnt have to quit
to get my forgiveness. That
was his choice, it was his way
to say "sorry", or someting
like that. My weakness is
lame-ever, when I get pissed I
get creative, its not always a
good thing. But I like irony
as well, in a sort of sadistic
way, sorry for that to
whomever I offend.
drejfus ( 040225 @ 18:17:53
moget att pressa gunter dag :(
ding ding dong
oosi ( 040225 @ 18:36:56
well you can use me if you
need active dude for some
qwscene stuff, im intrested,
im active, i have time and i
suck on playing :>
riker ( 040225 @ 19:26:55
drejfus, jag l?mnar LA ..dom
whinar s? mycket hela tiden,
jag orkar inte med det. s? jag
joinar hf2 snart. jag ?r den
enda som inte whinar under
oosi ( 040225 @ 19:45:09
riker GG, la is div4 without
drejfus ( 040225 @ 20:27:05
g?r s?... men hf2 spelar ju
inte ens :)
Empezar ( 040225 @ 23:41:22
whine ?r ju en g?va fr?n ovan,
det enda vi kan g?ra ?r att
anv?nda det s? ofta vi kan
oosi ( 040226 @ 01:28:42
well, biggest whiners
commenting so stfu
TheChosenOne ( 040226 @ 02:43:27
GeGe. Real shame that a
dedicated QW player and admin
had to step down. The
critisism was too rough and I
don't think Paradoks had to
retire. We should just accept
abit patriotism, since it's a
game with alot of feeling
involved. Very easy to get
carried away, and I do think
it's a gentlemans sport, which
really should allow spectators
to be on the server. The only
thing he tried too do was to
help you decided the decision
map. Maybe too much guidance
for your l337 egos? Too bad
some whiners just couldn't
settle themselves with an
oppinion that didn't suit
them. The loss of Paradoks as
admin for the standarnized
league of QuakeWorld is a
great loss, and I would rather
see some CMT-zoo-mix 4on4 team
be unsatisfied than this
injustified turn of events.
GeGe Link and hope your
performance for BGSR and
acceptance for other oppinions
will be increased.
Link ( 040226 @ 02:49:42
LoL Marius :) Pr?v og fatt hva
det dreide seg om, en admin
som blanda seg inn n?r han
skulle holde seg 10 mil unna,
en ren prinsipsak, ikke no
slabby ( 040226 @ 02:52:08
nice one apo =) so true...
sexC ( 040226 @ 09:41:13
heh only 35% of the games have
been played and it is almost
halfway through the
R2D2 ( 040226 @ 10:30:39
A wise decision. Wish you luck
with all the other stuff
you're doing to help out the
qw scene, it's needed. Always
good to have someone who
Kryten ( 040226 @ 11:20:51
this is really sad. I hope NQR
can continue with as much
success without ParadokS... I
don't think anyone other than
NQR admins appreciates how
much he puts in. Its easy to
criticise ppl who step-up to
try and make something good
for everyone, but its not as
easy to step up and put
yourself in the firing line.
Maybe some ppl should put
their money where their mouth
mel ( 040226 @ 11:23:15
not that i have any opinion on
these paradoks-nqr issues, but
if one puts himself on the
firing line - he has to know
that he will get fired at.
lars ohly ( 040226 @ 11:57:55
wise words mel
space ( 040226 @ 12:11:41
Jag har ett rosa stj?rth
doc ( 040226 @ 12:38:25
Feel free to join #ok.qw
ParadokS :)
Hagge ( 040226 @ 13:27:40
let?s all drink a nice warm
cup of STFU :[
seni ( 040226 @ 13:31:35
send me som minttu-viina cos
im thirsty ;K
ExPociia ( 040226 @ 13:41:30
I thnk paradoks has got
himself a girlfirend :)
nEpra ( 040226 @ 18:37:51
whine: jag fick fan inget
avsked n?r jag sluta... skit
liga ;E
menth0l ( 040227 @ 13:34:41
Retards 1 - Quakeworld 0. :(
clawfinger ( 040227 @ 17:27:30
men inse...alla ni suger...
ink znappe :D
clawfinger ( 040227 @ 17:33:05
hela quake scenen ?r ett g?ng
nolifers... ink mig ocks
fisto ( 040227 @ 23:04:40
I think att det skulle be good
whi. med lite nya maps, Can vi
not speka at det har, I
tror/think that it is kul
prating about that. Men my
engelska is not good so i have
to anv?nda en C-pen over allt
the words. For the jobb
ParadansK have putat in
konunityn ?r good, he have
always the right wat of
handling any thing that is
konstigt. Strife is t?ntig
eligt my opinion. he vas a bit
jobbig on qhlansenaste. that
vas not great fun. I like
to write on s? kallade forums
like this, and it ?r great fun
to read. And in the
kuakescenen it is extra roligt
f?r att it is so many that are
s? smarta. Jag gillar when
alla s?ys s? smarta comments.
Like "obey the rules", "No,
rules is rules why include
them if they dont care? (c)
jezaja". when stuf like that
happens it is j?tte kul att
l?sa. Jag think att alla do
bort say s?. And n?r mrlame
and link spelar in the samma
klan it is v?ldigt fun. f?r
they only say stuff som tex
lol and stfu and they cant
play som ett team och get
bannade from servern by the qw
polis nummer one ParadansK.
but okej pARADANSk ?r very
good p? att play qw n?r han
plays med mongoljat och Gaymer
and Whamp och kliB. but dom
will inte att win nqt6 for dag
vill very much want att vinna
this ?r. I heard that dag
tyckte att it skulle bli ett
easy qhlan. whit att winna "3
raka" BUT i s?g inte dag as
the vinner in varken 1on1
2mot2 oder 4auf4. He sa att
"g?tt d? blir det l?tta
vinster i?r igen" But so var
not that fallet. And at the
lan Sassa sa att "cmt kan
aldrig vinna utan dare" and
"fs tar det l?tt" BUT HUR WAS
IT IN THE END?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I
think the hela qw skenen is
very mycket bara de som ?r bra
f?r vara med i alla fun saker.
(and sassa). And now we
b?rjar play CMT? wtf ?r that?
itr is so att play soccer p?
ett pool table in WORLD
MASTERS CUP!??!?!! Jag don?t
like too play on
kenya.bsp!!??! why have maps
som vi can spela? and not
b?rja to spela on new
shitkartot? liek EQ have
tr?nat on 24/7 and no OLDskool
spelare LIEKS?? Man ska
always play iallafall 2out of
tre kartor on tb3 and inte
lame around on det biljard
bord. Anfd sr like the nya
kartonr bara f?r att de ?r so
fast learners. I AM NOT. But
jag bryr knappt. f?r jag lirar
not just spec. Burt is it
suging to spec at kass kartaor
bef?r att im not kan the know
the map. and i feel not haopy
about paradansks avhopp. but
to the ?mne nu. jag dont know
how it is going to be now when
paradosk is leaving the seat.
i am ialafalll going to f?r
att f?rs?ka f? den seaten i
nqr (de som har hand om nqr)
s? att jag allso can kick and
pick. Like paradansk kicked
out riker fr?n from f?rra nqr
bara to att riker have lirat
in 2 teams?! wy not?? that
ownes. riker just hopped in
whit urak, Link has gott a
nice t-shirt from us on
qhlan kramar och pussar
from fisto
error ( 040228 @ 07:32:33
please no crossposting.
HangmaN ( 040228 @ 11:00:07
:( It is always hard so sit on
2 chairs...
rx ( 040229 @ 20:10:58
lets not encourage posts about
the size of certain peoples
ASS, ok?
hagge ( 040301 @ 03:08:22
my penis is big, like a small
Oksymoron ( 040302 @ 20:42:42
Greco ( 040303 @ 05:42:10
Although i don`t know Paradoks
so well, cuz ive played for a
year or so. The time ive seen
him he has been a good admin
so i give him that. And very
helpfull of getting my
fuhquake to start :). Thank
you and gl in the future m8!
Hope someone like Champ get
the admin from now on.


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