
2004-06-09 Kala vs. Fired 0-3 Silver playoff - final details
2004-06-06 Slackers vs. Lege Artis 3-1 Gold playoff - final details
2004-05-20 Slackers vs. Firing Squad 3-0 Gold playoff - semi-finals details
2004-05-17 OLw vs. HoLY 3-1 Bronze playoff - final details
2004-05-17 Satanic Slaughter Clan vs. El?intarha 3-0 Silver playoff - 3rd-place match details
2004-05-17 Batida Swing vs. Apocalypse 2000 3-2 Bronze playoff - 3rd-placed match details
2004-05-11 El?intarha vs. Fired 1-3 Silver playoff - semi-finals details
  To be or not to be...  040226  

Were are we heading? The last days turbulence in qw-community affects us all one way or another. The massive criticism against one of our admins tended more and more to look like some kind of witch-hunt from middle ages. Voices have also been arised against whole crew, where we've been called not so sweet things. We normally let those remarks passes by, because we must use the energy to get things rolling here rather than end up in some useless offending duel. You may think what you want about our admin skills. We are not perfect and sometimes perhaps we make decisions that could have been better, but progress is also a process of tryal and error and if you don't dare try ways that haven't been walked before you just have to stick to the same old comfortable road.

There are people out here in our community with long experience, interesting thoughts about how to lead QW-gaming in the future. But if you want us to seriously listen to your proposals you shouldn't start the dialogue by calling us various invectives. That's not the way to build a sense of mutual respect for each others perspective. We put alot of time in running this league, but we also need fuel to feed our motivation to continue to do so. Now we have to regroup in admin crew after Para's departure and I guess we have to take it in turns who'll stand in the spotlight. The show must go on, let's bury the war axe for now and let us all take a little more care of this "little" (beloved?) community. // Icce


space ( 040226 @ 12:30:49
Har priserna f?r qhlan-6
kommit ?nnu? eller har de
f?rsvunnit i tomma intet?!
space ( 040226 @ 12:31:06
k r a m
mel ( 040226 @ 12:42:09
whimp ( 040226 @ 13:23:20
Icce, I think u guys are doing
a great job and that you
should take into consideration
that more than 700 players
participate in NQR and only a
dozen of them are complete
morons, and that is indeed a
nice percentage (compared to
other communities). Imo the
main problem ? concerning
comments on the forums, is
that unfortunately some
players seems to ?follow the
leader?, which means that if a
ELITE/GODLIKE qw player makes
some lame ass comments, they
make like a buttplug and
supports his lameass comments.
In other words, they are
spineless brownnoses, which
you (and the rest of crew)
should ignore. So what is the
purposes with this comment?
Only this: Respect should be
given to those who deserve it,
and the crew in NQR deserves
just that.
seni ( 040226 @ 13:27:32
if you are looking for new
admin, consider my vote:
jinx ( 040226 @ 13:38:49
This thing is very hyped up.
Basically the community
doesn't know anything about
any criticism or problems
within crew. This only concern
a handful of people :]
bagero ( 040226 @ 13:51:59
didn't know their was any
turbulence ? perhaps i was
too busy fragging... go nqr
RaptoR ( 040226 @ 14:04:13
you are doing a great job,
admins. keep your road of
progess. if we lose a few
whiners on our way, who cares?
but i think we won't lose
them, because they are mostly
here for flaming...
Strife ( 040226 @ 15:20:21
NQR is the best league there
is, and I fucking hate bgsr's
lame style. They are a bunch
of losers who should all be
pattah ( 040226 @ 16:11:19
*kramizzen* (c) OSAMS
slime ( 040226 @ 16:43:39
NQR is the best league there
is, and I fucking hate eq's
lame style. They are a bunch
of losers who sould all be
drejfus ( 040226 @ 17:04:53
R2D2 ( 040226 @ 17:13:58
There will always be whiners.
No matter how hard you try,
there's not a fucking chance
in hell that everyone will be
happy. But uh, keep up the
work or something.
riker ( 040226 @ 17:34:51
NQR is the best league there
is, and I fucking hate la's
lame style. They are a bunch
of losers who sould all be
Apollyon ( 040226 @ 17:44:27
so much love :-(
mel ( 040226 @ 18:21:26
good league - bg sr?
Firehoppir ( 040226 @ 19:13:21
NQR is the best league there
is, and I fucking hate
forumr?ttors's lame style.
They are a bunch of losers who
sould all be banned.
fausto ( 040226 @ 19:44:56
whimp: ur right about the
elite players, this stuff is
so common everywhere. About
the quantity of morons - not
dozen, 30% at least :>.
About the new admin: as it
is NATIONS qr, plz consider
haning a staff
not_owned_by_swedes. Im not
nazi, i just had enough of
idiotic "poland is a coal
provider, stfu and allow us,
the bestest of the world win
in peace" About the ideas -
i havent seen much motivating
stuff in these news like "we
hope to hear ur ideas, post ur
complaints" - yes, calling
them >>whine<< is
not a good thing. If u really
care, what the audience
thinks, then maybe show some
interest in hearing it? noone
will [or almost noone] try to
force his ideas. No offence
of course, just imho...
ParadokS ( 040226 @ 20:45:33
eh, billy is from poland, aken
is from hungary, i was from
denmark, kryten is from
england and we got 3 from
sweden. To me that looks
pretty international and the
admin crew are definitly not
all from division 1.
xhrl ( 040226 @ 21:00:24
what para mentions is
accurate, although he would've
added even more power to his
point if he had not forgotten
about me, a maple leaf:)
it is high time for
everyone to have a jug of ale,
chuckle a little with a friend
or two, have a good burp, and
then get back to quaking.
fausto ( 040226 @ 21:37:14
ParadokS - i was afraid of
switching u with a swedish
guy, i know the nqr staff is
quite international now, keep
it this way, ok? :>
Legio! ( 040226 @ 21:39:02
Thanks guys for all those nice
comments, it sure as hell is
nice to hear stuff like that
from time to time ;). And
yes, i belive we have a pretty
good variaty of admins in NQR.
No i would advise all clans
and players to nicely go and
play their games :). Reload
that rocket launcher and head
on out for battle!
Legio! ( 040226 @ 21:40:11
No(+w) =[!!
chit ( 040226 @ 21:46:00
i think you're doing a great
horatio ( 040226 @ 22:45:54
i have never played in a
better league, purely looking
at the admins and the
schedule. we all have our
opinions about maps etc, but
the system and the guys behind
are great.
sweeper ( 040226 @ 22:54:23
True, true..
Empezar ( 040226 @ 22:55:46
keep it up and ignore the less
fortunate ones
Strife ( 040227 @ 00:28:55
haha kul att alla kopierade
slimes skrivfel, should/sould
ZkilfinG ( 040227 @ 01:23:24
As have been said, whine will
always prevail, and it will
always be more people
complaining than
complementing. That's simply
human nature, however sad that
is. I think you're doing a
great job managing this great
league, it's not an easy thing
to get something like this
rolling. Keep up the great
Link ( 040227 @ 01:27:53
Actually it is, as long as the
code and design is in place :)
But yeah, the crew is as
always doing a good job :)
Angua ( 040227 @ 01:28:20
Strife, what's the matter? in
what way do we have a lame
style and why should we all be
banned? I'm kind of
confused... Did you play in
the firing squad game? Or,
perhaps you just have
something against us?
menth0l ( 040227 @ 01:29:56
Just ignore the twats.
Angua ( 040227 @ 01:31:05
But to get back to the
subject; I for one haven't
heard of any other whine
except for the
paradoks-incident - which now
is closed. Examples? :$
stefan ( 040227 @ 10:23:02
spread the love vibration plz.
kramizz: *nqr
admins,pattah,fausto, clan mp,
fausto ( 040227 @ 11:53:11
kram *osams* :E
BRandonWalsh ( 040227 @ 12:36:55
Omg, I love you all
quakez0rrss can we plz hugz0r
everyone and the nqr
crewz0rizzen *PATTAH OSAMS
fisto ( 040227 @ 23:07:22
I think att det skulle be good
whi. med lite nya maps, Can vi
not speka at det har, I
tror/think that it is kul
prating about that. Men my
engelska is not good so i have
to anv?nda en C-pen over allt
the words. For the jobb
ParadansK have putat in
konunityn ?r good, he have
always the right wat of
handling any thing that is
konstigt. Strife is t?ntig
eligt my opinion. he vas a bit
jobbig on qhlansenaste. that
vas not great fun. I like to
write on s? kallade forums
like this, and it ?r great fun
to read. And in the
kuakescenen it is extra roligt
f?r att it is so many that are
s? smarta. Jag gillar when
alla s?ys s? smarta comments.
Like "obey the rules", "No,
rules is rules why include
them if they dont care? (c)
jezaja". when stuf like that
happens it is j?tte kul att
l?sa. Jag think att alla do
bort say s?. And n?r mrlame
and link spelar in the samma
klan it is v?ldigt fun. f?r
they only say stuff som tex
lol and stfu and they cant
play som ett team och get
bannade from servern by the qw
polis nummer one ParadansK.
but okej pARADANSk ?r very
good p? att play qw n?r han
plays med mongoljat och Gaymer
and Whamp och kliB. but dom
will inte att win nqt6 for dag
vill very much want att vinna
this ?r. I heard that dag
tyckte att it skulle bli ett
easy qhlan. whit att winna "3
raka" BUT i s?g inte dag as
the vinner in varken 1on1
2mot2 oder 4auf4. He sa att
"g?tt d? blir det l?tta
vinster i?r igen" But so var
not that fallet. And at the
lan Sassa sa att "cmt kan
aldrig vinna utan dare" and
"fs tar det l?tt" BUT HUR WAS
IT IN THE END?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I
think the hela qw skenen is
very mycket bara de som ?r bra
f?r vara med i alla fun saker.
(and sassa). And now we b?rjar
play CMT? wtf ?r that? itr is
so att play soccer p? ett pool
CUP!??!?!! Jag don?t like too
play on kenya.bsp!!??! why
have maps som vi can spela?
and not b?rja to spela on new
shitkartot? liek EQ have
tr?nat on 24/7 and no OLDskool
spelare LIEKS?? Man ska always
play iallafall 2out of tre
kartor on tb3 and inte lame
around on det biljard bord.
Anfd sr like the nya kartonr
bara f?r att de ?r so fast
learners. I AM NOT. But jag
bryr knappt. f?r jag lirar not
just spec. Burt is it suging
to spec at kass kartaor bef?r
att im not kan the know the
map. and i feel not haopy
about paradansks avhopp. but
to the ?mne nu. jag dont know
how it is going to be now when
paradosk is leaving the seat.
i am ialafalll going to f?r
att f?rs?ka f? den seaten i
nqr (de som har hand om nqr)
s? att jag allso can kick and
pick. Like paradansk kicked
out riker fr?n from f?rra nqr
bara to att riker have lirat
in 2 teams?! wy not?? that
ownes. riker just hopped in
whit urak, Link has gott a
nice t-shirt from us on qhlan
kramar och pussar from fisto
R2D2 ( 040228 @ 01:22:41
R2D2 ( 040228 @ 01:23:31
btw.. somebody should make a
Angua ( 040228 @ 05:06:25
Guess you didn't have anything
to say then Strife... So don't
make it a next time if you
don't have any constructive
critics instead of personal
Strife ( 040228 @ 15:14:12
Angua: I haven't read these
comments until now. Why I
dislike bgsr? Mainly because
of mrlame and link, I just
recently found out that Link
is a jerk by reading his
comments about the game. FS is
a bunch of really nice ppl and
there is no doubt that all
this crap was bgsrs fault. You
Angua I don't know much about
so my thoughts about you are
neutral. Ok so I change my
statement to "ban mrlame and
space ( 040229 @ 00:06:14
Fortfarande inget om qhlan-6
space ( 040229 @ 00:08:02
Angua ( 040229 @ 00:14:57
Strife, you dislike 2 members
in a clan that consists of 6.
It was no clan's fault that
"this crap" occured. It's as
usual two or more individuals'
fault, and additionally it
always takes two to tango. I'm
however glad you don't hate me
for nothing I've done.
Link ( 040229 @ 08:26:34
Ye, I got a strong opinion =
raket ( 040301 @ 03:59:19
where do i sign up as nqr
Orajjon ( 040302 @ 14:43:22
Space: Bara Lorn som kan veta
n?got om det, troligtvis inte
Eta-bETa ( 040302 @ 20:05:37
"FS is a bunch of really nice
ppl and there is no doubt that
all this crap was bgsrs
fault". Help me! What has
happened? I'm a bit too far
from the community by now to
know any rumours etc. B( And I
hate the feeling.
Eta-bETa ( 040302 @ 20:37:58
Now I know. Don't tell me.
What a mess. Now... ...go
play plz.
0-_-0 ( 040303 @ 11:19:58
bara att inse.. qw kommer
?ntligen att d? ut! *hurra*


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