
2004-06-09 Kala vs. Fired 0-3 Silver playoff - final details
2004-06-06 Slackers vs. Lege Artis 3-1 Gold playoff - final details
2004-05-20 Slackers vs. Firing Squad 3-0 Gold playoff - semi-finals details
2004-05-17 OLw vs. HoLY 3-1 Bronze playoff - final details
2004-05-17 Satanic Slaughter Clan vs. El?intarha 3-0 Silver playoff - 3rd-place match details
2004-05-17 Batida Swing vs. Apocalypse 2000 3-2 Bronze playoff - 3rd-placed match details
2004-05-11 El?intarha vs. Fired 1-3 Silver playoff - semi-finals details
  Interviews opened  040227  

Im here, dont push me down too hard from beginning, I'll need some support etc. But, thanks for the NQR crew for taking me in and I'll try to be help as much as i can. Anyway, interviews opened with Jaguar. Have fun and gl.

01.03.2004 00.30 CET
I just added jkka aka keeo in interviews section. Check out what keeowalk.bsp-man thinks about this all!

// oosi


Horatio ( 040227 @ 00:51:44
nice one ooosiiii
fausto ( 040227 @ 01:44:53
i wish u much more consequence
in ur actions as a part of the
nqr staff, than u have shown
to me, GL in the future.
oosi ( 040227 @ 01:48:30
yap yap. velcra has one tune -
disobedience of consequences.
nice one. like i said, i'll
try to be a help, not a
chaosmanager :>
Domin ( 040227 @ 02:24:26
Yehaaa! :) at last we can see
some blue and white here..!
Legio! ( 040227 @ 09:21:34
Yeah welcome to the NQR Crew
Oosi :)! Domin we had a
finnish crew member back in
NQR3...ROCK you know. But yeah
he dissapeared for awhile, and
was "discharged" more or less
because of idleness /
inactivity ;).
Horatio ( 040227 @ 09:47:53
Rock, where has he gone,
doesn?t he play for zetor
Jaguar ( 040227 @ 11:17:46
Unfortunately rock has other
plans at the moment and has no
time for qw anymore. We are
also missing many great
players including hib, acid,
rock, elric, hazard, spin (I'm
sure I forgot someone here),
but we are still going to have
hella fun ;)
oosi ( 040227 @ 11:50:22
just informing -> i've
talked with elric and i want
him back. dunno yet if he gots
time but he was interested :)
fausto ( 040227 @ 12:00:49
oosi bringing in his ppl and
gonna pwn the staff :E
pulsen ( 040227 @ 12:26:56
yeah.. where the fuck is rock?
I love him
menth0l ( 040227 @ 13:14:50
Next up: The Forsaken make a
return to QW. We can only
hope ;)
fisto ( 040227 @ 23:06:25
I think att det skulle be good
whi. med lite nya maps, Can vi
not speka at det har, I
tror/think that it is kul
prating about that. Men my
engelska is not good so i have
to anv?nda en C-pen over allt
the words. For the jobb
ParadansK have putat in
konunityn ?r good, he have
always the right wat of
handling any thing that is
konstigt. Strife is t?ntig
eligt my opinion. he vas a bit
jobbig on qhlansenaste. that
vas not great fun. I like to
write on s? kallade forums
like this, and it ?r great fun
to read. And in the
kuakescenen it is extra roligt
f?r att it is so many that are
s? smarta. Jag gillar when
alla s?ys s? smarta comments.
Like "obey the rules", "No,
rules is rules why include
them if they dont care? (c)
jezaja". when stuf like that
happens it is j?tte kul att
l?sa. Jag think att alla do
bort say s?. And n?r mrlame
and link spelar in the samma
klan it is v?ldigt fun. f?r
they only say stuff som tex
lol and stfu and they cant
play som ett team och get
bannade from servern by the qw
polis nummer one ParadansK.
but okej pARADANSk ?r very
good p? att play qw n?r han
plays med mongoljat och Gaymer
and Whamp och kliB. but dom
will inte att win nqt6 for dag
vill very much want att vinna
this ?r. I heard that dag
tyckte att it skulle bli ett
easy qhlan. whit att winna "3
raka" BUT i s?g inte dag as
the vinner in varken 1on1
2mot2 oder 4auf4. He sa att
"g?tt d? blir det l?tta
vinster i?r igen" But so var
not that fallet. And at the
lan Sassa sa att "cmt kan
aldrig vinna utan dare" and
"fs tar det l?tt" BUT HUR WAS
IT IN THE END?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I
think the hela qw skenen is
very mycket bara de som ?r bra
f?r vara med i alla fun saker.
(and sassa). And now we b?rjar
play CMT? wtf ?r that? itr is
so att play soccer p? ett pool
CUP!??!?!! Jag don?t like too
play on kenya.bsp!!??! why
have maps som vi can spela?
and not b?rja to spela on new
shitkartot? liek EQ have
tr?nat on 24/7 and no OLDskool
spelare LIEKS?? Man ska always
play iallafall 2out of tre
kartor on tb3 and inte lame
around on det biljard bord.
Anfd sr like the nya kartonr
bara f?r att de ?r so fast
learners. I AM NOT. But jag
bryr knappt. f?r jag lirar not
just spec. Burt is it suging
to spec at kass kartaor bef?r
att im not kan the know the
map. and i feel not haopy
about paradansks avhopp. but
to the ?mne nu. jag dont know
how it is going to be now when
paradosk is leaving the seat.
i am ialafalll going to f?r
att f?rs?ka f? den seaten i
nqr (de som har hand om nqr)
s? att jag allso can kick and
pick. Like paradansk kicked
out riker fr?n from f?rra nqr
bara to att riker have lirat
in 2 teams?! wy not?? that
ownes. riker just hopped in
whit urak, Link has gott a
nice t-shirt from us on qhlan
kramar och pussar from fisto
apa ( 040227 @ 23:22:00
hahha ;>>>> roligt
fisto ( 040228 @ 01:06:57
btw please turn er till manu
n?r ni vill ha owning
cfgs end
fisto ( 040228 @ 01:09:55
btw, there really ?r n?gra
guys som holds the qw scenen i
deras hands saying: my
jezaja ( 040228 @ 05:18:00
and ask EQ if you want the
orginal which manus is based
upon :D
error ( 040228 @ 07:31:34
fucking awesome post fisto,
keep it up.
Caban ( 040228 @ 11:08:51
Yeah, but maybe translate this
post to english...
fisto ( 040228 @ 16:02:54
Is it inte ready englingsa??
oosi ( 040228 @ 21:42:26
first 'powered by fappers'
saunameeting @ my home in
espoo, kilo, is turning into a
barstuff. thanks for everyone
who was here (free beer is
always cool yeah? ;) and we
have another this kinda stuff
prolly after a month or so!
jkka ( 040228 @ 23:06:01
oosi <3
oosi ( 040229 @ 01:51:38
rotflmao <3
Irstu Myykk? ( 040229 @ 03:27:05
keeo <3
menth0l ( 040229 @ 14:09:38
Oosi was FIFI there?
Domin ( 040229 @ 15:08:33
greeeit sauna oli ?l?mmin
seni ( 040301 @ 14:36:21
espoo kilo count me in! wanna
move there ;cos that fckng
ghetto suvela is giving me a
menth0l ( 040302 @ 11:07:19
Everyone move to Olari.


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