
2004-06-09 Kala vs. Fired 0-3 Silver playoff - final details
2004-06-06 Slackers vs. Lege Artis 3-1 Gold playoff - final details
2004-05-20 Slackers vs. Firing Squad 3-0 Gold playoff - semi-finals details
2004-05-17 OLw vs. HoLY 3-1 Bronze playoff - final details
2004-05-17 Satanic Slaughter Clan vs. El?intarha 3-0 Silver playoff - 3rd-place match details
2004-05-17 Batida Swing vs. Apocalypse 2000 3-2 Bronze playoff - 3rd-placed match details
2004-05-11 El?intarha vs. Fired 1-3 Silver playoff - semi-finals details
  A few days left, and a look at the playoffs  040409  

The match submission process will be closing on Sunday/Monday at midnight CET as catch-up week finishes then. Please make an effort to play your remaining games. AS THINGS STAND NOW! (i.e. they can change still), this is how the first round of the playoffs will be:

Hyphen vs Nobbs R Us
Dutch Hope vs Hard Guns Crew
Bore with life vs 4 Kings
Freedom vs AntiQuad
Main playoff:
Slackers vs -/NRU
Lege Artis vs Hope/HGC
Firing Squad vs BWL/4K
Bad Game Slackers vs Free/AQ
The Viper Squad vs Paranoids
Fragomatic vs Tribe of Tjernobyl
Earthquake vs Divines
Fudoh vs Chopstick Ninjas

Kala vs The Assassins
Ancient Gods vs Justified Ancients of Menace
Fired vs Maniacs
Stal-Kalle Klanen vs Boyzone
Griffins Tapra Gossar vs Jihad Warriors
El?intarha vs Dybbuk
Satanic Slaughter Clan vs Vets
Qandrane vs Hippushnik

Damneds vs Charlatans
Hixos vs Oblivion
Jagarna vs Apocalypse 2000
fips vs boeg
Osams vs batida swing
hhh vs veni vidi vici
HoLy vs clan danube
Pigs of Fucking Fury vs Pulverizing Mongo Strutsers

Of course everything can change over the next few days, but there looks like there will be some nice games in the first round!



gaz ( 040409 @ 22:18:31
things will probably change,
but to me there are some
potentially great games there
- SR vs Hyphen or NRU, LA vs
Hope with wig/haj, BGSR vs
Free, fired-lag vs sassa-lag,
gtg vs jw could be
interesting, damneds vs chr in
a polacker battle, osams vs
batida swing (both clans could
win this), poff vs pms
(similar skills). anyway,
looking forward to it :)
Goljat ( 040409 @ 22:41:17
very interesting :) Be
unnamed ( 040410 @ 00:16:37
nobody likes JW
blu ( 040410 @ 00:22:22
vs gtg... I bet we get 50
frags in 2 maps, maximum :)
SmalaGreger ( 040410 @ 00:36:29
nle ( 040410 @ 03:59:01
just explain why CN and
paranoids arent there ?:) not
that i have read the playoff
system, but they should be in
there someplace ?:) *stupid
groom ( 040410 @ 08:24:12
hehe...damneds :X shitta
:) gl thx
gaz ( 040410 @ 11:07:41
good observation nle :P
speed ( 040410 @ 12:01:37
if you use the system last
posted i think you get Fudo vs
cn and tvs vs para in the main
nle ( 040410 @ 13:16:48
speed, what i had i mind :)
nle ( 040410 @ 13:17:17
btw, i have the most beautiful
eyes and they are liek
Hagge ( 040410 @ 14:44:00
omg we have to play div1-NRU
oosi ( 040410 @ 14:47:15
excellent job gaz since ive
been drinking last week, u rok
the most <3 im waiting to
see how SSC / kala does in
silver playoffs since both are
really strong. of coz GTG,
qand and fired will do pretty
strong performance, no, im not
talking about kala since i try
to skip matches and let their
killing4 be online and play ;)
zero ( 040410 @ 15:52:00
The Viper Squad vs Paranoids
supa ( 040412 @ 00:02:45
I'm sorry oosi but I guess we
won't be seeing SSC in the
playoffs afterall... :-(
lagge ( 040412 @ 00:11:18
olw MADE IT !!! :D
jkka ( 040412 @ 00:18:34
noihan o iha vituillaa
fappewrit joutuu jatkaa kautta
vaik oon jo asennoitunu


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