2005-01-30 |
Shadow Minions vs. Postal-Justice  |
0-3 |
D1-F |
details |
2005-01-25 |
El?intarha vs. Veterans =V=  |
3-1 |
D2-F |
details |
2005-01-23 |
Slackers vs. Clan MalFunction  |
1-3 |
D1-F |
details |
2005-01-23 |
Postal-Justice vs. Easy To Kill  |
3-0 |
D4-SF |
details |
2005-01-21 |
Shadow Minions vs. Be Evil  |
3-1 |
D4-SF |
details |
2005-01-17 |
Slackers vs. Lege Artis  |
3-2 |
D1-SF |
details |
2005-01-17 |
Suddendeath vs. Veterans =V=  |
0-3 |
D2-SF |
details |
NQR8 site is up 050216
NQR8: http://www.nqr.nu/nqr8/
NQR8! 050214
Many people have asked us about when NQR8 is starting.
Well the answer is: VERY SOON!
We are discussing a few finer details now and will hopefully be able to launch the NQR8 site later this week (although unfortunately it will not be the much-promised "new site" we had hoped for - blame gnorfy for not finishing the design :D). I can't say for certain whether it will be tonight or Friday, but it should be coming soon. Watch this space :E
End of the season! 050131
NQR7 is officially finished. Many thanks to all players and teams that participated and helped make this one of the best seasons yet (at least in terms of activity). We hope you'll all be back in a few weeks for season 8.
In the meantime the Custom Map League and Invitational Classic Cup should keep you all entertained.
Division 1
Winners: Clan Malfunction
Runners-up: Slackers
Awards as voted by the players!:
Best clan: Clan Malfunction
Most sporting clan: 3-way tie between KOFF, Firing Squad and AntiQuad.
MVP: 3-way tie between fix, Angua (both CMF) and Griffin (GTG).
Best match: CMF-GTG
Division 2
Winners: El?intarha
Runners-up: Veterans
Awards as voted by the players!:
Best clan: El?intarha
Most sporting clan: El?intarha
MVP: Tie between XN (UPS), & Seese (Vets).
Best match: Zoo-Vets
Division 3
Winners: Veni Vidi Vici
Runners-up: Assassins
Awards as voted by the players!:
Best clan: Veni Vidi Vici
Most sporting clan: Klatch!
MVP: The following players had 1 vote each: Willguhrt (A2K), Inferno (Ass), Fox (Dybbuk), Link (ZAK), Daan (ASS), Necroth (Klatch), Znappe (ZAK). It's a tough call so I use my admin discretion to declare that the MVP from division 3 of NQR7 was Trev from VVV.
Best match: OS-A2K
Division 4
Winners: Postal Justice
Runners-up: Shadow Minions
Awards as voted by the players!:
Best clan: Postal Justice
Most sporting clan: These 6 clans shared a vote each: Be Evil, MP, Fudoh, DQM, Jagarna, Postal Justice. I hereby declare Jagarna & MP joint-winners!
MVP: Jrp (DQM).
Best match: No result :-( SO I pick BE-SM.
Division 5
Winners: Bufflarna flyger i luften
Runners-up: Clan Cube Squad
There weren't enough votes in division 5 for the awards :(
See you soon!
News 050126
Congratulations are in order on 2 fronts!
Firstly, the Division 1 Champions are Clan Malfunction. This is the third time they have appeared in the NQR final and the first time that they have been succesful. Following defeats in the finals of both NQR3 and NQR4, CMF beat Slackers 3-1 on Sunday night. Congratulations to CMF!
In Division 2, El?intarha ensured a Finnish double by beating Veterans 3-1 in the final on Tuesday evening. Congratulations to the boys from the Zoo!
There's just the Division 4 final left and then NQR7 is over! We hope that NQR8 signups will open mid February with the aim of starting the new season at the beginning of March.
Signups are still open for the Custom Map League. We have 26 teams so far so we would like another 10 or so before starting the league. Get your asses in gear people!
There's a few days left in the NQR end of season awards/map vote. I urge you to vote if you have not already (we have only received about 12 votes or something from around 80 clans) - the votes received in this will go a long way to deciding the map pool next season!!
Click here to learn how to vote.
Finally, signups are now open for the inaugural NQR CTF season. Click here to visit the site.
Div 4 final! 050125
The Division 4 final between Shadow Minions and Postal-Justice will be played sunday 30/1 @ 22.00 CET
Div2 final! 050123
The Division 2 final are now scheduled between El?intarha and Veterans. The game will be played tuesday 25/1 @ 21.00 CET.
New leagues & end of season awards/poll 050120
The websites for the 3 new NQR leagues are up:
1) NQR Invitational Classic Cup
3) NQR Custom Map League
The NQR admin team would like to welcome a new addition; mrlame. Welcome sir, I hope you will enjoy your time in the ad-mine!
It's time for the end of season awards! Here's how you vote (one vote per clan)
Send an email to nationsquakerank@gmail.com with the following info:
Your clan's name AND division
Your votes for (from within the same division, including BOTH conferences and not including your own clan/teammates) (e.g. if you are in division 3B you vote on stuff within Division 3A _and_ 3B):
Best clan (the clan that performed as the all-round best)
Most sporting clan (the nicest clan basically)
Most Valuable Player (the player that made the biggest contribution to their team's performance this season, whether the team finished first or last)
Best match (the most exciting game within your division)
You can also vote on the following (this will go a way to deciding what maps are included next season):
Map vote 1: If we were to change 1 map from CMT3 and CMT4, which one would you remove? (If you would prefer to remove neither, play state "none")
Map vote 2: If you answered CMT3 or CMT4 to the above question, which of the following maps would you prefer to replace it?
Votes will ONLY be counted via EMAIL. here's that address again:
Please send your mail to us by midnight on Monday 31st January (that's the end of Sunday 30th).
Another update 050118
The Division 1 final will be contested by Clan Malfunction and Slackers and the match will be played on Sunday 23rd January at the time of 20:00 CET.
HangTime and I ( gaz) will be on hand to provide Teamspeak coverage, and the qw.nu crew will be busy arranging Qizmo cams to cover the match as well. Keep an eye on serv-u!
The Division 2 final will be played between El?intarha and Veterans. The game has not been scheduled just yet, but keep an eye on the news here for info.
I have posted commentary & autotrack demos from the Division 1 semi-final between Clan Malfunction and Griffins Tappra Gossar. Check out my coverage page for more info.
Update 050117
A few things...
Firstly, congratulations to Bufflarna flyger i luften, who are NQR7's first confirmed champions. They beat Clan Cube Squad 3-0 to take the Division 5 title. Well done lads; I hope you'll be back next season for an assault on the next division up.
Thanks to all division 5 players and clans that participated this season and I hope we'll see you again for NQR8.
The Division 1 final will be played between Slackers and Clan Malfunction. There is no confirmed date as yet but expect it to be played this week. We will be on hand with Qizmo/Teamspeak coverage as usual.
Keep an eye out on qw.nu for my big Final preview.
The Division 3 final between Veni Vidi Vici and Assassins will be played tonight (Monday 17th January). The time is not yet confirmed, so keep an eye on serv-u for announcements.
Xhrl has updated his coverage page with some thoughts on the SR-LA match. Click here to read his article.
Finally, we have a few ideas in the pipeline for NQR spin-off tournaments and leagues.
1) NQR-CMT will be resurrected to run alongside NQR8, with the intention of trying out some of the less-tested custom maps (and also to reintroduce some exmx maps into 4on4)
2) Romeo of the QWCL CTF league will be launching the inaugural NQR-CTF season soon
3) A 16 team "invitiational" knockout cup will be running between the end of this season and the start of this season. More details to come...
Watch out in this news for details on the end of season awards; it will include a preliminary stage of voting for the map pool for NQR8 so make sure you don't miss it!
NQR8 maps 050111
I have made a thread on the NQR forum with the purpose of having some preliminary discussions about next season's map pool.
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