Battle Info  2004-10-20 2B - Week 3 (3)

Death Dealers 0 - 2 Suddendeath

DM2 - Claustrophobopolis


When we finally started they had a better start, but because one of them timed out we started over again. The start was theirs again and they (espec. kat) owned us. But after a while we woke up and dressed ourselves with red skirts and packed ourselves with rocket blasting weapons. It resulted in a take-over and a decrease in the frag gap. In the end we won. GG // FlePser PS good ping isn't a garantue for a good play. - by Suddendeath



E1M2 - Castle of the Damned


Well not much to say about this one. Their morale must've been quite low and we could easily shoot them to their deaths. GG - by Suddendeath


GaryLee - 81.225.215.*** 2004-10-20 00:49:38
gg SD! flep u so sexi!
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-20 00:50:54
thanks, except for the start (pingwhine etc.) the games were fair and fun.
Blaps - 82.182.140.*** 2004-10-20 00:52:14
Indeed, agreed... ggs!
:\ for the +1h delay..
record - 62.179.0.*** 2004-10-20 00:55:17

kat umyj kule albo zrobie to za ciebie! :<
Trash - 213.67.57.*** 2004-10-20 00:57:16
nice e1m2 by the guys! gg:s DD
kat - 83.27.199.*** 2004-10-20 01:05:55
w pizdzie mam moje kule :{
kat - 83.27.199.*** 2004-10-20 01:08:14
espc. kat ? :{ well i was just aiming at the white dudes :{{{{{{[ thats all thats my secreat tactic :{
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-20 01:16:09
hehe, damn your q-run, couldn't even take a rl in peace.
plast - 83.30.74.*** 2004-10-20 01:58:38
you should have agreed for minping 50. it was neither proffesional nor sporting of you to take advantage of your better connection @ neutral server no matter what rules say. shame on you for that. let the others know how you behaved :P

anyway gg, i still don't know how we managed to lose dm2, we had map, we had full control, and yet it happened. have to see the demos carefuly :/.
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-20 02:02:02
with minping comes very annoying pl :(.
plast - 83.30.74.*** 2004-10-20 02:23:11
1-2 pl is entirely bearable, at least it would be equal. and don't say you're used to ping 13-26 cause i'm used to 13-26 as well and that fact doesn't change anything, does it? it seems lust for w(h)in(n)ing won over everything else tonight. there is NO reason you couldn't play with minping 50 besides that. sad but true. i expected more from div2b favorites.
- 213.66.185.*** 2004-10-20 02:24:56
The fucked up thing with mini ping is that if we hade choosen it, we had played worse, coz we not use 2 that ping, but u always have that bad ping?, no matter what i dont play better with 13 ms then with 25 ms, i play best with the ping im use to.. so nice if came up with something else to blame your loss on!
X-con - 217.211.67.*** 2004-10-20 02:27:49
Hm do i have to suffer coz i have better connection? Not my fault if my isp owns.
And if im used to 13ms and you 30-40 how equal is that if you set minping 50?
X-con - 217.211.67.*** 2004-10-20 02:29:31
Btw we rerouted to get 40ms and flepser had 55, avg ping was the same so i dont see the problem
plast - 83.30.74.*** 2004-10-20 02:36:18
noname: as i said, your assumpion is wrong cause we're not used to ping above 40. most of us are able to get <30 @ almost every polish server. 26 != 55, not to mention 60+. got it? and i'm not blaming ping for our loss. i'm just pointing sd didn't behave as fair as they could and as we expected from them.
Trash - 213.67.57.*** 2004-10-20 02:38:41
Always pingwhine when a .se and a kurwaclan play a game,,either from us swedes or the kurwas depending on what server we play on. I know when we as swedes enter this tourney we know will play most games vs other nordic teams with pretty equal ping,,and some vs kurwas,,for u its the other way around since there is much more clans over here. Well thats a fact you know when you enter this league and you have to accept that you will suffer from worse pings vs some clans. Dont think you can get all clans to play in .kurwa, but we usually play you guys in germany or something like that. Think this is what you have to settle with when entering a nordick quake league from the other side of universe.
Trash - 213.67.57.*** 2004-10-20 02:40:40
btw,,your just mad coz u lost :(
plast - 83.30.74.*** 2004-10-20 02:47:00
yes, THANK YOU MY LORD you agreed to .de instead of .se I FORGOT it's NORDIC QUAKE LEAGUE.

omg lol rotflmao
exaggerated ego or what?
read the rules man
"A server giving approximately equal connection conditions should be found."
it couldn't be found so minping was the right choice, only your lameness stopped it. and fyi it's not so far from here to you. check the map.
plast - 83.30.74.*** 2004-10-20 02:49:14
yeah im very mad, almost mad max level, gonna buy a rope and find a tree, lol
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-20 03:11:28
I suffered ping 60, so please...... it's just awfull I had to play with 4 times more ms then most of my games. And yes it sucks to have your ping doubled.
plast - 83.30.74.*** 2004-10-20 03:30:16
FlePser -> so you exactly know what we felt playing 55+ and knowing it can be more fair but our opponent doesn't want it to be that way.
kat - 83.27.199.*** 2004-10-20 07:56:07
blabla bla ...... its over :{ stop whining it want change a thing :{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ SUGAR MIN KUK ANDERS ? :{{{{{{{{
kat - 83.27.199.*** 2004-10-20 08:10:03
shut tha fuck up
somthing stinking...
could it be the skunk or could it be the body in the trunk of my lincoln ? :{
ok98 - 192.165.56.*** 2004-10-20 08:47:45
why dident we play on topcid then? I have my 26ping there, and u2 i exepect?
Hagge - 217.210.145.*** 2004-10-20 09:35:50
rooooooooofl trash.. plz just go away with ur bs :<
Tumult - 62.88.180.*** 2004-10-20 09:38:59
you tried to force us to play with minping..
and you claimd that minping was in the rules.. it wasnt, we didnt made the rules.. talkt to admins about that.. hopefully they will change the rules for nqr8... just follow the rules.. and know the rules
tumult - 62.88.180.*** 2004-10-20 09:39:15
and oohh.. we rule
xorcist - 81.226.140.*** 2004-10-20 10:54:11
minping is sh1t.
get better connections!
fausto - 213.135.34.*** 2004-10-20 10:59:00
Trash - 213.67.57.*** 2004-10-20 11:43:01
skaffa ett liv hagge? r?kna dina inl?gg p? nqr och f?rs?k sen r?kna ut om du n?nsin ?verhuvetaget g?r annat ?n sitter h?r..plz skaffa liv,,soc kanske kan hj?lpa
-insane- - 62.111.218.*** 2004-10-20 11:56:56
Plast zasnales na e1m2 czy co ? B<
plast - 83.30.74.*** 2004-10-20 12:02:37
ok98 -> why didn't we play on then? I have my 26ping there, and u2 i expect? u don't? get better connection. lol. see how stupid that kind of thinking is?

as always it leeds nowhere. u know i'm right but no matter what you'll defend your lameness and hide behind the rules even if it says "a server giving approximately equal connection conditions should be found". yes, there is nothing about minping in rules, but it's obvious if "a server giving approximately equal connection conditions" can't be found minping is the right solution.
plast - 83.30.74.*** 2004-10-20 12:03:19
ins -> wykonczylo mnie godzinne klocenie sie z tymi cwokami i ich fart na dm2
kat - 83.27.199.*** 2004-10-20 13:09:15
insa to brzydk zlosliwa kurwa :{{{{{{ ty gupi pizdku ty :/ ale fakt faktem ze mi sie tez odechcialo grac po ich pierdoleniu farmazowno :} CZY TO MOZLIWE ZE TO ICH TAKTYKA ? :{
Tumult - 83.227.74.*** 2004-10-20 13:22:51
plast, ofcourse minping is a solution. but for as now BOTH clans have to agree on it, simply coz the rules dont mention it. and the thing is that YOU CLAIMED that minping was in rules
panic - 217.210.241.*** 2004-10-20 13:29:22
your ping sucks
plast - 83.30.74.*** 2004-10-20 14:10:18
did i really? there is no rule about topsid, bbb or any server as well so next time we'll play in kurwaland k? lol. grow up guys.
gaz - 193.195.82.*** 2004-10-20 15:50:11
If i had been asked to adjudicate here, I would have said that minping 50 was fair.

No, there's nothing in the rules about minping but it should be up to the clans to ensure the fairest possible environment.
plast - 83.30.74.*** 2004-10-20 15:54:05
thx gaz.
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-20 16:22:25
Well, in this league I won't play with minping set. And there's no rule about it, now force me plz.
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-20 16:43:56
PS, i still love you kat :EEE
old'n'grey - 217.211.67.*** 2004-10-20 16:45:49
Kat :P
maku - 82.143.156.*** 2004-10-20 16:49:23
uu slabo cos
record - 62.179.0.*** 2004-10-20 16:49:31
kat to wyjmij je czympredzej bo zkisna :/
old'n'grey - 217.211.67.*** 2004-10-20 17:00:21
It's pretty obvious that gaz is pissed on SD.
We refused to set minping in a prac vs osams on a swedish server.
Btw.. even if you had been the admin that day we still had refused to set minping? Like you said your self, it not in the rules

ok98 - 217.210.87.*** 2004-10-20 17:10:45
why play in ur country where noone has nice ping? We could play in .nl,dk,de,fi. But ur not satisfied with anything :(
gaz - 193.195.82.*** 2004-10-20 17:30:10
"If teams cannot agree on a server then an NQR Admin should be asked to settle the conflict. The NQR Admin's decision is final!"

As far as I'm concerned this rule includes an admin's right to apply minping.
maku - 82.143.156.*** 2004-10-20 17:31:20
blind admins? i didn't play, do why do i have 1 frag? :}
chit - 217.215.68.*** 2004-10-20 17:46:48
Well, good for us Icce came around then and said we did not have to play with minping, and he also said what server seemed most fair, so i dont know what's this is all about actually? NQR admins word is law?
dunno why D2 whines on us, when they should whine on the rules instead, not out fault the rules need to be looked at ?
gg's anyway, nice played on dm2
old'n'grey - 217.211.67.*** 2004-10-20 17:48:57
Gaz: Then tell me why Icce said he couldn't force us to use minping?!!?
X-con - 217.211.67.*** 2004-10-20 17:49:51
old'n'grey - 217.211.67.*** 2004-10-20 17:50:21
Im 2 scitzzo
plast - 83.30.74.*** 2004-10-20 17:59:28
icce was pissed on us cause we won vs. =vs= just before this nqr match ;)

anyway, it seems we'll have to arrange our matches vs. .se teams on days when gaz is the admin, just to play in equal and fair conditions.
kat - 83.27.151.*** 2004-10-20 18:20:23
ehm MAKE PEACE NOT WAR.... everybody loves me :{.... oh and one more thing, i know that old'n'gay would like to SUGAR MIN KUK :}}:}:}
Icce - 83.226.3.*** 2004-10-20 18:53:53
I see no reason to set minping when one clan re-routes themselves so they get ping ~40. Avg. pings on screens are 6-9 diff.
gaz - 81.77.177.*** 2004-10-20 19:00:12
People look at averages too much... SD has 3 with 39ms and 1 with 60ms... D2 has 1 with 60 and 3 with 50ms...
I know that there's a difference from 39 and 50 cos I get 39 in DK and 50 in SE...
Bagheera - 213.66.185.*** 2004-10-20 19:11:21
Oh well done is done, thou dont think it could have gone better for d2 if we had minping 50 but i cant be sure ofcoz, stop whining now, its a game, should be fun to play!
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-20 19:42:46
I like to whine, QW itself sucks.
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-20 19:44:32
oh and gaz? Average counts....k? 3x almost 40 + 1x abit more then 60 vs 4x abit more then 50 on e1m2 :E
plast - 83.30.73.*** 2004-10-20 20:16:38
Icce -> if 6-9 avg ping is no difference then why sd didn't agree on mingping 50 ? you do not have to answer.
Trash - 213.67.57.*** 2004-10-20 21:38:47
247-36 on E1M2? dont think u could have done much about this even with minping. 2ez4sd :( Plz start a poll and vote gaz out of nqr staff. Hes a joke.
plast - 83.30.73.*** 2004-10-20 21:56:31
so whats the problem? you would win anyway, wouldn't you? and the match would start 1 hour earlier. simple enough? also you want to get rid of gaz cause he understands the difference between ping 39 and 55 and wants to bring more fair play into nqr? i don't know what to say on such attitiude. really gg.
Domin - 82.181.1.*** 2004-10-20 22:23:21
where is unnamed?!?!
unnamed = xn = death dealers
Domin - 82.181.1.*** 2004-10-20 22:24:10
wrong clan.... :)))
unnamed is player of ups!
hehe, i really should eating these drugs :X
ok98 - 217.210.87.*** 2004-10-20 22:45:31
u get pl with minping. And why get a nice connection if u always has to play with minping?
Trash - 213.67.57.*** 2004-10-20 22:48:24
plz play kurwatours
plast - 83.30.73.*** 2004-10-20 23:26:01
"1-2 pl is entirely bearable"

btw. get better connection, para has 35-39 in kurwaland and just rapes avenger
alcapone - 158.75.216.*** 2004-10-21 00:02:42
just check next time, will ya?
XiloN - 80.51.254.*** 2004-10-21 00:30:51
So funny :(
Trash - 213.67.57.*** 2004-10-21 01:00:08
just saw that D2 had 20 ms difference in favour vs UPS. i rest my case.
Hagge - 217.210.145.*** 2004-10-21 07:08:35
haha du ?r rolig du trash.. trodde du var ?ldre ?n mig men det verkar verkligen inte s? om man kollar p? hur du beter dig..
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-21 07:28:00
keft hagge, du luktar fis och du ?r s?mst.....k?
plast - 83.30.73.*** 2004-10-21 09:26:38
Trash -> don't change the topic. ups didn't say a word, if they did we would surely consider minping 60 or changing server.
Blaps - 82.182.140.*** 2004-10-21 10:04:34
Let's play two more games, one in your and one in something that fits us o.k. (na, not .se, would be to unfair) - good idea? je!
old'n'grey - 217.211.67.*** 2004-10-21 12:14:32
This topic is closed.
Obey me
Trash - 213.67.57.*** 2004-10-21 14:22:20
lol hagge, som om du e s? j?vla mogen i dina inl?gg j?mt. varf?r ?r du ens h?r o bryr dej? att jag ?r ?ldre ?n dej r?der det knappast n?n tvekan om.
Trash - 213.67.57.*** 2004-10-21 14:25:19
plast ok. if we meet again i promise you that we will find a server thats equal or use minping. ok? ok!
lib - 194.47.63.*** 2004-10-21 15:32:54
erm tja, jag tycker verkligen itne det ?r tydlgit vem av er som ?r ?ldst :)
lib - 194.47.63.*** 2004-10-21 15:44:52
... gg typing! :(
plast - 83.30.73.*** 2004-10-21 16:55:04
Thrash -> that's what i was waiting for. sad it took so long :(
plast - 83.30.73.*** 2004-10-21 17:08:12
Blaps -> u mean pracs? sure why not.
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-21 17:12:12
I won't play with minping though.
myca - 83.30.73.*** 2004-10-21 17:19:14
at last ;)
kat - 83.27.156.*** 2004-10-21 18:17:13
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-21 18:54:44
no, i want more comments then kfjump whine.
fausto - 83.24.8.*** 2004-10-22 12:48:13
nice drama :<
FlePser - 80.60.182.*** 2004-10-22 14:55:53
Spierdalaj kurwa :<, jestes bad wodka drinker :<
fausto - 83.24.6.*** 2004-10-23 17:10:55
Be, flepsi <3
RECORDock^holmes - 62.179.0.*** 2004-10-24 02:29:58
end of topic :<
GaryLee - 81.225.215.*** 2004-10-24 02:54:21
topic of the end
plast - 83.30.73.*** 2004-10-24 04:25:12
nice pracs tonight
old'n'grey - 217.211.67.*** 2004-10-24 22:46:03
Plast Yes it was gg's :)

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