League system
Your team
Game settings
Record Demo
Approved maps
Scheduling games
Server issue
Proxies and clients
Draw games / Decider map
Reporting games
Nations Quake Rank isn’t about money, it’s about have fun playing this god given game
QuakeWorld. And to be sure all the teams can play eachother in a
fair enviroment, we need to have theese rules/requirements.
League system
Nations Quake Rank is running according to a combined system of Clanbase
and the 1on1 league KOTH.
When a new season starts each team is given 1000 points to start
off with. When winning a game you will be given 10% of the enemy
clan's points. Note that you can't lose any points by losing a game.
So if you enter
Nations Quake Rank and play alot of games without winning a single one, you will still
have 1000 points. If you beat a clan that has 2500 points the equation
could look like this;
2500 * 0.10 = 250
2500 / 10 = 250
If a clan is ranked pretty high in the ranking and beats a clan
with low points it will not gain them much points, that should incourage
the better clans not to mash the 'smaller' clans for easy points.
Every season is streches over a time of two months, you are only
allowed to play the same clan twice in each season. After the season
is finnished, there will be playoffs, the 16 best ranked clans go
to the playoffs. Your team can JOIN nqr2_the
Nations Quake Rank at anytime in an ongoing season, however you cannot JOIN nqr2_when the
playoff’s have started. Then you’ll have to wait until the playoffs
have been played and the new season started. The playoffs will work
as following;
#1 vs. #16
#2 vs. #15
#3 vs. #14
Your team
Your team needs to have a working homepage with updated info about
all active clanmembers. There are no limit to the number of players
in one team. Teams not fulfilling theese requirements can be forbidden
to enter the
Nations Quake Rank . When the season is underway you can do some changes to your team
lineup, you are allowed to add two members to your teams roster,
but no more then two! You can only do this roster add during the
regular season, no changes are allowed when the playoffs have started!
All teams are expected to behave properly and treat the opponents
and admins with respect. Teams can be removed from the league for
repeated offenses and teams with a known history of trouble can
be denied participation.
Things we consider as cheating.
Changed models of any kind! Your proxy must report clean on a f_modified
check, no exceptions.
Hacked clients! Recompiled quake-executables or edited clients will
not be tolerated.
Speedcheating! Using the qwcl-win98/NT speedbug in order to get
a speedprocent over 99.99% is considered as cheating. Since this
can happen by accident people who are caught with higher % values
will only be asked to reboot and reconnect.
Fakenicking, such as regestering a fake clan will not be tolerated
and can lead to serious measures. Also, playing for several teams
who compete in
Nations Quake Rank is considered cheating.
Teams playing from the same location with two players or more (LAN)
are required to notify the admin. The admin can impose restrictions
on spectators of that team (to prevent them from relaying the enemys
position). Teams having players communicating through other means
then in game features or team messages (message mode 2) are required
to notify the admin. This includes the use of the voice communication
capabilities of Qizmo or a similar or other methods. Only the players
currently playing the game are allowed in the voice channel (Qizmo)!
The admin can impose restrictions on spectators of that team.
Oo coaching whatsoever from inside the game is allowed, such as;
timing quad, relaying enemy postions.
Other offences
Intentionally dropping from server! Having one or several players
intentionally drop from server during a game without replacing them
in no more than one minutes time can be deemed an offence by the
preciding admin (depending on circumstances).
Any way of interfering with the connection of the opposing team
(e.g. by any type of flooding or crashing servers) is obviously
Please remember what the game is about, having a good time. Quake
is a gentlemans sport you know!
Anyone could tell you that fullbright-skins is one of the most effective
cheats in QuakeWorld. The problem is that the use of fullbright
skins have reached such enormous proportions that the situation
today is more or less that everyone has got them! This means that
it is impractical for us to consider them as cheats as it would
disrupt the way most people play quake today. Also, banning fullbrights
(while theoretically possible with Qizmo-only) would also give a
slight advantage to GL players who can blur map textures and keep
the player skins sharp and crisp.
Game settings
Team: 4on4
Timelimit: 20 minutes
Overtime: 5 minutes if match is a draw
Deathmatch mode: 1
Team play mode: 2
Spawn model: Kteam, KteamPro or Normal QW
Powerups: ON/OFF
Discharge: ON
Record demo
Since NQR ain't requiring an admin as a spectator for each game
it's very important that you ALWAYS record a demo when your clan
plays a game.
If there should be any disputes between the clans or anything else
concerning the game, you need to show a demo to prove your point.
Approved maps
All original quake maps are allowed.
In general you have to play you're home map. Changes can be made
though, if you deside to play another map from the one you have
stated on your clans info here you MUST inform the other clan atleast
2 day ahead of the game. You must also get the map change approved
by an admin. Changes to the map at you're clans info page should
not be miss-used.
Nations Quake Rank staff will not pre-schedule any matches, it’s up to the clans to
arrange matches. However, deadlines for the regular season will
be posted. Also deadlines when the playoff games should be finished
will be posted by the
Nations Quake Rank staff.
The Server Issue
The matchserver is decided by both teams. A server giving approximately
equal connection conditions should be found. In principle, all maps
are played on the same server.
and clients
1. The only proxys/clients allowed in NQR are Qizmo 2.91 and MQWCL
0.94c (win32) / 0.94b (linux), allowed QuakeWorld clients are versions
2.30 and 2.33.
*concerning qizmo/mqwcl f_checks*
2. You have to pass all f_ check commands, such as f_modified,
f_version, f_server, f_speed (see F_check commands explaination).
If a player drops after a f_check, the player must be rechecked
when he returns to the server. If an argument should accure between
the clans, then the clans should go to #NQR and get an admin to
come to the server and settle the conflict. Any clan/player that
shows some bad models or other bad settings must change them at
once, failing to do so and an admin may impose restrictions upon
this clan/player, such as giving the other clan a WO or banning
the clan/player from NQR.
3. F_check commands explaination.
f_speed = This will display the running speed in %. Values over
100% are considered cheating but can also occur on win9x systems
that have not been rebooted for a long time. In this case just
reboot and the speed will be below 100% again.
f_modified [x] = This will check for altered models and sounds
in your pak files which could be used for cheating.
If a model does not have the original crc size its name will be
reported. If nothing is modified it will report the crc value
over all models. You might specify x which will be added to this
f_version = This will report both the version of the proxy used
as well as the operating system.
f_server = from the Qizmo readme: "Each qizmo responds
with 'x->y', where x is a crc of the ip address of the proxy
and y crc of the address where the player is connected to. So
you should get either:player1: x->y player1: y->z or player2:
x->z where x and z should be same for everyone on the server
and y changes for different server side proxies. If this is not
the case, someone might be using a bot or there is something else
in between, e.g. cheapo."
Decider maps 
1. If a game is drawed, a decider map will be played. The decider
maps are the following: DM3,DM2,E1M2,E2M2 and E3M3.
- If both clans can agree to a decider map that map should be
- If they can't agree to a map the ^NQR^ bot will be used to
choose a random map. No clan will then be able to play their
"home map" a second time.
E.g: Clan A wins on their home map (DM3), Clan B is victourius
on their home map (E1M2). The clans cannot agree upon a decider
map, then the bot comes to use. However, the maps DM3 and E1M2
cannot be picked as a decider map unless both clans agree on
that. So if the bot says: "DM3 is the decider!" You
simply do a random pick again untill u get a map that hasen't
been played already.
2. A log will be runned on #NQR to prevent miss use of the Random
map option.
Reporting games
As soon as a game have been played, the winning team should
report the result to NQR. To report a game you simply login on the
NQR site with either your master account or your regular account.
There you will be able to report your game.
NOTE: If you report a game that weren't played the same day you
MUST notify the NQR Crew about that.
If by some reason this don't work you can send an e-mail to info@nqr.nu
1. The Name of the clans that were playing.
2. What maps that were played and the result for each clan.
3. Attach screenshots in GIF or JPG format for each map.
4. The Date the game was played.
Theese rules are based on the Smackdown league’s
rules-section and much have been taken directly from their rules
page and some has been edited to fit the
Nations Quake Rank rules section. Many thanks to Smackdown and it’s staff for authorizing
us to use theese rules. http://www.challenge-smackdown.com/hq/rules/.
# |
1 |
blixem |
70.8 |
2 |
Fox |
70.3 |
3 |
hib |
68.4 |
4 |
riker |
68.4 |
5 |
reppie |
68.1 |
Played games:
Clans: 72
Players: 644
Most victories: HC (26)
Most defeats: goh (36)