mogge - |
2003-03-17 21:59:32 |
dm3 was a close one 8) G_G |
Hagge - |
2003-03-17 22:25:16 |
ye.. but this was a very laggy game? :) gg anyway! |
budzior - |
2003-03-17 23:27:26 |
yep it was. we played on polish serv coz there only we`ve got nice pingz and relatively our opponents too. We use to have there about 60ms but somehow (vn pinging ;p) we got sometimes about 200. Then we decided to play all games on this serv. |
mogge - |
2003-03-18 08:23:12 |
omg I have become the new hagg0r taking all the first comments. I feel bad 8( |
KC aka YA - |
2003-03-18 12:48:18 |
sorry 4 my exelent english :] ...
1. before the match we talk aboute budzior and decide: the 1-st map play on pol. server,
2-nd map - on rus. server and 3-rd - on pol. server (We have made concessions, having obviously the worse ping/pl - 120-140 ping and 7-15 pl. 2 of pol players have 30-40 ping and 0-3 pl)
2. we lose 1-st map on pol. server, after this phc-team has refused to play on rus. server.
Having understood, that they refuse to play, we have decided to play the 3-rd map on pol. server and we won it.
and finally having understood, that they not begin to play on rus. server (Can be admins should award WO to phc???!!!) we decide to play e1m2 on pol. server
well.... but lags were such, that in middle of game, at that time when we were in the lead, one of our member were disconnect for aboute 3 minuts......
and we have missed leadership. 2 minutes prior to the ending we lost 19 frags, but on it our problems were not finished, we was disconnected from server.....
After unsuccessful attempts to reconnect to pol. server we successfully connect to and - (very strange this was disconnect)....
Our team asks to consult us admins on the following questions:
1: Whether we have is right to take out WO to a phc-team owing to refusal to play the 3-rd map on our rus. server?
2: In case it is impossible, whether we have is right to replay a map for the reason that it was not finished(we was disconnected)?
{p.s.: screen-shots do not reflect a real picture about our ping/pl ( especial on dm3)} |
Link - |
2003-03-18 12:54:41 |
What is PHC's view on this? |
Burn - |
2003-03-18 13:04:12 |
And one more opinion...
It was unfair to play all games at polish server. But PHC members said that they won't play on another server( for example in Russia or Sweden). We have 100+ ping and permanent PL (upto 50), they have just about 50 ms. And please look at last screenshot. Nice, isn't it?
PHC's member - spectator Juniour said that we'are an idiots. And his fucking flood filled our console during warm-ups. |
k4rn - |
2003-03-18 13:39:51 |
I'm not here to comment why/or howyou played, just wanted to say about the last 3rd map, the match endend, and THEN the server lagged, VM were not the only ones who got kicked out. So that was not any of the players foult, only the server. |
KC - |
2003-03-18 14:15:54 |
2 k4rn:
3-rd map wasn't ended!!!
server was lagged for 1-2 minuts before! |
Budzior - |
2003-03-18 16:01:54 |
ya ez burn same. U can play only form 17:00 cet to 20:00 cet and not everyday. 4 phc`s its hard to get 4 guys @ this hours. but we did it and not 4 first time. that was 3rd game we arranged and finnaly we played yesterday. there was alwayas smth wrong with u, "cant get 4", "not now", "we must go home" etc. But if we (phc and vm agreed of course for date) set date u should play or WO. correct ? Well like i said it was third time we meet and thank me that i do not send wo earlier. We decide to play first match on polish serv. the match was arranged @ 18:00 cet. we must wait over 40 mins for vn. when finnaly they get to the serv all phc pings jumped to 200. (VM PINGING ?) ive never seen that i can have that lag in poland. well we started and pingz wont change. we had still about 200 (on polish serv) and vm 80-120 (strange isnt it ? they r from russia ;<). on their serv they got 40 and we 250 30pl. well if we got in poland huge ping i dont know why we couldnt play in poland ? VM u won your home map and we won e1m2 decider which shold be played in poland and it was.
btw dm3 screenshot i do it in photoshop from beggining thats why uve got low pingz. LOL. it isnt our foult that your teammate timed out. probobly he pushed wrong button. u dont even break ! and said smth about that. BURN i see u cant understand still and u will never probobly. WE HAD ON POLISH SERVER PING 200 AND U`VE GOT 120 <-highest. thats why we played all games in poland. and ya plz stop devise. somhow with another clans we played we havent problems. and your arguments r half-true and turn i your way. rest is invent by u (vm) , because u cant loose.
server was lagged after match.
i dont know that i express clear :) and of course i dont want call someone liar. anyway GG and gl in rest matches
nice - |
2003-03-19 08:24:12 |
Burn you are fucking idiot |
Burn - |
2003-03-19 09:09:46 |
LOL. Hey, Budzior. You Are liar. The main problem is that the PHC refused all servers expect one. Is it an internet league or one-polish server league?
We MUST play at least one game at the russian or neutral server. PHC refused it all. Admins please ask other clans who had played with PHC where did they play. I can easily guess the right answer. PHC should be kicked from the league because of their bad manners.
And the last moment: the 3rd really wasn't ended. I was disconnected from the game twice. Look at the PHC screenshot - vm had pl 100, but PHC not. |
kc - |
2003-03-19 09:18:48 |
k, budzior, and now all under the order.
1: u sad : "U can play only form 17:00 cet to 20:00 cet and not everyday" - full bosh. we can play every day(except for sunday) and avery time. the time from 17 to 20 is only for your server, when we have avarage ping less then 200 and pl less then 20. so... the unique and constant problem was to collect to you four teamaters.
2: u sad: "when finnaly they get to the serv all phc pings jumped to 200. (VM PINGING ?) ive never seen that i can have that lag in poland" - LOL! if u know, what is it pinging and how to do this, show us , please, or open eyes, at last - we nobody pinging! And rare your lags - the result of bad connect (you see at other yours teamaters they have the better connect). Attempt to blacken us is an excellent occasion to recommend itself from the bad side.
3: u sad: "we had still about 200 (on polish serv) and vm 80-120 (strange isnt it ? they r from russia ;<)" - full lies! we have ping - 120-140 ping and 7-15 pl. 2-3 of pol players have 30-40 ping and 0-3 pl. and tell me, what you have against Russia?
4: u sad: "if we got in poland huge ping i dont know why we couldnt play in poland ?" - because before a match we have agreed with you, that the second game will be played on our server. And I would like to ask you a passer: " why we should play on your server with such " remarkable " connection ?
5: u sad: "we won e1m2 decider which shold be played in poland and it was" - LOL! it was n't "decider" , it was ?oncessions from our side as you have refused to play on our server.
6: u sad: "we won e1m2" - LOL! if u have any FULL 20 MINUTS DEMO!!! on this map, give us, plz. I once again speak: lags were such, that in middle of game, at that time when we were in the lead, one of our member were disconnect for aboute 3 minuts..... and we have missed leadership. 2 minutes prior to the ending we lost 19 frags, but on it our problems were not finished, we was disconnected from server....
kc - |
2003-03-19 09:25:57 |
The huge request to understand a situation and to decide at last:
1. Whether it is possible to demand WO for refusal to play the third game on russian server, which is included in the list allowed in NQR?
2. Why results of game on e1m2 till now are recognized? |
ParadokS - |
2003-03-19 10:40:29 |
Lot of allegations flying around here. It's hard for admin to judge who is right, or who is wrong, based on just theese comments. As I have suggested before, plz try and get an admin DURING game, to resolve any problems. Don't play games, then come a week later and whine. There have always been problems with russian/polish clans, because of bad internet in both poland and russia, and bad routing to other countries.
Ofcourse you accept some ammount of lag and instability, to even participate in online leauge. But after reading theese comments, and looking at screenshots, I can't see why there should be given walkover to any side.
From the looks of it, it looks like you were both equally active, for this. Maybe not all written in previous comments are true, but again, we are just normal ppl, we can't go back in time to see what really happend. So plz next time get admin DURING game, and coming from poland/russia u should also be prepared for lagged players/servers. It can be, that it is not possible to find fair server for 2 such clans. |
Icce - |
2003-03-19 11:25:08 |
Agree what Para said about this, but want to go a bit further in the serverissue thing. I suggest that you do following:
To prevent occasions like this in the future get an admin before gamestart, whom descides which server to play on. If we are in it from the beginning it's easier than to be called in when the arguing/allegations already have started between the combatants. |
kc - |
2003-03-19 12:36:09 |
para, u can't see why there should be given walkover to any side. the reason is - the ARRANGEMENT to play on our server BEFORE game and REFUSAL on the part of a phc-clan DURING game.
If not it is enough these arguments for WO, make the decision about replay e1m2, because it was not finished. And let it will be a server appointed by nqr-admin. (from nqr-rules: " If teams cannot agree on a server then an NQR Admin should be asked to settle the conflict "). We even agree to play this map on pol. server for are sure in a victory |
suni - |
2003-03-19 13:06:18 |
Kala vs PHC, same problem, "we cannot play outside poland." So Kala had like 80-> pings and PHC had 20-50, i guess thats fair. |
suni - |
2003-03-19 14:09:07 |
phc - team is concourse of people which play only on the server, and thus try to pull out a victory any ways, including with the help of lie. Not process, not game, but a victory at any cost is important for him. But at all their conditions they are lames who can be beaten with ping above 120 and pl is higher 10. more simply there are no words |
budzior - |
2003-03-19 15:23:56 |
budzior - |
2003-03-19 16:01:19 |
burn i didnt call u a liar i only said that i dont want to. we refused yuor serv because of diffrence of pingz between those 2 servs (polish and russian). yesterday we play vs GT on topsid. well like u see we didnt refuse they serv even we had worst ping. and your arguments r based only on screenshots which I made, and if i want to show everything in bad_light i should had sent another or remake this.
1. sorry but u can play only from uni computer lab @ this time. u said that. we meet 3 times (3 arranged matches) and last time we plaeyd. thank god. u knew our ips coz u had an admin (elect). well i think its enough to start sending "packages" and lag connection. and the time isnt 4 my server. i told u many times that later (evening) we should get better pingz (22:00cet) but it is too late 4 u. i understand this and i collect 3 times my team @ 17. 2: the connection condition was 100 times better on polish serv than on yours and 4 both teams (im talking about ping diffrence) 3: i havent nothing to russian exept 17 september 1939 ;]. 4: like above. 5: i dont know why he disconected. probobly he must restart his pc. like i said u play from one room (comp lab)... u were still on serv and he was timed out. thats not serv problem and u know that. |
Burn - |
2003-03-20 08:15:05 |
2Budzior - Who was an admin? Don't fuck my mind. It's your server, my haven't admins account there.
2Para - just read their posts(especcially "nice"). They don't play for fun.
Suni is right for the sure. I agree to him. |
budzior - |
2003-03-20 08:25:39 |
uve got admin by elect |
budzior - |
2003-03-20 08:26:27 |
and who is "nice" ? |
Burn - |
2003-03-20 09:16:48 |
Really? You are mistaken. You had voted for me? Or your teammates had voted for me? LOL! And I think "nice' is "Junior". |
Burn - |
2003-03-20 09:23:28 |
Sorry fo english :-)
"Had you voted for me? Or had your teammates voted for me" - the right sentence |
Burn - |
2003-03-20 09:31:54 |
And the last one :-)) Your said "yesterday we play vs GT on topsid.". That's why you loose the game. It's hard to play on the foreign server, isn't it? |
kc - |
2003-03-20 09:46:28 |
2 budzior:
may be we shall play once again e1m2? We agree to beat you even on your server
suni - |
2003-03-20 13:11:57 |
suni -
Nice faking |
suni - |
2003-03-20 13:13:02 |
My oppinion is, hes so right. |
kc - |
2003-03-20 15:00:09 |
suni, so sorry. it's my error |
budzior - |
2003-03-20 16:40:25 |
burn or kc got elect. my team voted 4 u. then we had to wait over 40 mins 4 rest of your team. (trying to configure "sending packages"). if u know we r from same class adress, thats why 3 of us got lag at same time and i dont belive that was a server problem. lag appears about 18:45 and then rest of VM entered serv. and again plz stop device. |
kc - |
2003-03-20 16:59:43 |
hmm... budzior... but i did not choose as admin and i have no concept, what is it pinging. And what for to us it? Can be all the same we shall play last map? (let even on interest) without admins and the others spectators. And let someone from you will be chosen as admin. We not against. We simply want to prove, that we shall win it |
budzor - |
2003-03-20 18:39:16 |
russians best hackers in the world and u dont know what is pinging somebodys ip. rofl. i dont know what 4 u nedeed but u had it (or burn) from elect. |
Burn - |
2003-03-21 07:52:25 |
2Budzior: LOL. I'm tired or your cheap lies and lameness. Keep on masturbating at your lagged server. NO RESPECT. |
kc - |
2003-03-21 14:22:39 |
2 burn: LOL!!! :] |
DobermaN - |
2003-03-21 17:46:11 |
Hi there! Lets keep the peace at our beautiful planet :)
P.S:Smoke cannabis.
P.P.S:Play for fun
P.P.P.S:But poland server is really sucks :) |
Burn - |
2003-03-24 08:53:08 |
My last comment here: WTF is peace? :-P Poland even haven't an atom bomb. Russia have hundreds of them. :-P |
budzior - |
2003-03-24 19:09:58 |
try to feed ppl using bombs :< |
FlePser - |
2003-04-06 00:37:38 |
we played phc and found no problems at all, except the first map dm3, they are roxors:(