Nations Quake Rank Capture The Flag season 1


2005-04-11 Pigs Of Fucking Fury vs. qw.ger 3-0 D2-SF details
2005-04-11 Da Quaking Manjakks vs. American Idiots 3-0 D1-SF details
2005-03-24 American Idiots vs. Kerels onder Invloed 2-1 1 details
2005-03-22 Da Quaking Manjakks vs. Lege Artis 1-2 1 details
2005-03-22 Da Quaking Manjakks vs. KOI 2-1 1 details
2005-03-20 qw.ger vs. American Idols 2-1 2 details
2005-03-14 Lege Artis vs. American Idiots 2-0 1 details
2005-03-14 American Idiots vs. The Hellraisers 2-1 1 details
2005-03-13 Pigs Of Fucking Fury vs. SSC 2-0 2 details
2005-03-09 Satanic Slaughter Clan vs. Maffia 0-2 2 details
  Rules updated  050130  

We have decided on the rules and map pool.

As the poll showed, there were interests in EXMY-maps, as well as CTF-maps. Considering this, we tried to respond in the best way possible, with maps that are easy to learn and still satisfies the savy, oldschool-player.

The map pool consist of E2M2, E3M6, CTF5, CTF8, CTF2M3.

Teams will be able to decide the powerups-setting on their selected map. Quad, Pent and Ring can either be kept on or turned off. In a decider-situation however the powerups will be turned off. We hope that this will allow teams that want to play CTF in a way it was played earlier, where defense mattered and teamplay was required to be able to get the flag, to do that. But still keeps the option open for teams that wish to play it the TDM-way (get armors/weapons and then everyone on quad).

You can read the rest of the rules here



space - 213.64.205.*** 050131 @ 21:42:18
Jag kunde inte s?ga det b?ttre sj?lv;

"Men p? "oldschool" tiden var det
FAN ingen som spelade utan powerups."

"Okej att vi lirade hederlig
dmm1, men runorna och quadsen har ju alltid varit heliga."

"Annars kan
vi ju ta bort flaggorna ocks? och spela dm med hook..."

"ok med
banorna, men att st?nga av pups p? en decider som f?rr i tiden,

hallooo? det
har man aldrig gjort tidigare, pups har alltid varit p?.

"s? man kan
f?rsvara basen som f?rr i tiden

eller hur... f?rr s?g alla d?rf?r kunde man
f?rsvara basen"

Den som skrev detta m?ste ha haft h?l i

"teams that want to play CTF in a way it was played earlier,
where defense mattered and teamplay was required to be able to get the flag, to
do that."

Pups ON

Runes ON


Zilver - 83.116.150.*** 050131 @ 23:37:03
If you ket your comment in english, most of us could actually respond to it..
space - 213.64.205.*** 050201 @ 22:37:07
passa dig s? du inte f?r se min chipsmage
gaz - 193.195.82.*** 050203 @ 11:37:56

Kauka - 213.112.254.*** 050203 @ 11:43:32
skrod, lots of monkeys here?
c - 213.66.229.*** 050205 @ 02:23:07
Agreed with space, and I don't think ctf should be played with runes but WITHOUT
powerups, that makes the runes a bit too good imo. There are 2 reasons u need a
quad, 1. u almost need quad to kill a good res-opponent (esp if opponents have
str). 2. The quad is an assembling point on the map where the resguy and the
other players MUST go which makes them easier to catch..

All or
nothing, that means runes on,powerups on OR runes off, quad off, though I prefer
the first alternative.
wilen - 82.182.194.*** 050206 @ 03:47:47
dmm1 and pups ON is a wet dream of mine


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    © Nations Quake Rank 2005