Well we are finally nearing the end of NQR3, so we thought it was time to state some deadlines.
The deadline for division games is Sunday the 8th of December 00:00 CET. For the record we would like to say we have given a full 10 gaming weeks to finnish the Divisions. As you probably remember from week 1, you had an extra week to play your game, and we wouldn't want to change that.
If you want to submit a WO victory for an old game you need to notify an admin about this before you submit your WO victory, you need to do so before the date/time stated above, there will be no exceptions! All games that has not been been submitted as WO victory or if you have failed to contact an admin within the given date/time a void (v-v) result shall stand, and no clan shall be given any points.
So come on ppl play your games before it's to late ;).
Offcourse, a big good luck goes to all clans out there from the NQR Crew.
More info about Qualifications games / Playoff games will be stated soon.
// the NQR Crew