
2003-06-16 noskill vs. HellFire 0-2 Division 1-2 Playoff details
2003-06-01 Frag Shack vs. Paranoids 0-2 Division 4-5 Playoff details
2003-05-27 Unidentified Quake Entity vs. Dybbuk 1-2 Division 3-4 Playoff details
2003-05-27 Clan Edge vs. Thangorodrim 0-2 Division 5-6 Playoff details
2003-05-26 Thangorodrim vs. OLW 2-0 Division 5-6 Playoff details
2003-05-26 Clan Edge vs. OLW 2-0 Division 5-6 Playoff details
2003-05-25 Campbusters Team 2 vs. Dybbuk 2-0 Division 3-4 Playoff details
  Cmt1 and Cmt5 remade  030410  

Both maps have been remade on the feedback we got from the CMT league. Remember to keep an old version of these maps for demo purposes, if that is desired. Maps will be up on servers asap.





SLB - 030410 @ 02:40:34
xhrl - 030410 @ 04:30:00
lame that these can't be named cmt1a or cmt1pro :/ all of the games played on the old cmt1 will have been played and will never be given any further attention. How many ppl will go about renaming the .bsp files? not many I would guess. It gives a good historical perspective to see a map's gameplay from one year to the next....too bad that won't happen with cmt1 :(
pattah - 030410 @ 10:00:50
I agree, just rename the new ones to cmt1b or so. BEFORE it's too late. If the maps are different, a new name will not harm.
mannen - 030410 @ 10:46:54
I agree
caspar - 030410 @ 11:06:43
totally agree, name them cmtXb or something similar... some ppl might like the old version better and will remove the confusion with nonupdated servers etc :]
Kryten - 030410 @ 11:22:41
also agree :)
flinty - 030410 @ 11:28:09
locmaking time \o/ cmt1 was ez, but cmt5 seems to be totally reorganized... have to make a new one :(
Hagge - 030410 @ 11:32:51
weeei hope it will be good \o/
Link - 030410 @ 12:01:49
"some ppl might like the old version better"...well, this is EXACTLY why we dont wont another file name. The old versions are _history_ and was made for testing in the CMT league. Why would _ANYONE_ play on the old versions from this date on? This is the best way to prevent that, the new versions are the maps, not the old ones. How hard is it to name the old one "cmt1old", keep it, and rename it to cmt1 if you want to watch a demo on the old version? Also the reason for these news "spams" on and nqr are also because to inform you of this, for obvious reasons. You are making it a bigger problem than it is, when infact it is no problem at all :)
kippo - 030410 @ 12:27:05
Kryten - 030410 @ 14:02:54
ppl will still have old version and wont be able to connect to servers, and wont understand why. doesnt seem sensible to me.
pattah - 030410 @ 14:31:13
Just like ukooldm2, with different texture sets floating around, and you always have to switch them because you cannot tell which one the server runs. flintheart mentioned locs already... get you bnew'ish teamies to use a newer -- named the same -- loc.
pattah - 030410 @ 14:32:25
Furthermore, if you wanna prevent them from playing cmt1 old, just allow cmt1b. I wanna point out death32c... who plays death32 nowadays?
Link - 030410 @ 14:43:15
Well, if they read the news updates they will understand, this is the reason why we make a news update about it? And if no servers run the old versions, they will eventually get the new version when they ask what is wrong. The majority will not have a problem with this at all, and anyone who pay interest in the cmt maps will not have any problems either. Who are the rest who will experience problems with this? Now stop whining :))
Link - 030410 @ 14:43:57
Yes, new locs will be made asap.
Kryten - 030410 @ 14:58:23
like every qw player in the world reads these pages?
Kryten - 030410 @ 15:00:27
so new rule for NQR5.. we allow CMT1. So a team goes and pracs original CMT1 and then wants to play it in NQR5. why cant they? it is CMT1 afterall. a rule that says "CMT1... oh but not the old one, the new one" is very stupid.
Link - 030410 @ 15:29:51
How can he prac original CMT1 when its not on any servers?
Link - 030410 @ 15:37:34
Server admin at Z servers; Luny, has just overwritten cmt1 and cmt5, so no old map version on that server. So when Paradoks does the same on BBB, and server admins in Germany, Poland, Holland etc does the same, the problem that you constructed, is no more.
Kryten - 030410 @ 15:48:12
still makes no sense and is asking for trouble
Link - 030410 @ 15:50:53
whine :)
Kryten - 030410 @ 16:23:14
wine is better
sexC - 030410 @ 16:40:15
the new cmt5 is a masterpiece. thanks qurnel (?)
HangTime - 030410 @ 16:51:42
100% agree with Kryten, xhrl, and pretty much everyone else on this one. If its a different map, it should have a different name - this prevents so much extra confusion and hassle.<br><br> For a start it's highly plausible that not all server admins will update immediately. So you go to a server wanting to play, think it has the correct map, but turns out it has the old version but you didnt realise until everyone votes the map name and gets kicked off for having cheat version of the map. Players also may think they have the map, but they don't they have old version, so have to download it instead of playing the game. Or maybe they decide to check the map out on their localhost and learn it all wrong.<br><br> I can't see any reason to keep the original map name, just makes thing more fiddly and confusing for players (especially newbies.. maybe they download wrong version from some webpage with old version and same map name.... maybe they read some guide which is out of date.... etc etc etc so many reasons NOT to use the same map name for a different map).<br><br> Please do what's right for the community and give the new maps new names. Even if your brain defies logic and doesn't see a problem with 2 maps having the same name, there's no good reason to KEEP the original mapname, so why not just shut everyone else up and change map names :)
flinty - 030410 @ 16:56:08
if anyone is intrested, i've made locfiles for cmt1/cmt5 ... and 64 other maps :> you might have to right click and use "save target as" to d/l the locfiles.
Link - 030410 @ 17:34:02
HT: we dont want two versions of the maps. Its that simple. Get over it. New versions are already uploaded at Z, later today prolly on Quadaver too. Para should also be able to upload it on bbb like in 10 secs, when he gets around to it. It's not like ppl are playing cmt maps 24/7 at the moment anyway. You are constructing a problem, why? In a week the old versions dont exists anymore, they are not on any servers, they are gone, finito, bye bye. You do see the reason why we dont want 2 versions of the maps on servers? you talk about confusing? well thats seems confusing to me. The only purpose the old versions will have is for demos, they will not be in any league, they will not be played by anyone. So funny how ppl who "never" plays these maps suddenly got a big interest in this :)
HangTime - 030410 @ 18:16:02
Who ever said anything about having two versions on servers? If admins are capable of/intrested in replacing a map, I'm sure they are capable of deleting one! As I said, it's a question of ensuring all PLAYERS have the correct versinn of the map, not just servers. which is something you don't have control over. The old versions will NOT be gone within a week, I guarentee you that. Because I "never" play a map doesn't mean I don't have a right to make suggestions. I can respect the opinion of others about subjective issues like what maps are good, point systems etc etc, but this is just stupid :)
HangTime - 030410 @ 18:17:20
P.S: good work on tweaking the maps based on feedback, hopefully the ludicrous naming scheme won't distract from the good work put in.
Link - 030410 @ 19:01:33
If you are not gonna have two versions of the map on the server, then what is the point of renaming the map? If you get error when changing map coz you got the old version, then DL the new one. lol.
HangTime - 030410 @ 19:39:17
The point of renaming is then you know that if you have the map, it's the correct one. There will be servers and webpages with the old maps, with same name as new one, just causes confusion. At least if says "cmt1b" you know its the correct map. Suppose some guy tries to connect to server, doesn't have the map so he does search on google, downloads cmt1 but it's old version and still doesn't work. So he thinks fuck this shit, back to q3 where if i have the map it lets me play.
drejfus - 030410 @ 19:44:05
none cares for this lolmaps... any div4-clan wanna play on sunday #beastie_boys
caspar - 030410 @ 20:27:16
link: will you update all http-resources with the new cmtmaps also? as ht said its not all about the serverversions, the clientversions is quite important aswell
Tuna - 030410 @ 21:06:48
drejfus :))) and just for defendence of that made decision, and with respect i dont know what im talking about: i suck pretty much.. and i would get confused if i play nqr6 with cmt1c, cmt4g, cmt3lol and cmt5whatever :) i think the idea behind the decision is that we have 6 custommaps with a sensible name scheme. ok we did some adjustments cause we saw that they were needed. they are still the same maps though (somehow).
Tuna - 030410 @ 21:13:00
hm.. maybe just put a version number on the map description (that thingie where it loads) so you KNOW if you have the right map (i doubt that is the problem you are after), so you still type 'cmt1' in the console for a decent mapchange instead of typing some strange mapverisonumbers. newbies dont know which version is the newest anyway. :-)
Link - 030411 @ 01:41:21
HT: lol
caspar - 030411 @ 02:40:42
yes tuna, that would work i think, not perfect but still an improvement :]
fanti - 030413 @ 15:51:58
Link, when are you going to dig up the 45 000,- NOK you stole from me. Kinda lame to care about those map issues when you clearly have IRL issues to be dealt with. How long is the QW community going to accept this lameness? For you others, I understand this is *spam*, but I will continue to remind Link now and then how much of a fuckup he is. You would do that too if he stole 45000 (6200 usd as of today] from you. Thank you for understanding. I love you all. Except Link of course.
Jjonez - 030414 @ 00:35:32
not to mention old demos
Link - 030414 @ 02:46:47
I used the money on beer and hockers.
sexC - 030414 @ 04:39:56
fanti: if anyone has stolen anything from you, I'm glad to inform you that the nqr admins nor the nqr players can do anything for you. just stop wasting our time, and deal with the problem irl just the way you put it yourself...
driz - 030414 @ 06:54:22
fanti - 030415 @ 11:47:34
sexC are you maybe feeling guilty too? I don't think that you are in any position to speak for the whole community. And I don't pretend that anybody else is going to solve my problems, nor have I stated that. When you have been ripped off by someone who is 8 years older than you, then you will know how it is. I am telling this to prevent him from robbing the whole qh-lan ( so that was a little exaggerated, but who knows?). Another thing is that every player that will meet him IRL from now on knows that he is a lowlife dirty scoundrel. Freuds theories will be seen in a new light if you happen to experience this lowlife on LAN. Fanatic on qw, lolling literally LOUD, low in education, and sadly low in respect for others. And stealing and ripping off people. It doesn't take much too understand why he pretends to be this "big" admin, when IRL has gone him by. post #133.
Link - 030415 @ 18:25:07
Can you be any more tragic plz? You seem to have lost something on the way (your mind?). I hope you find it, you sound like you are going to war. And plz stop saying you are sorry for the spam and that you respect the qw scene and blablabla, pathetic. Go get laid and chill down, it usually helps.
fanti - 030416 @ 20:56:46
Let's not chitchat honeybunny. Are you gonna hand over the money or not?


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