
2004-06-09 Kala vs. Fired 0-3 Silver playoff - final details
2004-06-06 Slackers vs. Lege Artis 3-1 Gold playoff - final details
2004-05-20 Slackers vs. Firing Squad 3-0 Gold playoff - semi-finals details
2004-05-17 OLw vs. HoLY 3-1 Bronze playoff - final details
2004-05-17 Satanic Slaughter Clan vs. El?intarha 3-0 Silver playoff - 3rd-place match details
2004-05-17 Batida Swing vs. Apocalypse 2000 3-2 Bronze playoff - 3rd-placed match details
2004-05-11 El?intarha vs. Fired 1-3 Silver playoff - semi-finals details
  Small update  040203  

Clients and Proxies:
As rules state you must use latest official version of fuhquake and mqwcl. Some of you may not have noticed that FuhQuake actually released version 0.31 some time ago, since didn't make news about it. Well, it's there alright and you can download it here at
gibbage fileserver or from FuhQuake official download page


Goljat ( 040203 @ 20:51:45
Be :E
error ( 040204 @ 19:10:17
is goljats testversion of
fuhquake allowed?
ZkilfinG ( 040204 @ 19:52:57
goljat isn't the only one
using it, but it's still a
good question ;)
Ez ( 040208 @ 00:31:00
Now really, why bother? If you
do a check ppl only moan about
the fact that they cant seem
to pass checks/or latest Fuh
0.31 causes them to lag so
they will never use it ... or
blah whatever (insert moan of
choice). Tbh its just easier
to delete your quake dir and
go off to play a mmorpg. Done
hehe ( 040312 @ 16:01:21
hehe ( 040312 @ 22:16:53


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