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Current Week: 8

2007-05-28 Mean Machine vs. O CLA 0-3 BC-F details
2007-05-19 Core vs. ballistic 1-3 SC-F details
2007-05-17 Mean Machine vs. smackthatass 3-1 BC-SF details
2007-05-09 Clan MalFunction vs. Dota-Allstar-Guys 0-3 GC-F details
2007-05-06 jokkmokk vs. ballistic 1-3 SC-SF details
2007-05-02 Clan MalFunction vs. Team Freedom 3-1 GC-SF details
2007-05-02 EnemyQuad vs. O CLA 0-3 BC-SF details
2007-05-01 Core vs. JUGS 3-1 SC-SF details
2007-04-29 Slackers vs. Dota-Allstar-Guys 1-3 GC-SF details
2007-04-26 Hell Gloom Crew vs. JUGS 0-2 SC-QF details
  Vote results  070206  

Here are the results from the map votes:


TB3 - 15
TB3 + CMT3 + CMT4 - 5


TB3 - 14
TB3 +CMT3 + CMT4 - 6


TB3 - 15
TB3 + CMT3 + CMT4 - 9

About fakeshaft, since the votes include all divs the results are as follows:

Allow - 33
Disallow - 31

//NQR Staff


B1aze - 212.5.80.*** 070206 @ 16:01:21
So, split all teams in:
group A - clans who vote for allow fakeshaft
group B - clans who vote against fakeshaft
Cos i don't like to play vs clan who use fakeshaft.
plast - 83.13.196.*** 070206 @ 16:45:14
no one forces you to play
jaco - 81.179.125.*** 070206 @ 18:14:00
map vote fix hax referee

what's wrong with you boring people?
even only TWo extra maps keep the qw FRESH.
less emphasis on the stagnant base, castle of the mildew and repeatophobopolis please

Hooraytio - 212.214.218.*** 070206 @ 20:07:17
i would vote for some more episode maps
but now its settled for this season, so lets play
Åke Vader - 90.227.94.*** 070206 @ 20:14:52
TB3 for the win. Would be a pain if my friends had to learn five maps instead of TB3 only. It takes some time to get good on them you know, even after you know the basic layout and stuff. :p

Nice with fakeshaft too as new players tend to think the shaft is fucked up, i reckon.
ok98 - 81.231.238.*** 070206 @ 21:53:49
The problem is cmt4.. that map aint fun. But cmt3 is the shit.
Vertigo - 157.24.219.*** 070207 @ 00:04:27
New players?! Now that's a myth. :>

Someone can correct me if im wrong, but wasnt fakeshaft considered as a cheat some years back? I havent tried it, but isnt it a straight shaft, which stays in the middle position?

There has always been some good shafters around, but we'll see some even more awesome shaft frags during this NQR season!
B1aze - 212.5.80.*** 070207 @ 08:03:09
Agreed with ok98.
CMT3 for the win.
And lets play e2m2? instead of cmt4.
Defcon 5 - 85.124.4.*** 070207 @ 11:24:52
Dont matter if e23m21 or ctm4, its just, 3 Maps are too less for a 4v4 Tourney. Think about Best of 5 and then it gets boring playing the same map twice.
btw e2m2tdm is nice.
ncr - 90.225.97.*** 070207 @ 11:31:08
I voted TB3 only simply because I don't like custom maps. They may be very well laid out for teamplay, but I feel nothing for them - and so I can't seem to be able to muster any lust for learning them.

I certainly would have voted for E2M2 (and E3M7) if that had been a possibility. Unlike custom maps, the original episode maps have got that good old Quake feeling to them, while at the same time feeling new and fresh to many of us. Botanising among the original Quake maps seems to me a good way to keep the game fresh.

Other than that, TB3 ftw \ö/.
Hooraytio - 193.10.221.*** 070207 @ 12:57:34
next season give us e1m6, e2m2, e2m2tdm, e3m7 etc etc please
batfink - 212.113.204.*** 070207 @ 14:18:47
e3m1 4 life
plast - 83.13.196.*** 070207 @ 21:09:45
all eXmX maps, including e1m2, are crap for multi

and i dont get these people who cry for kenyas, no one forces you to play tb3 only, just ask your opponent and play the map to which both clans agree, you will all be happy and i'm sure no admin will refuse to confirm such game, just stop "forcing" ppl to play some weird stupid maps which almost no one neither knows, understands nor is eager to play or got time/will to learn, zzz
znappe - 213.114.242.*** 070207 @ 22:31:37
e2m7 is the best 4on4map ever. enough said :/
Hooraytio - 212.214.218.*** 070207 @ 22:44:11
lol ppl will never play any other map than tb3 in an official match unless that map is approved in some sort of map-pool. just to ask some opponent to play e1m6 for example would make them lol of their chairs... and i really think there are some really good episode maps for 4on4
plast - 83.13.196.*** 070207 @ 23:38:26
well if you asked me to play e1m6 i would definitely lol of my chair no matter if the map was in the pool or not =)
Hooraytio - 212.214.218.*** 070208 @ 10:20:53
haha maybe thats cuz you are a noobquaker?
in the old days pretty much every map was played and e1m6 in particular is a good map for 4on4
Vertigo - 157.24.219.*** 070208 @ 12:25:31
Come on Hooraytio. Those 'old days' you're referring to were during years 1996-97. TB3 formed pretty much immediatly when QW was released. TB3 has been the key thing in all the best 4on4 competitions during 21st century.

Dont get me wrong though. There should be a 5-map pool in all competitions, no matter if its duels, 2on2's or almighty CLANWARS.
plast - 83.13.196.*** 070208 @ 12:33:34
rofl, back in 97-2000 i played 4on4s (and 8on8s plus 10on10s) at death32c or hipside for example, but never at such crap (for multi) maps as exmx are, hipside alone is better for multi than all all exmx maps together :D
sweeper - 89.150.182.*** 070208 @ 15:08:03
Don't any of u guys get bored of whining about the same shit season after season after season...? Just checking.. :)
Hooraytio - 81.226.200.*** 070208 @ 20:23:19
we played e1m6 every game in nqr2...
no clan whined about it back then so why not play it now?
that was 2001
Strife - 80.244.79.*** 070208 @ 22:08:16
Nice to see that TB3 is gone and everyone only plays CMT4.
Hooraytio - 81.226.200.*** 070208 @ 23:22:46
as long as the top clans dont wanna play other maps than tb3 we wont see any big changes in the map-pool imo
Åke Vader - 90.227.94.*** 070209 @ 12:14:39
2001, which is only...hm...6 years ago. :p

If people are so eager to play on custom/exmy maps then just do another league for it. The software (PHPTourney for example) is all there and i bet you could find people willing to set it up for you.
Hooraytio - 81.226.200.*** 070209 @ 13:52:35
yeah 2001 was 6 years ago, not 10 years ago wich vert said (96-97)

i dont think we need another custom/episode maps cup, we need the episode maps back in nqr/eql where they belong. players tend to idle in the custom/episode map cups and the maps get played like 2-3 times. i dont think this is due to these maps beeing bad for 4on4, i rather think that they need to be played alongside tb3 to get more popular
FlePser - 198.54.202.*** 070209 @ 15:30:24
plast - 83.13.196.*** 070210 @ 01:59:49
hooraytio, why do you want to make people happy by force? we (THE MAJORITY) know better what we want and we want tb3 because it's fun enough, can't you get it?

and no, e1m6 won't become more popular by forcing people to play it in eql/nqr because if such map was in pool i, among many others, would rather give wo every team who wanted to play it (because to play it would be waste of my time) or just wouldnt sign up for the league, ez at it is
Hooraytio - 81.226.200.*** 070210 @ 11:49:49
one clan choosing a certain map as its homemap isnt forcing...

we need more maps than tb3 cant YOU get it? and just giving WO on certain maps is just the lamest behaviour ever. there are ppl who dont like tb3 but would u be happy if they just gave u wo on it? and dont say yes cuz i know you play qw to play, not only to win from wo...
murdoc - 84.245.9.*** 070210 @ 16:35:29
you know whats even more lame, ppl give us wo all the time notmather what map thats even more boring and lame behavoiur fix that first!
bps - 213.115.89.*** 070212 @ 11:13:06
no other map than tb3 turns me on. Where are all the map makers? btw Schloss is kinda nice :)
Oho - 193.184.144.*** 070212 @ 12:37:46
Why make maps? Nobody is playing them.. exmx maps back plz.. 5-map pool.. and before league open vote.. 2 best map + tb3 and im happy.
mrlame - 81.227.144.*** 070212 @ 13:23:41
is it to late to add players to teams now? and does someone want an old quaker without quake?
bare in mind that i haven't even opened quake for like 2 or 3 years can't remember and sitting on lcd monitor and shit these days so im prolly gonna suck deluxe not like ive been that hot anyway ;)
phil - 38.139.8.*** 070212 @ 18:27:10
Vertigo, since you asked to be corrected if you are wrong: the easiest way to clarify your quote "I havent tried it, but isnt it a straight shaft, which stays in the middle position?" is to see http://wiki.qwdrama.com/Fakeshaft


Haggis - 62.101.203.*** 070214 @ 15:27:28
Plast, agree. Hipside ownes :)
peppe - 82.212.77.*** 070218 @ 14:23:12
schloss yea bps!
mrlame - 81.227.144.*** 070220 @ 14:04:41
okay i'll take that as a no then 8)
Hooraytio - 212.214.218.*** 070220 @ 19:25:57
my god. why didnt any clan recruit mrlame?
murdoc - 81.171.23.*** 070221 @ 11:40:18
mrlame, its still possible to add players after season started (2 max), not much ppl read the comments here try post on qw.nu forum i am sure somone would love to have you :)
Vertigo - 157.24.219.*** 070305 @ 12:07:37
NQR crew is buzy with declining all 3rd added players after the first week than dealing with security and cheating issues. Unfortunate for ppl like mrlame :/
hello_world - 217.96.62.*** 070319 @ 16:53:59
ehh... simply, do new league with maps other then tb3, and dont add new maps to existing EQL/NQR. ppl wanting tb3 would play EQL/NQR, ppl rather playing custom maps will play new tourneys and everyone would be happy :)

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