2003-01-05 |
Clan Malfunction vs. LegeArtis  |
2-3 |
Final |
details |
2003-01-04 |
Hellfire vs. LegeArtis  |
0-2 |
1/2 Finals |
details |
2002-12-23 |
Slackers vs. Clan Malfunction  |
1-2 |
1/2 Finals |
details |
2002-12-23 |
Hellfire vs. Firing Squad  |
2-1 |
1/4 Finals |
details |
2002-12-19 |
Ax3 vs. The Fighting Foes  |
1-3 |
Div 2 and 3 Playoff |
details |
EUnet Z increases QW server capacity. 030206
I would just like to inform that EUnet Z servers located in Finland, has change their old system.
Now they have more servers, to compensate for eDomes (headless?) decision, to close most of their servers.
If you haven't already noticed this change via your favourite serverbrowser ASE (All Seeing Eye), here is the new list:
EUnet Z Duel #0 -
EUnet Z Duel #1 -
EUnet Z Duel #2 -
EUnet Z Duel #3 -
EUnet Z Duel #4 -
EUnet Z Duel #5 -
EUnet Z Duel #6 -
EUnet Z Duel #7 -
EUnet Z Duel #8 -
EUnet Z Duel #9 -
EUnet Z Quad #0 -
EUnet Z Quad #1 -
EUnet Z Quad #2 -
EUnet Z Quad #3 -
EUnet Z Team #0 -
EUnet Z Team #1 -
EUnet Z Team #2 -
EUnet Z Team #3 -
EUnet Z small Deathmatch -
EUnet Z Rocket Arena -
EUnet Z Clan Arena -
EUnet Z Qizmo -
All the servers include custom maps ofcourse, so finding a server to play your CMT matches on shouldn't be a problem.
Also note that Z's FFA server no longer uses weirdo mode, but adopted the now late eDome small settings.
Stats Summary 030113
Its the end of another season and we thought as a bit of fun we'd do a little round up of some interesting stats.
The most played map(s) were (unsurprisingly) as follows:
DM3 (205), DM2 (194), E1M2 (148)
The least played map(s) were:
E1M5 (0), E3M7 (2), E2M2 (8)
For the following stats we only included maps which had been played 20 times or more (we need a good controlling factor):
The map which produced the most number of frags per game were:
E1M2 (327.7), DM2 (310.4), E3M2 (276.9)
The map which produced the closest games were (value is avg. winning margin):
E1M2 (81.1), E3M3 (86.4), DM3 (99.6)
Based on the statistics, the best players in each division were as follows: (assumes they have played 15 maps or more):
Division 1: LA-riker, 65.6 frags per map
Division 2: BLT-Skii, 53.7 frags per map
Division 3: 2nd-Ignition, 62.2 frags per map
In total, NQR season 3 saw a total of 188,116 frags!
And of course you can check your individual clan and player page for more stats :)
The NQR team would like to thank all clans and players for their input this season, its been great fun and some excellent Quake was played. But fear not, NQR4 is already in the planning stages so if anyone has any comments on changes etc for next season, get them in quickly before its too late! We really want to hear your views.
// kryten & the NQR crew
QH-LAN 5 030108
Sassa has written a comprehensive review of what just went down on QH-LAN this past weekend, so if you are interested in more than just the scores, check it out. The spelling and grammar are not always the best, but you can tell the guy has put his heart into what he wrote. While I don't agree on some of his opinions on the dag vs griffin finals, I still thought it was a great read. Additionally, if you are interested in some picture galleries from the event, you can find them here on the qhlan site.
// def & NQR crew
Lege Artis CHAMPIONS! 030106
The ever impressive Clan MalFunction (FIN) faced off against the top team Lege Artis (SWE) in a best of 5 series for the NQR3 title. The games were played on a finnish server, where both teams enjoyed fair ping averages of 28ms. The finals map format used was dm3/dm2/e1m2 followed by a 4th map (if neccessary) chosen by the trailing team, and finally a 5th map (if neccessary) chosen by the other team. On this night of quake, all 5 maps were neccessary to decide the winner, couldn't ask more from the world's top teams in a showdown of this magnitutde.
map #1 - LA 168:108 CMF (dm3)
map #2 - LA 198:179 CMF (e1m2)
map #3 - LA 130:145 CMF (dm2)
map #4 - LA 116:180 CMF (dm3)
map #5 - LA 269:129 CMF (e1m2)
Detailed game reports with screenshots and demos will be available tommorow morning.
Congratulations to CMF and LA on games well played - Lege Artis are your NQR3 CHAMPIONS!
Last but not least, the NQR Crew would like to thank all clans and players that participated this season, thanks goes out to you all. We hope to see you guys back next season.
// def & the NQR Crew
Lege Artis move on to the finals... 030106
The semifinal (best of 3) between Hellfire and Lege Artis took place at 23:00cet on QH-LAN, where only 2 games were needed to decide the winner. Hellfire was in for an up-hill battle, as Wigorf couldn't attend lan and Mutilator [while present] decided to go out and get some food right before the match. Therefore, Hellfire was forced to go into action with out their ussual "starting" lineup. Griffin and Madmax were called upon to augment the missing lineup. LegeArtis chose DM3, while Hellfire went with DM2 as their home map. In short if one had to sum up the games, LA proved to be too much for HF on dm3, while HF demonstrated a massive comeback on DM2 to come within a few frags only to be denied by riker (the "30 seconds left" specialist). A detailed match report will be added tommorow. Lege Artis will now play Clan MalFunction from Finland in a best of five for the NQR3 title.
// def & NQR Crew
Semifinals: LegeArtis - Hellfire 030102
The eagerly awaited Division 1 semifinals between LegeArtis and Hellfire are going to be played at QH-LAN this weekend to determine to the top Swedish team. There is no exact time or date yet specified. However, we do know it will either be Saturday or Sunday. Both teams have stated that they will play the match as time permits depending on the QH-LAN schedule. The winner of this match will move on to the finals to face Clan MalFunction from Finland who knocked out the Slackers in the other semifinal.
Note: We will update this post with the specifics when they do become available, so keep your scanners peeled.
// def & NQR Crew
New FuhQuake release. 021228
Fuh gave his latest version the final touch before he uploaded it to www.fuhquake.net
FuhQuake 0.26 is a big release.
It contains a dozens of new features and improvements.
Of note is support for winamp control and 24bit hud elements,
as well as the availability of a linux GLX client.
A nice list of new features/bugfixes can be found here
NQR Playoffs! 021223
Last night we had a really interresting spectate:ing evening. First we started of with Clan Malfuntion vs Slackers, the game that would decide who would reach the final of NQR3. It sure was a tight game, CMF really played some amazing skilled QW. Slackers were not far from loosing this semi-final game in a straight 2-0, but they managed to get their acts together and force a 3rd map. The dm2 map was really tight and even in the end. But when the fat lady sung it all stood clear to us; Clan MalFunction had reached the NQR Finals! Congrats CMF.
In the second fight of the night we had Euro-clan Firing-Squad vs Swedish HellFire clan. HF are a very respected clan when it comes to e1m2, and probably one of the best in world at e1m2. After a death struggle HellFire managed to get a victory, with the help of a confused FS Q-runner. At the last minutes HellFire did some CS:ing hence securing them the victory on e1m2.
Allthough many ppl know that dm3 is not HellFire's strong map they surely thought HF would give Firing Squad a more even fight on dm3. FS won dm3 after some really impressive tp. HellFire's poor achivments at dm3 obviously helped FS securing their victory.
So the decider was once again dm2 ;), wich was by the comentators on TS favored for HellFire. It was one hell u'va battle some really nice frags/bores kept the crowd gasping when skilled moves were done..and laughing hysterically when the elite players get nervous and Q-bores ;), or when someone does a fatal mistake they probably would never have done otherwise. It seems HellFire had Lady Fortune on their side this night and managed to get the crucial victory. They now have to face Lege Artis in the semi-finals, that should be a very interresting game to watch.
The relegation game (Div2/3) was played by Tff vs Axe, this game Tff won quite easy 3-1 score to Tff, guess u boys are going to stay in Div2 for next season aswell. Hope to see you more active next season though. Well faught by the polish guys in AXE aswell, hope to see u back next season.
The NQR Crew would like to wish you all a very happy Xmas!
Lege Artis vs HellFire: No Date/Time set yet.
NQR3 Final: 5th of Jan. 2003 (Preliminary).
// the NQR Crew
Playoffs and Qualification summary. 021219
To summ up the last few days, we had some exciting games.
'Campbusters Team 2' secured a spot in Division 2 next season, by defeating the pure german clan 'Dybbuk' 3-1.
Good luck to 'Campbusters Team 2', who did an excellent job in Division 3, beating clans like 'Ax3' , 'Suicide Commando' and 'Second', I'm sure they will do well in the next seasons Division 2.
In Division 1 Playoffs, the other semifinalists were found, who will play against 'Slackers' for one of the 2 finals spot, when 'clan MalFunction' defeated 'Redux' 2-1.
'Redux' started out nicely on their so famous homemap; E3M6. 'Clan MalFunction' tried to camp RL for 20 mins, but after 'only' 12mins 'Redux' got the upperhand, and showed 'Clan MalFunction' how to cover the whole map, spawnfragging and winning with a comfortable margin.
When maps changed to the more traditional teamplay maps, DM2 and DM3, 'Redux' didn't seem to have what it takes, to keep up with the strongest finnish team today - 'Clan MalFunction'.
In the other side of playoffs 'LegeArtis' faced 'the Viper Squad' in their Quarter Finals.
'the Viper Squad' suprised not only all the observers, but certainly also their opponents, when they decided to choose E3M7 as their homemap for this Quarter Finals. It would proove to be a wise choice, as they forced 'LegeArtis' into their very first map loss in this season.
'LegeArtis' was determined not to let it become a bad habbit. After a tight game on E1M2, with over 400 frags made, everything was open for the decider map, wich were to be played on DM2.
Eventhough we all know how stong 'the Viper Squad' is on DM2, the odds were in favour for 'LegeArtis', who didn't leave any suprises by winning here aswel.
A nice 2-1 victory for 'LegeArtis', leaves them waiting for the other Quarterfinals to be decided between 'HellFire' and 'FiringSquad'.
While we wait for that result, we can start preparing you for the upcoming semifinals between 'Slackers' and 'clan MalFunction'
This match will be played sunday 20:00 CET, and we will strife to keep you informed on #NQR with Qizmo Cams, and IP's for famous TeamSpeak server for live commentary.
news news 021213
Last night 'Tribe of Tjernobyl' faced 'Slackers' in the first NQR playoffs match.
'Tribe of Tjernobyl' lacked some of their key players, namely ToT_Oddjob and ToT_slime. This could be the reason why they lost to 'Slackers'.
'Tribe of Tjernobyl' and 'Slackers' will meet again in Smackdown playoffs. This game is scheduled for Sunday at 21:00 CET, and will be a best-of-5 match.
It will be interesting to see if 'Tribe of Tjernobyl' decide to change their lineup, from their previous game vs 'Slackers'.
While you wait you can go checkout screenshots and demos from 'Tribe of Tjernobyl' vs 'Slackers' NQR playoffs game here.
Kryten got the playoffs page up and running, so now you can see first hand, who your next opponent will be, who you might meet in finals, as direct links for all playoffs match results.
Link for the playoffs table, and playoffs/qualification match results can be found in the menu to the right, or in a link right here.
It is now also made possible to report all playoffs / qualification games on the page, using your NQR login.
You simply report your game, the same way you reported all your previous games.
NQR started with 12 maps, and that is how it will end aswell.
For the Playoffs Finals and qualification games, both types using a best-of-5-maps system, here are the rules regarding maps:
Each clan will pick a homelevel, wich you may choose from the official NQR map pool here.
All remaining maps will be considered as Decider maps, and will therefore only contain a map pool of DM2 DM3 and E1M2.
If the map order cannot be decided between the 2 clans, it will be chosen randomly, supervised by the admin present.
I hope all questions have been answered, but if you still need some issues clearafied, your welcome to drop by #NQR @quakenet, and grab a hold of one of the opers, or mail me @ paradoks@slackers.dk.
playoffs - qualification games. 021211
Since noone could make a decent playoffs table, i fixed up a little something something.
As you can see there are several walkovers in the qualification games. The admin crew decided that inactive clans WILL count as opponents in the qualification, and not be excluded beforehand.
Match1: LA vs tVS
Match2: cMF vs redux
Match3: SR vs ToT
Match4: FS vs HF
Match5: wof1 vs wof4
Match6: wof3 vs wof2
Match7: wof5 vs wof6
Qualification games:
Division2 top 4 vs Division1 bottom 4:
Match1: CB vs FAT (Walkover to CB, they go straight to Division1 next season)
Match2: BLT vs D
Match3: 4K vs NN (Walkover to 4K, they go straight to Division1 next season)
Match4: FU vs KOFF
Division3 top 4 vs Division2 bottom 4:
Match1: 2nd vs P0RN (Walkover to 2nd, they go straight to Division2 next season)
Match2: GB vs HOL (Walkover to GB, they go straight to Division2 next season)
Match3: Ax3 vs tFF
Match4: CB2 vs DYB
As a reminder, ONLY playoffs finals and qualifications games will be played best of 5. Quarter finals and semi finals will be played best of 3 maps.
Please remember to notify an admin with date/time when you have set up your playoff/qualification game.
Best of luck to all of you :)
Info about Playoff's & Qualification games 021209
We have received quite a few WO reports during this weekend, and we have seen a couple of fights beeing played, wich offcourse is good. There are still some games though that has not yet been reported in, nor have any of the teams contacted any NQR Admin about them. These game will be set to "voided battle (v-v)" no clan will then receive any points from that fight.
Ok, lets move on. We have a few very important deadlines for you guys to remember. The deadline for the Quarter final games will be set to Sunday the 15th of Dec. 00:00 CET. Deadline for the Semi-final games is set to Sunday the 22nd of Dec 00:00. Qualification(promotion/relegation) games will have the same deadline as the Semi-final games. The final game will be due to time pressure, and failure to delay christmas (vacations etc) set to Jan. the 5th 2003.
Now info about the qualification games; Clans facing bottom teams in divisions 1 & 2 might get WO victory because of the qualification opponent beeing idle/dismantled. Please remember that these qualification games is best of 5 maps.
I know u guys are eager to see who you will meet in your playoff games / qualification games. Please bear with us, we need to check all divisions after _all_ games have been reported/played/voided. When that is made we will then go through all rankings on the divisions to check if the points are correctly given to each and every clan.
Quarter-Final Games: 15th of Dec. 00:00 CET.
Semi-Final Games: 22nd of Dec. 00:00 CET.
Qualification Games: 22nd of Dec. 00:00 CET.
NQR Final Game: 5th of Jan. 2003
All Playoff / Qualification games will be needed to have an admin present during game.
Playoff tables / Qualification tables will be up A.S.A.P.
// the NQR Crew
KTPro sets the standard... again. 021203
Today eDome finally upgraded their QuakeWorld servers.
They are now running the standard mod Kteams PRO, combined with HighlanderS MVD server.
Goljat stood for configurating the QW ports with the best possible CFG setups, wich includes autorecording MVD of all games =)
eDome 4on4 (team/qwsm) and 2on2 (quad) servers have already been installed, but 1on1 (duel) will take a bit longer than first anticipated.
Here is a complete list of eDome servers (qwdm related):
Old games can now be reported ! 021202
It is now made possible, to report any old matches. The deadline restrictions in the reporting systems have been removed, so you no longer have to ZIP your screenshots, and send to admins.
Login, report ! eSS pleSS (c) la(l)
Also, there is a new interview online with 2nd-Ignition.
Deadline! 021201
Well we are finally nearing the end of NQR3, so we thought it was time to state some deadlines.
The deadline for division games is Sunday the 8th of December 00:00 CET. For the record we would like to say we have given a full 10 gaming weeks to finnish the Divisions. As you probably remember from week 1, you had an extra week to play your game, and we wouldn't want to change that.
If you want to submit a WO victory for an old game you need to notify an admin about this before you submit your WO victory, you need to do so before the date/time stated above, there will be no exceptions! All games that has not been been submitted as WO victory or if you have failed to contact an admin within the given date/time a void (v-v) result shall stand, and no clan shall be given any points.
So come on ppl play your games before it's to late ;).
Offcourse, a big good luck goes to all clans out there from the NQR Crew.
More info about Qualifications games / Playoff games will be stated soon.
// the NQR Crew
QW movies ? 021124
Today I got a whooping collection of TWO new QW movies for your pure enjoyment !
The first spawned from a US TeamFortress crew, wishing to show us a glimpse from the past - I know at least I enjoyed playing TeamFortress... 4 years ago =)
Here is a quote from fuhquake forum:
Today tf_finesse.avi has been released, it's 9 minutes long and weighs in at 182 megabytes. The mirror I've got it on should send it as fast as your connection can handle, highest speeds yet have been in the 700K/s range. Go grab it: http://downloads.orbssoftware.com/killjoy/tfmovie.zip.
Even though def's review sounds harsh, I personally enjoyed it a great deal. Great music, good frags, wicked tricks with some flying monkeys, and who wouldn't want to take a peak on how much CS practice helps your sniper aim ? =)
The other movie is from the finnish clan 'Satanic Slaughter Clan'. Cute clanname, for a cute clan... with a very cute webdesign.
I haven't actually seen this movie yet, seeing as I am still downloading with my 1mbit ADSL *cough* lame swedes *cough*.
You can download the movie on this link: http://ssc.vekoduck.com/extras/fds/.
Back to reality... 'the Viper Squad' finally decided to actually report their match vs 'Daltons' WITH screenshots *halleluja*. Unfortunately for 'Slackers' this means that the Frag record on a map, has been surpassed.
'Slackers' did a whooping 513--8 vs 'Fatcat' on DM2(report.
But that didn't intimidated 'the Viper Squad' who managed to get a 553--9 result vs 'Daltons' on DM2 (report).
Division 3:
A delayed matchreport from the match between 'Osams' and 'Campbusters Team 2' reveals a suprising result.
As stated yesterday, this match is of great importance, for the outcome of this final 4 top spots in Division 3.
'Campbusters Team 2' with its latest success, was tipped as winner for this match by ... me, but 'Osams' would not roll over for just anyone.
First map (E3M2) went pretty smooth. 'Campbusters Team 2' controlled the events, and poor thom scored todays lowest fragcount of -2.
Second map (E1M2) maso (dag faking ? 89 frags ?? respect !) lead 'Osams' into the garden of eden.
The third and decisive map was played on DM2, and had almost identical scores as E1M2.
GG to 'Osams', who despite their continous effort, unfortunately won't be able to reach the top 4 this season.
I imagine 'Campbusters Team 2' biting nails right about now.
If 'bodyjar' win over 'Osams' it looks like 'Campbusters Team 2' will loose their position among the best 4, and therefor loose their chance of participating in next seasons Division 2 ... omg omg ! =) GOOD LUCK !
Match of season ? 021123
If there were such a title, this would deffently be one of the contestants.
I'm ofcourse talking about the recent clash-of-the-titans match between division 1's leading clan 'LegeArtis' vs 'the Viper Squad' ranked 5.
I haven't seen all that many DM2 4on4 matches, but I can without a doubt say, that this is the best I've seen so far.
This match simply has it all. Watching dag give 'LegeArtis' a heads up for a 10 min pure assrape, turning 180, as a tVS comeback dominates most of the 2nd half of this amazing game.
As all great games need, this also has its small perks, and funny moments. For example when [tVS]blAze takes quad, looks down, and fires for no apparant reasing - wtf is that about ? =)
Not to leave out the most hillarious, and wicked ending of a teamgame, I have seen in a... well forever!
I lack words, just take a glance at this picture here=)
You can download the demo (MVD) from ch-tv here.
Report and comments can be found here.
Enough about premier league, lets see whats going on with the little people.
Division 3:
Division 3 has turned out to be a real thriller.
The 5 best clans, all has 13 played games, and all missing one game!
'Second' and 'Ax3' can't be touched at this point, but for 'Gamblers', 'bodyjar' and 'Campbusters Team 2' this is a battle to the death!
2 of these teams will have the chance to battle a division 2 team for a spot there, and the last one has to proove themselfs once again in Division 3 next season.
'bodyjar' and 'Campbusters Team 2' both have one remaining match left - and my oh my - in both cases they have to play against 'Osams', who are ranked #11. Odds goes in favour of a 2-0 win in both cases, for 'bodyjar' and 'Campbusters Team 2'.
'Gamblers' on the other hand, has to play 'Ax3' in their last game. Theese 2 clans has almost identical stats, and only 1 point dividing the 2 teams. One distinctive detail though, is the fragdiffrence, where 'Ax3' has an amazing +1546, as opposted to 'Gamblers' who only has about half (+843).
If 'Gamblers loose this match, and 'bodyjar' and 'Campbusters' both win their match vs 'Osams', this means 'Gamblers' will be ranked 5, and wont get the chance to play in Division next season.
So thats basicly it =)
I reckon alot of 'bodyjar' and 'Campbusters Team 2' members will be cheering for 'Ax3' in their upcoming match =)
Good luck!
news news 021121
Division 1:
Last night 'Redux' reminded us, how important it can be, to know other maps than DM2 DM3 and E1M2, as they played the undefeated clan in division 1 - 'LegeArtis'.
Seeing as 'Redux have been having some connection problems lately, hence they havent played so many games as they should have, one might think they were without any chance, of giving 'LegeArtis' a real battle.
I for one, was proven otherwise. Starting out on DM3 it looked very equal during the first 5 minutes. both clans fighting to keep RA/YA and getting those quads. But it wasn't until 'LegeArtis' got the 2nd pent, their frags got underway. Sadly that was the end of that match.
A rumor runs that retic announced himself as being top 10 on DM3, in sweden. I can neither confirm or deny that rumor, but only state the fact, that this couldn't have been his best day.
And now for the more interesting map of this match - E3M6. A map I for one know was something silver was looking forward to. It was clear from the start, that 'Redux' knew how to play E3M6 as a team, and use the full area of the level, as opposed to 'LegeArtis', who for some reason flocked to RL area only, as flies to a dog-poo.
Some might call this round CS@de_e3m6, but I was sure biting nails to the end. It was for once nice to see 2 teams, struggling to hold their ground, none of the usual 50 frag rape counts we see on DM2. But despite 'Redux' effort to hold RA/YA/gl and taking almost all quads, they didn't manage to penetrate strikers fortress at RL area.
2 highlights of this match come to mind. First when 'LegeArtis' gained control over most of the map, including RA and Quad, and somehow throws it all away by flocking back to RL and camp, instead of staying around quad/ya like 'Redux' did most of the match. If it wasn't for silvers rather clumsy quad run in the very end, I would have put my 2 danish kroner on 'Redux' as winner of this map.
The second highlight, relates to the incident I described just before - silvers quadrun. With only a minute left, and a few frags behind, silver took the quad with RL and YA, and up the elevator to shaft/bridge, where 2 enemies were guarding. He missed the first shot, alerting the two opponents, exposing his position, which ensued in a mass rape from above. If he wouldn't have missed that shot, I'm sure 'Redux' would have won. But shit happens.
A very big "well played" to both teams on this rarely played map.
On a fnny note nabbe was trapped by the nail room for a few minutes, cause he didn't knew that you were supposed to press the button, 1meter away :)) Took about 5 minutes before someone from 'LegeArtis' finally found the button, after 3 lost rocket launchers, being trapped there.
Report from that match can be found here
division 2:
'Campbusters' showed us again, what a strong team they are this season, as they faced 'Fraggers United' (report), and placed themselfs #3 in Division 2, sharing 34 points with #2 'Four Kings'.
A word from the top 021120
Well Lege Artis have really shown their class in the group stages of NQR3 and are looking favourites to take the title, so we thought it only right to see what they had to say. Striker was kind enough to spare us a few minutes and you can read what he had to say in the Interviews section.
Match updates. 021120
Hey everybody ! I just came back from a nice skiing-trip... or something.
Been a while since any news reports were made here on NQR, but that is about to change.
Although, there's simply too many matches played, for me to make a note about them all. I will however point out the more interesting ones.
Division 1:
While 'LegeArtis' stays comfortably on top of things, 'Slackers' and 'clan MalFunction' seem to be racing for 2nd. place.
They were both very active last months. The recently played match between our 2 competitors, 'Slackers' and 'clan Malfunction' (report), could be a deciding factor, when finding a Division 1 runner-up, before the playoffs.
After a promising season for 'Tribe of Tjernobyl', with a DM3 map win over 'clan MalFunction', and a suprising win over 'Firing Squad', it seemd to go downhill from there.
Going head to head with 'in bloom' should turn out to be a bigger mouthfull for 'Tribe of Tjernobyl' than first anticipated. Why ToT_slime was merely spectating this match, and ToT_Oddjob leaving room for ToT_Psycho_Dad, after winning DM3, is a question for the wise to answer. In any case, theese rather peculiar decisions, might have been the reasons for 'Tribe of Tjernobyl' to loose grip on this game. Respect to 'in bloom' for taking this 2-1 victory home (report).
I reckon it is as hard for 'Tribe of Tjernobyl', as for anyone else, to rise from this game, when having to face 2 so strong opponents as 'Slackers' and 'LegeArtis' short after. Collecting 2 losses from theese games, ranks 'Tribe of Tjernobyl' #9. They have to concentrate, if they have any desire to continute the battle in NQR playoffs.
However i really do miss some more activity from a few clans. More specific 'KOFF', 'ParanoiA', 'the Viper Squad' and 'redux'. 3 finnish clans slacking ? Unacceptable :) Get off your ass and play some games.
Division 2:
This division clearly contains the most activity. A big shout out to all the enthusiastic clans in this division of NQR.
OMG ? 3 lousy points divides top 5 in this division. It's no telling who will face the 4 bottom teams in Division 1, for the spots there.
I can't even count soo many games played last month in this division, that I'll just point out a few interesting matches.
After 'Quake-o-Holics' tried to sneak a win by choosing E3M6, 'Bad Luck Troopers' totally demolished them on this seasons 2nd. most wanted map - DM3 (report)
One might wonder, what the result between 'Fraggers United' and 'Quake-o-Holics' would have been, if 'Fraggers United' had taken emest in before this game. A 5 frag win on DM2 wasn't enough for top 5 clan 'Fraggers United', to beat 'Quake-o-Holics' (report).
Our 2 german clans 'The Fragging Pumpkins' and 'The Dark Icemarines' met each other, in what ended up in another fatal accident for 'The Fragging Pumpkins'. Loosing 804-39 can't be a good way to end your quake day :) (report).
It's not all glory and happy days for 'The Dark Icemarines', as we see here, in a game vs 'Bad Luck Troopers', where they lost the decider map with 2 frags! (report).
Division 3:
As we have seen throughout this season in Division 3, 'Second' continue to dominate. Their last match for this season was played November 17th. vs 'suicide commando', and with a 2-0 win (report), I think there is not much doubt, that they will be be a team to look out for next season, when they most likely will be playing in Division 2.
Through the glory of 'Second''s success, we can't help notice the very interesting match vs 'Campbusters Team 2'. 'Campbusters Team 2' managed to pull home a 2-0 victory over 'Second', wich turned out to be the only loss for 'Second' this season. A convincing win on DM2, and a very close 11 frag win on E3M2, was apparantly enough, to keep 'Second' away from a flawless season.
'Maniacs' have been quite active lately. With 21 points, and 2 matches left, there is a tiny chance for them to get one of the 4 top spots. But they shouldn't be too dissapointed if they dont succeed, cause being ranked 7 in division 3, is not halfbad, for a new team on the competitive QuakeWorld scene.
Only 2 points seperate the 4 runner up teams in Division 3, so here again it will be very hard to predict the top 4 teams, who will have to fight the bottom 4 from Division 2, for those very attractive spots.
New FuhQuake release 021113
A new FuhQuake release has seen the day.
This must be the best release since fuh development started. Now including a security module to prevent cheating.
Tons of fixes and new featurs. Here is a snip from www.fuhquake.net.
New Features
A new config manager makes setting up and configuring FuhQuake much easier.
Support for binding mouse4-mouse8 when using directinput (-dinput).
A new 'alpha' scoreboard (scr_scoreboard_style 0/1/2) made by Electro. Screenshots here and here.
The track command can be used to automatically assign keys to track players when spectating or watching an mvd.
A new security module handles client authentication and f_modified etc requests.
Changes from v0.24
Improved skin forcing. Works 250% faster now.
Small speedup in weapon interpolation.
Gravity now has a greater affect on particle explosions ala surmoclient (looks better).
Removed cl_writecfg (use cfg_legacy_write) and cl_forceExecCfg (use cfg_legacy_exec).
Brush model textures go in qw/textures/bmodels now instead of qw/textures/bsp.
Bug Fixes
Made demo_capture_fps 100% accurate even when capturing only for short times ( < 1 second ).
Fixed skin forcing anomalies in software FuhQuake.
Fixed problem with jerky playback of some qwd demo's.
Fixed %e/%E/%O/%o counting dead bodies.
new quakeworld movie out! 021103
Dag (Sweden) and Def (Canada) have released their second quakeworld movie:
Dag and Def Done Extreme 2
The video features 40 exciting frags, 40 new tricks, Bloopers, comedy and commentary from one North America's premiere rap stars. The video was made with an exclusive version of More QuakeWorld for enhanced visual effects, and rendered at 80% of normal playing speed. This video set a new benchmark for all other Quake Movies. Pushing the envelope again by rendering the movie at 2500kpbs bringing an unprecedent 2.5x the quality of DVD for fast motion video. Go download DDE2, it is worth all 363 action packed megs of pure adrenaline. Over 2500 download's and 900GB of web traffic in the first two days of the release and rave reviews hyping the movie to be one of the best FPS movie produced to date.
If you are going to see one movie this year... see DDE2!
news news! 021024
Division 1:
This weekend sure was the weekend of the titans.
Sunday evening #3 Slackers had matches both against the runnerup #3 HellFire and the leading clan #1 Legeartis.
First match vs HF started out on DM3 - Slackers mapchoice. SR had mapcontrol from start to end - if the match had a 15min duration!
Unfortunately SR missed the last pent, and HF was not shy to take that oppertunity. This eventually led to a close victory for HF with a mere 12 frags.
Second round was played on E1M2. Map control in this round would probably be described best as - blowing in the wind (c) Elton John.
HF did gained the upperhand in the latter minutes, and walked away from this big fight with a 2-0 victory.
Later that evening, as previous mentioned, there was another 'Clash of the titans' match.
First round was played on DM2, where LA beforehand was favourites to win. It didn't start out that way though. After a good start from Slackers, they quickly gained control over YA/tele - high-rl and quad area, wich are so important on DM2. Things were starting to look really good Slackers, when ParadokS got spawntelefragged with RA/RL and quad. Things went downhill and LA seemd to know just what to do, and when to do it.
LA gained such a frag diffrence, that despite of Slackers trying get back into the game, there was not a real threat of LA loosing this round.
Next round was played on E1M2, where LA decided to switch space out with nabbe. This round, was as many previous E1M2 rounds, a close one. LA took home this map with a 20 frag victory, ending up with a nice overall 2-0 victory.
FiringSquad had a mixed last couple of days. After FS gave KOFF a regular beating in an unusual 3on3 round, FS failed to show the same energy when they played their following match vs their opponents from Poland - Hard Guns Crew. I think the answer lies in their "choice" of lineup =) Far from the traditional top lineup with blixem - reppie - crit - razor, this game FS had a rather interestnig lineup. With their newest player addition shiva, g00k, crit and a razor playing with ping 200/PL15, it seemed as if FS didn't stand much of a chance. So it didn't come as a suprise when HGC won 2-0 quite comfortable. Lets see if FS can get back on track.
Trash did rather well vs Slackers in their division game a few days ago. Despite their previous meeting with Slackers, that ended in 2 rounds of DM2, humiliation, they actually managed to win a round vs Slackers - ironicly enough DM2. That wasn't quite enough to beat #2 in division 1, as they lost 2-1 but it was still a strong performance by Trash.
Division 2:
A match between the Fraggin Pumpkins and Dybbuk, ended in rather humorius way. After tFP winning DM2 convincingly, the E3M3 ended in a TIE 75-75.
Here is a quote from tFP We set overtime to 5 minutes, but the game ended :> Then 20 minutes of llame talkin' startet. (Dybbuk wanted a cointoss, we wanted to replay). I'm quiting an admin ("we are not trowing coins here, we are playin' quakeworld") ;) So Dybbuk got bored and said that we've won the map... gg :)
Report and comments from this match can be found here.
We wouldnt want this way of ending a game, to become a regular event. In relation to this, Bored With Life showed tFP, that they didn't want a cointoss, and won an easy 2-0.
DM2 is for many, known as the finnish national QuakeWorld map! FraggersUnited was fast to hold that tradition, when beating America Must Die on this particular map. Fortunately for the QW community, this map is not the only one being played, and AMD took a victory on both E3M3 and the decider DM3.
Division 3:
Not a whole lot to write about in this division atm. Reason ? Not many games played ! *hint hint* !
Suicide Commands wasn't afraid to play a game this weekend though, as they faced Gods of Hellfire (as the name emplies, this isnt the top TOP line of clan HellFire).
First round was a real nailbiter. As we know E1M2 can often be an open match up untill the last minutes. This was not far from. GoH just managed to pull this map home with a mere 5 frags!
The oldschool'er repulsive took the axe in the other hand and gave the next 2 rounds an extra dash of skill och routine, that helped SC to pull off a very close 2-1 victory. All maps were extremely close.
When SC labeld GoH on their clan-homepage, as being lucky, when picking up powerups in the first round, Jjones was not slow to reply - here's a quote: Jjones: ha! apparently SC doesnt appreciate the skills involved with jumping out of the window armor and weaponless, getting shot up by 3 or 4 heavily armed ennemies and picking up pent with 5 health left. luck they wish. a stroke of instantenious (yet, sadly, very temporal) genious thats what ild call it!
GoH don't seem to alarmed about their 6 game loosing streak, and left a walkover for ax3. At least GoH have nothing to fear - that is if we create a division 4 for next season =)
Virus Warning on IRC! 021020
This is a little update about a mIRC virus worm beeing spread throughout the IRC Network. As far as we know it's not a desctructive virus just really anoying!
If you receive a link from someone when joining a channel then _DON'T_ press the link, if you do you will instantly be infected with the virus worm. Thus you will be sending the virus to all ppl that join the channels you are on.
To remove the virus worm follow theese instructions.
Type: /unload -rs server.ini | remove server.ini | timers off | ignore -r
Once you have typed this you should be clean of the virus.
For more info about the virus visit the mIRC Worm Squad by clicking here
// the NQR Crew
news news 021019
Today another QuakeWorld movie got released. This time from Brazil, named Brazil.Extreme.Frags, where the keyword here is Extreme!
In my little book this has all the qualities a real good QW movie needs, Oringinality, hi quality, good music and foremost GREAT frags :)
From the looks of it, fuhquake was the client used to create the demos for this movie. Taking advantage of 24bit texture implementation in this great client, combined with the above qualities of this movie, it all comes together on a higher level. Best QW movie ever ? Puh, hard to say, but IMO its deffently upthere with the few other top QW movies created so far.
RocketZ have been so kind to provide us with a temporary link for this movie. It's "only" on a 10mbit, so don't come crawling and whining to me, if your oc45 only gets 400k/sec !!
The movie is roughly 160mb, and you can download it by clicking here
If you want to setup a mirror for this movie, drop me a mail on paradoks@slackers.dk
Division 1:
Not any interesting games played since last newspost, or rather - no games at all! Thats not good enough boys ! :) Get up da chair, and shake da bootie on those QW servers.
We wont be totally deprived from some quality action though here in NQR. So far the sunday shedule for Slackers sticks, and they will be facing LegeArtis, currently ranked number #1 !! The time is set to 23.00CET.
Division 2:
The headadmin from Smackdown, is also the leader for The Fragging Pumpkins.
With their latest match against 4Kings, they brought their score up to 7 losses and 0 wins. It looks tough for TFP to stay in Division 2 for next season. But they are only about halfway through the season though, so you never know.
Division 3:
Division 3 has been quite active lateley, accounted for 4 out of 6 games the past days.
The pure norwegian team Mostly Harmless played 2 matches on the 17th. first against Suicide Commandos and after Osams, both from sweden.
After a 1-2 loss vs Suicide Commandos, on a rather Packetloss filled server, Mostly Harmless took their revenge, when they later that evening met Osams.
After winning convincingly on DM2, they had to work a bit harder on the next map - E1M2. Eventhough Osams fought well, Mostly Harmless had more control over YA/GL area, thus winning with a mere 6 frags diffrence. Still enough to pull a victory of this one, and placing Mostly Harless #5 in division 3.
In the other 2 division 3 games, Gamblers participated in both. With a 2-0 victory over Warhammer, and a 1-2 loss to Numeric, Gamblers stays in top 3 with 15 points, only one point infront of Campbusters2.
news news 021015
Puh, been an exciting weekend with lots of great games, and nice suprices.
Division 1.
One of the two polish representatives, New Nightmare had a rough weekend. Having to meet both the current leader of Division 1, Slackers, and clan tVS from finland, seemed to be a big mouthfull for New Nightmare. This statement showed to be not so far off.
Slackers made it a swift and clean fight, when winning 2-0, and tVS werent shy to show their strengths in this match either.
Their polish friends HGC faced ToT the following day. ToT as being famous for insisting on good playing conditions, found themself playing on a foreing server, with an average ping of 60. This didn't hold back ToT though, as they won DM3, lost a close DM2, and last won E1M2 quite comfortabely.
What was most noticable was probably the ToT lineup. With only Oddjob, representing the old ToT team, it looks like ToT got a facelift. Perhaps this is part of the reason ToT has shown us some great results in the start of this NQR season.
Speaking of ToT, the biggest suprise of this weekend, has to be the match between FiringSquad and, you guessed it... ToT.
FS were favourites here, after their rather big victory over cMF. Seeing as ToT havent been the most successfull clan in the past, when it comes to leagues/tournaments, together with FS winning over a top clan like cMF just a week ago, might have mislead FS a bit. Imo I think they underestimated ToT in this game, wich could be a reason for not putting up a better lineup. With players like crit and blixem missing, this was bound to be a very exciting match.
FS got a rude awakening by loosing first round to ToT on the classic DM3. To come out of this victorious, FS now had to win 2 consecutive rounds.
Both clans sure showed us they wanted to win on E1M2. This round was very exciting, and control shifted between teams. ToT did however build a nice lead, but a few minutes before the end ToT felt comfortable enough to lean back and watch the time go tik tak. This could have been a mistake, as FS now had full control, and racking up frags the best they knew. The gap between the two teams rapidly decreased, as time ran out, but it was not enough to stop the pure swedish clan ToT, from walking out with a 2-0 victory.
Man of the match has to be white, who showed us how to dominate E1M2, by roaming ya/gl/quad.
Link to matchresult from ToT vs FS: click here
Division 2.
With our QHLAN frontier guy Lornelin, leading clan Quake-o-Holics, crossing paths with chtv's probably most active demo-comment-poster Hagge's clan Campbusters the mood was set. This was a very VERY close game. Starting off with one of the less popular maps E3M6, neither QH nor CB seem to have the upperhand. After an amazing 20 mins of action, the came was tied 122-122 and went into a 5 min overtime. Both teams went into deffensive CS mode, and CB seem to have more CS luck than QH, and won the first round.
In 2nd. round CB took over from the start. Having a nice 80 frags lead late in the game, it seemed almost impossible for QH to take this one home. Nevertheless a 'little' fraglead was not enough to scare QH, who made a drastic turn-around in this game. If rounds were 25 mins, who would know how this map ended. (un)fortunately we stick to 20 mins, wich apparantly was not enough for QH, who lost this round with a mere 7 frags.
GG to both for a very entertaining match.
Division 3.
Having 2 losses and only 1 win, Maniacs balanced out their table, winning over kniv-sk?rar-klubben (the most original clan name this season!!!). KSK didn't look to have much of a chance vs a Maniacs lineup, recently reinforced with a playeraddition C. It will be interesting to see how they manage vs bodyjar.
Second played another game this weekend, this time vs Warhammer from England. Again 2nd showed no mercy and won an easy 2-0 match.
Season 2 site online 021011
The page from last season are now online along with demos and matchresults. You can find the old site here or by using the menu to the right. Enjoy!
news news news 021010
Division 1.
Suprise of the day was clan Mallfunction vs LegeArtis. Despite cMF's rather poor performance recently vs FiringSquad and Tribe of Tjernobyl, they sure shapend up for this game.
Seeing as we look over LegeArtis recent results aswel, I would'nt have assumed good odds for cMF this round, but they sure proved me otherwise.
Both maps were very exciting to the last minute. Despite fix being on top of the score, followed by a teammate in 2nd. place, in both rounds, LA still managed to walk away as winner on both maps.
I think everyone favoured LA winner of this round, but
cMF showed us all that they are back in shape, and ready to fight to stay in top.
5 straight 2-0 wins for LA takes them to #1 of division1. They are leading with mere 1 point infront of Slackers, who got 5 wins but one 2-1 win, and therefore only 14 points.
Results and MVD from LA vs cMF can be found here
I also viewed a few practice games between ToT and tVS, wich strikes me both as enjoyable and a bit unsatisfactory.
Seeing as teams like ToT and tVS only has 2 games on their consience, and us being in Gaming week 3, I would suggest they picked up the pace - not just for our sake, but for their own :)
Division 2.
Only 1 game was played today.
It was the only clan packed with danes - Nemesis that were meeting one mixed bunch of 4Kings.
After a convincing victory for Nemesis on dm2, things took a drastic turn. Playing on the classical DM3, 4Kings took over, and ran over Nemesis. With these 2 results it was no telling what the outcome of the decisive E1M2 map would be.
It was a true thriller, with only a mere 4 frags deciding the winner, of this often chaoslike level. Nemesis draw the longest straw and could happily enter the NQR site, reporting the victory.
Game results from Nemesis vs 4Kings can be found here
Division 3.
Only 1 game went through the NQR admin page from division 3 today aswel.
How much I do hate the swedes, I hate the norwegians more. But to see Mostly Harmless get creamed like they did vs Ax3 last night, is just not a decent way to go down with the flag. Rumors has it, there was a few problems with finding a server, as always when playing with ruski polski teams (j/k), but from what I hear, despite a round being breaked and replayed, players was overall satisifed, with the fairplay shown from both sides.
An amazing score at 633 - 68 cannot hide the fact, that the norwegians sure got a lesson last night, even with a bit of lag.
But even this team has a few wins in the backpack, and I'm sure they will come back ! :)
Game result from Ax3 vs Mostly Harmless can be found here
news news. 021009
Division 1.
It looks like clan Redux finally got a game played. Redux started this season by facing the absolutely OK finnish clan KOFF. It ended in a regular beating on dm2, whilest the dm3 was more close than so.
All in all a good start for redux, despite their obvious inactivity so far - but I reckon that'll change from now on =)
Results from that game can be located here
Speaking of inactivity, the famous clan ToT, lead by the fearsome duet Oddjob and Slabby, seem to be a little idle aswel. One game played, one game lost. Whats this ? The ToT komplott falling apart ? The combination of players like slime, king of mixgames mr white and the Oddjob/slabby duet, I for one would have expected much more. And still am. I am sure they will perfom satisfactory once they get some more game results on the table.
Division 2.
5 games, 5 heavy losses and still going strong. Thumbs up for the german team Dybbuk.
Go get em boys =)
Division 3.
6 games, 6 wins and deffinetly still going strong.
Thumbs and toes up for 2nd, who's really put an effort into moving up the ladder for next season.
With an amazing fragdiffrence of 1700+ in 6 games they surpass teams as Slackers (5 games, 5 wins) who only achieved a mere 1299 frag diffrence.
News report ! 021007
Division 2 was the first division to finnish all their games for week 1. Week 3 has begun today, and deadline for week2 games end this sunday 00.00.
It seems as division 1 and 3 are really active aswel, and having almost all week1 games played, aswel as lot of week2. Despite these good news, we must stress the importance of trying to keep your schedule.
Last night we had some big games including top teams such as LegeArtis, FiringSquad and HellFire.
First we had the dutch team FiringSquad meeting clan MalFunction from finland. As strong as FS might have looked this game, it still seemed as if cMF was abit out of focus. razor lead FS to victory on DM2, showing his mad quad skills, followed by a united teameffort on E1M2 resulted in an easy 2-0 victory over one of the top teams in Finland. I would be suprised if cMF would continue this course throughout the season though.
Later same night LegeArtis faced HellFire. Both fullbread swedish teams. Ironicly enough LegeArtis had recently recruited riker from clan Hellfire.
The topic the past week or so, have been LegeArtis, and how they might be the most obvous candidate for 1st. place this NQR season. I wouldn't deny that after watching them showing HF the art of war. The individual strenghts and teamplay routine LegeArtis possess this night, came together nicely on DM3, where HF was left out in the cold. LA showed no mercy, and practicly spend 15 mins looking for spawnfrags. The following map, E1M2, was a bit more exciting. HF showed teeth, but was never a real threat to LA.
But with top teams as Slackers, tVS and FS its surely not settled yet who will end up with the longest straw, before the playoffs.
Division 2 sure is a mixed division. Teams from Germany, England, Russia, Finland and Sweden fighting for a spot in Division 1 next season. This shows clearly, as we look closer. So far its a dead end between FraggersUnited from Finland, and the russian team American Must Die.
In Division 3 2nd shows the other teams how it should be done, with 6 games played - and no games lost. I think its safe to say they are very serious about moving up to Division 2.
Gaming news. 021006
Tonight we had a few interesting games in division 1. FiringSquad played their game vs clan MalFunction. First round was pretty good, showing us that FS are serious about staying on top of European QW teamplay, by rolling over cMF on dm2. You can watch the end results here.
Later 2 of the top seeded teams went head to head on Telenordia. The european team Slackers vs the Viper Squad, a pure finnish team, was a very close match. It took 3 maps to declare Slackers as winner - this round.
I would recommend downloading a demo from Slackers vs the Viper Squad game. The e1m2 was tied untill last minute, where goljat and XalibuR pulled off some amazing stunts. Go check it out @ match result, or download them from Challenge-tv.
Games expiring soon... 021002
The following week 1 games have still not been played or reported:
Division 1
the Viper Squad vs. Trash
Fatcat vs. LegeArtis
redux vs. Firing Squad
redux vs. KOFF
Hard Guns Crew vs. New Nightmare
Slackers vs. the Viper Squad
In Bloom vs. LegeArtis
Division 2
Hellfire2 vs. Quake-o-Holics
Kalevala vs. America Must Die
Division 3
United Team vs. GamBlers
Second vs. United Team
Armageddon vs. Numeric
Mostly Harmless vs. Armageddon
Gods of Hellfire vs. Nemesis 2
Join or Die vs. Second
Join or Die vs. GamBlers
Please remember that you only have until Sunday to report these games. Once this date is passed, the clan admin system will lock the games out. Looks like Division 2 is really showing the rest how its done, well done to all in Division 2 :)
Missunderstandings and deadline. 020929
This is Week1 Deadline, not Week2.
We just wana clear that one. Many people have reported that they thought this was Week2 deadline, but no that is not the case.
Week2 starts tomorrow Monday and ends next Sunday.
Thank you.
Drop outs 020926
The Criminals have informed us that they are no longer active and, since they did so before the season had began, all their fixtures have been removed. This means that all Division 2 teams will now have a week where they only have one fixture.
Thus far, a little under half of this weeks games have been played. It's time to start playing, people! Remember the end of the week is Sunday so you still have plenty of time to get your games played :)
Finally, for those who hadn't already noticed, there is a Paradoks interview now online.
A good start! 020923
Well only a couple of days have passed and plenty of games played, and plenty more scheduled already. Check out the match reports and demos!
We have received some feedback about the site now that games are being played... almost all has been very positive, but we also would like to hear any suggestions you might have. We are still fixing the odd minor bug here and there so bear with us :)
Finally, you may have noticed that there's two more interviews up... one with Hib and one with Icce.
// the NQR crew
Interview with -ib-cara 020921
Our first interview is now online - head on over to the Interviews page to read it in full. We hope to get quite a few more done as the season progresses. Enjoy!
// the NQR crew
We have lift off! 020920
We are pleased to announce that the start of NQR season 3 is upon us! All the schedules are now complete and clans are free to start arranging and playing their games. However, we feel we should point out some very important points - please take time to read and understand them:
- Weeks run from Monday-Sunday (except week1 which begins today and not monday)
- Clans must arrange the exact date and time of their fixtures between themselves - all we do is specify the week in which they should be played.
- It is perfectly okay for a clan to play games from future weeks, e.g. you may play a game from week 6 in week 2 if you want to (however, make sure this doesn't mean you miss one of your games for that week!).
- We recognise that with Smackdown 5 also beginning soon, clans will be under heavy strain to play all their games. Therefore, clans are given a 1 week contingency. This means that if you cannot play your scheduled game in the correct week, you may play it the next week. However, if you delay for more than a week, the game can no longer be played! The system will not allow you to report the game.
- We do not want to see any idling! Teams that fail to play their games on a regular basis may incur a penalty and in extreme cases may not be allowed to play in future NQR seasons.
Now that's out of the way, all that remains to say is good luck and most of all have fun!
// the NQR crew
Whats up?! 020916
Many players are wondering what's going on, and when NQR3 will start. Well, we are as anxious as you are to get the show on the road. I'll let my fellow admin Kryten have the word by quoting one of his comments on a prior news.
"We had to wait for teams to add their players so that we knew which teams were idle and which teams were serious about playing. That's now been done and a few teams have been kicked out, we will get the schedule done sometime in the next day or two."
So be patient, soon enough the league will start ;)!
// the NQR Crew
Important Info 020907
We want to stress the importance of clans having an functional homepage with updated member info! If your clan has not yet finnished their page then we suggest you do so ASAP. Clans not fullfilling this, will be contacted by NQR Crew and may be kicked out of NQR3 League. The deadline for player additions is 09/11 Wednesday 24.00 CET. Clans that has not added any players to their clan page at that time will be removed from the league and considered dismantled/inactive.
Also we have 2 poll's running on our forum go check them out ;).
All for now..
As of 10:00 Tuesday morning, the following clans are yet to add any players:
Clan C6
Uranium Kranium
Fatal Error
Clan Whatever
United Team
Terrifying Rangers Indeed
Remember the deadline is midnight on Wednesday! If you haven't added your team by then, you will be removed from the league.
// the NQR Crew
A Tribute to a fellow quaker 020904
Sadness struck us all when we recived the news about the horrible car accident that took the life of Aptiva. He was a great qw player, and a very nice and fair guy. He was a member of the HellFire clan, wich he joined just a few months before the car accident and many of the HF guys knew him very good IRL, our condolences goes out to you from all of us in NQR Crew.
A tribute will be held 20.00 CET tonight at #Qradio, an hour filled with the tribute to a fellow quaker and friend, many songs that will be played was Aptivas favourites. So if you feel like supporting, then plz stop by at #Qradio and tune in at the radio channel.
R.I.P. Aptiva
// the NQR Crew
Welcome to Nations Quake Rank - Season 3 020902
Finally we can launch our new site! As you all know NQR3 had been delayed by a few weeks but now we're finally up and running.
This season will be a bit different from the previous in some matters, to those of you who aren't familiar to the changes we recommend that you read the rules. All clans who has signed up should have recieved an email with a password. Use this password to login and add all of your clan members as soon as possible. *Update* Clans will recive their passwords tomorrow Tuesday!
The clans have been placed in certain division due to reputation, former achievments and so on. There were a few clans we were not really sure of but we tried to put the teams in the most fair divisions. We had to expand to 3 divisions as we saw that 2 divisions would not just work. Note that these are the PRELIMINARY Division placements, so plz do not chop our heads off if you feel your clan has been placed in the wrong division. If you strongly disagree with the placement of your team plz notify an admin about this.
Finally, welcome to Nations Quake Rank - Season 3. We really hope we will have some great battles these coming months!
// the NQR Crew
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